Company Updates

Fugro has been awarded a contract by Ophir Equatorial Guinea (Block R) Limited for the provision of survey services for the development of large scale assets and infrastructure offshore Equatorial Guinea.

Under the contract Fugro will deploy three of its specialist vessels - Fugro Searcher, Fugro Scout and Fugro Frontier – to perform autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) surveys as well as geotechnical, environmental and metocean surveys.

5Fugro-Searcher-mf00081s1The 65-meter high spec. survey vessel, Fugro Searcher, is one of three specialist vessels deployed by Fugro on the contract at the Fortuna Project

The significant survey programme will take place at the Fortuna Project to the west of Bioko Island, where Ophir is planning a large FLNG installation and associated subsea structures. With the surveys beginning in November, the offshore operations are scheduled for completion in January 2016.

Conductor Installation Services Ltd (CIS), an Acteon company that provides hammer services to install conductors and drive piles, announced that it successfully completed its second subsea piling campaign for Technip in Norway.

CIS used its remotely operated Subsea Piling System, which makes it possible to drive piles as large as 36-inches in diameter, in water depths to 300 meters. In August, the piles were driven remotely to secure the subsea Boa Extension Manifold, which makes up an integral part of the Alvheim development, approximately 225 km west of Stavanger. The development, which transports oil to the UK Scottish Area Gas Evacuation System, is designed to increase oil recovery by enhancing current production rates via three new subsea well step-outs at East Kameleon, Kneler A and Boa.

5CIS-TechnipCIS - Technip Alvheim - back deck with manifold

Subsea piling installation completed in 7 hours
Once rigorous testing of all equipment was completed, the CIS team mobilized with piling and pile-lifting equipment to the Alvheim field. Working from the Skandi Arctic dive support vessel in maximum water depths of 130 meters, CIS successfully drove the four 30-inch manifold piles.

Although the seemingly impenetrable soil formation encountered at the Alvheim manifold site made the final five meters of each individual driving operation more difficult than a previous operation carried out on nearby Boyla field, the Subsea Piling System performed flawlessly. Each pile was successfully driven into the seabed to its respective target depth of 11.25 meters. The subsea operation was successfully completed in seven hours in half of the time originally planned. All four piles were driven with a 90kJ hydraulic hammer in just 160 minutes.

Reliable technology + proactive personnel = winning combination
For Technip, the Alvheim Boa campaign illustrated the effectiveness of the piling system, as well as the professionalism of CIS. “CIS delivered a well-maintained spread, and personnel who were very proactive during the run-up to the campaign and offshore,” said Mark Underhill, Project Manager for Technip Norge AS. “Based on the performance on Boa, I would have no reservation in recommending their services for future projects for Technip.”

“Our Subsea Piling System performed reliably, allowing us to drive the piles subsea very efficiently,” said Andy Penman, Group Managing Director of CIS. “We have now completed two successful subsea piling campaigns for Technip in just 14 months: one on Alvheim and another on Bøyla field last year. Looking ahead, we hope to be in a position to drive more subsea piles for Technip as our relationship continues to develop.”

Subsea Piling System
The subsea piling process is carried out by an experienced CIS engineer from a control unit and monitoring system located onboard a nearby vessel. A hydraulic hammer, connected via an electronic umbilical cable to the control system, is lowered into the water and placed directly over the subsea pile. Once it is accurately positioned, the pile will be driven into the seabed by the hammer until it reaches its target depth.

CIS, a member of Acteon’s Conductors, Risers and Flowlines group, provides conductor and pile installation services associated with construction projects carried out in the global oil and gas industry. These services are carried out both onshore and offshore to, for example, create foundations for new wells, platforms, bridges and jetties.

The range of services provided by CIS supports the Acteon Group’s commitment to defining subsea services across a range of interconnected disciplines.

4AtwoodAdvantageAtwood Oceanics, Inc. (NYSE: ATW) announces that one of its subsidiaries agreed to an extension and rate adjustment to its existing contract with Noble Energy, Inc. for the ultra-deepwater rig, the Atwood Advantage, effective November 9, 2015. The agreement is to extend the contract for the purposes of a plugging and abandoning four well program in the Gulf of Mexico that has an estimated duration of one hundred and twenty (120) days during the contract term and is anticipated to occur in 2016. This extension adjusts the operating day rate to approximately $240,000 per day only during the four plug and abandon wells and makes the new contract expiry date approximately August 2017.

Atwood Oceanics, Inc. also announces that one of its subsidiaries has received a letter confirming that it has been chosen to enter exclusive negotiations with an undisclosed operator to conclude agreement on a drilling program offshore Brazil commencing in the third quarter of 2017. The letter specifies that either the Atwood Admiral or Atwood Archer, ultra-deepwater drillships currently under construction at the Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Co., Ltd yard in South Korea, would be contracted to drill the program. The letter specifies a number of contractual items that have been agreed by the parties, including the commercial rates, well count, minimum term length, and rig acceptance criteria.

17LQTLQT Industries, a full-service provider of high quality accommodation facilities, design -build construction services, and support services to the oil and gas industry, has been awarded multiple construction contracts including the fabrication and outfitting of steel modular buildings fo r an LNG facility in Southwest Louisiana.

The buildings consist of operator control and deluge buildings that house and protect specialty equipment. Each building will be fire and blast rated to the customer’s specifications. The project is scheduled to be completed by the end of the first quarter 2016.

LQT has also been awarded the fabrication and outfitting of an aluminum MCC building for a major oil and gas company. The aluminum MCC will be located on a n offshore platform in Trinidad. Also, LQT was awarded contracts from two (2) customers to build specialized equipment for offshore Gulf of Mexico operations.

