Oil & Gas News

DORIS has been selected by BHP Petroleum (via its subsidiary BHP Billiton Petróleo Operaciones de Mexico, S. De R. L. De C.V.) to continue into the next phase of Trion’s engineering work, FEED (Front End Engineering and Design), for the SURF (Subsea Umbilicals Risers and Flowlines) scope of work.

FutureOn, a global software company specializing in the energy sector and creator of the award-winning, SaaS field design applications, FieldAP, and its APIcentric collaboration platform, FieldTwin, has appointed Dynamic Cloud as its representative in Saudi Arabia and Andreas Gaarder as Vice President of EMEA. 

Saipem has received from Qatargas a Letter of Award for a new contract worth over 1 billion USD and related to the North Field Production Sustainability Pipelines Project located offshore and onshore the North-East coast of the Qatar peninsula. 

The Gas Exporting Countries Forum (GECF), the global platform of the leading gas producing nations, will be hosting the 50th lecture of its signature GECF Gas Lecture Series on Wednesday, 17 March 2021 at 1:00 p.m. Doha time.

Siemens Energy was awarded a topside EPC contract by MISC Berhad for eight complete topside modules that will provide sustainable, efficient, and environmentally friendly power generation, transmission, and distribution, as well as gas processing and compression aboard an FPSO that will operate offshore South America starting in 2024.

All three of Equinor’s projects to deliver deep cuts in emissions from industries and support clean growth on the UK’s east coast have received public funding from UK authorities. With a combination of private and public funding, Equinor and its partners will now progress these projects in order to create the world’s first net zero industrial cluster by 2040.

Guyana has started the year with an exploration disappointment as a partner in the ExxonMobil-operated Canje block last week revealed that the first wildcat in the license failed to deliver. However, Rystad Energy expects exploration activity in the country to rebound with an annual record of 16 wells, including on the Stabroek block, also operated by ExxonMobil.

Subsea, trenching and excavation pioneer, Rotech Subsea, has completed a major well-head and jacket reburial scope in the North Sea for a leading international offshore marine services player. Rotech Subsea mobilized its next generation TRS2 Controlled Flow Excavation (CFE) and Suspended Jet Trenching tool to complete the jacket template and well-head reburial in the Southern North Sea in Q3, 2020. The Rotech RSG grab tool also assisted in the recovery of a PLET structure in the UK Southern Basin.

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