Oil & Gas News

SLB has announced an agreement between its OneSubsea™ joint venture and Vår Energi to deliver a sizeable subsea production systems (SPS) work scope. This award leverages the existing strategic subsea partnership agreement between the two companies for standardized subsea equipment, supporting multiple upcoming oil and gas developments on the Norwegian Continental Shelf (NCS).

Halliburton has announced a contract award from Petrobras for integrated drilling services across several offshore fields in Brazil, the result of a competitive process. The contract scope includes drilling services for development and exploration wells over a three-year period.

Petrobras announces that, on behalf of the Tupi field consortium, the company has signed amendments to the Charter and Service Agreements for the FPSO Cidade de Angra dos Reis (located in the Tupi field) with Tupi Pilot MV 22 B.V. and Modec Serviços de Petróleo do Brasil Ltda., extending the charter period of the unit by an additional five years, until 2030.

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