The fabrication and outfitting will be completed at LQT’s construction facility in Abbeville, LA, which specializes in designing and fabricating various types of modular structures including MCC buildings, blast rated buildings, and accommodation buildings. LQT is currently expanding its fabrication facility to increase their capabilities in the ar ea of specialized building construction for the energy sector. This is the second expansi on in Abbeville, LA since 2014.

Leading UK engineering solutions provider Costain has been instrumental in helping Ithaca Energy save several millions of pounds, thanks to its sound management of subsea contracts in the operator’s Greater Stella Area (GSA) Development in the central North Sea.

Costain has been working on the project, which is driven by the recovery of approximately 60 million barrels of oil equivalent of proven and probable reserves for the GSA co-venturers, since 2010 and will be supporting the project to first oil, which is anticipated in mid-2016.

Costain’s involvement started at the concept selection phase, continuing through the definition phase, developing project budgets and assisting in placement of the major contracts.

The Company then project-managed the subsea facilities, including the design, procurement, fabrication and installation of all of the subsea equipment, as well as the installation of the Floating Production Facilty-1 (FPF) moorings and assisting with the forthcoming tow-out and hook-up.

6Costain-Peter-KirkbridePeter Kirkbride, project sponsor at Costain

Peter Kirkbride, project sponsor at Costain, said: “Being involved in this project through the select, define and execute phases is a great achievement for the team. Together with Ithaca Energy and our contracted partners, we are proving the value of North Sea development activity and, by setting and working to realistic budgets, have saved our client millions of pounds in the process.

“Soundly delivered cost saving solutions are more pertinent now than ever, and we look forward to continuing to help achieve these savings for those operating within a new oil price environment in the North Sea.”

Mike Travis, Greater Stella Area Asset Manager of Ithaca, said: “Ithaca asks for safe and efficient execution of the work, and with Costain Upsteam, that’s exactly what we get – as well as technical excellence, creativity and professionalism. The continuity benefits of a long term relationship have also been very apparent and Costain will continue to work with us on the developments plans for the satellite developments around the Stella hub.”

Costain’s capabilities extend across design and consultancy, project management, delivery and operations and maintenance in the energy sector. The Company's philosophy is to provide innovative and commercially attractive solutions to many of the challenges faced across a range of sectors.

16DynamiccontsructionCapabilities-B-fullDynamic Industries, Inc., a leading fabrication and service provider to the global Oil, Gas and Energy industries, announced that its specialty craft division, Dynamic Construction Services (DCS), has been awarded a key contract to provide fabrication, offshore construction and scaffolding services as part of a program to upgrade existing drilling rigs in the Gulf of Mexico.

Matt Oubre, DCS President, said; “Dynamic greatly appreciates this award, the opportunity to be a part of this important program, and the opportunity to extend its service’s with this key international client.

About Dynamic Construction Services

Dynamic Construction Services (DCS) is a full service Construction Division of Dynamic Industries, Inc. - providing light fabrication, site construction and maintenance, and specialty craft services for offshore and onshore projects. DCS provides a broad variety of complementary services either stand alone or bundled into a turnkey offering, such as structural, piping, electrical & instrumentation, automation, fire & safety, blasting & coating, insulation, scaffolding, and project staffing services.

About Dynamic Industries, Inc.

Dynamic Industries, Inc. was founded in 1985 as an offshore services company, specializing in interconnecting pipe fabrication, associated pipe installation, and commissioning & offshore maintenance services. Through a change of ownership in 1998 Dynamic quickly grew to become one of the premier hook up & commissioning contractors in the Gulf of Mexico. Today Dynamic has expanded its services and footprint globally and now operates in West Africa, Mexico, Caribbean, South America and the Middle East.

About Dynamic Energy Services International, LLC

Dynamic Energy Services International Company (DYNESI) Headquartered in New Orleans, LA, DYNESI; through its four major business units, provides fully integrated EPCIM services globally to the upstream and downstream markets.

6DNVGLFiberRopesThe results of two DNV GL led joint industry projects (JIPs) and a JIP pre-study commissioned by Statoil are now captured in a new Recommended Practice on offshore fiber ropes. With a system perspective on mooring performance, DNVGL-RP-E305 provides new industry guidance for achieving cost reductions of overall mooring operations, by addressing the engineering, manufacture, and integration of offshore fiber ropes.

The offshore oil and gas industry uses synthetic fiber ropes across various mission-critical activities where performance and reliability are key concerns. These include mooring systems, lifting slings, and deepwater deployment and recovery systems for subsea infrastructure.

“Fiber ropes are increasingly used for offshore operations due to their high performance for a very low weight and because they can be easily customized. Their functionality is critical to ensuring successful offshore operations,” said Vidar Åhjem, principal engineer, DNV GL - Oil & Gas. “Performance-based selection of the mooring lines, lifting lines, slings and tethers, renders these offshore systems highly cost effective.”

Lifting lines are used for the installation of subsea infrastructure, where the offshore fiber rope performs as an integral part of a lifting appliance and where no function can be seen in isolation. The integrated system behavior is also very important in offshore mooring.

The RP is intended to serve owners, system integrators, rope manufacturers, manufacturers of load-bearing synthetic yarns and coating, and termination hardware products. It provides recommendations for fulfilling the requirements in the Standard DNVGL-OS-E303. It emphasizes the following key aspects:

• Offshore Fiber Rope should be analyzed on the basis of amount of load-bearing material in the cross section, and the characteristics of the material used

• The tension versus stretch behavior of synthetic rope, which is fundamentally different to that of steel wire rope

• The strength and endurance of synthetic rope, which is fundamentally different to the strength and endurance of steel-wire rope on the basis that mechanisms are different

“The technical advice provided to the offshore mooring industry in this RP help assure that the design, fabrication and installation of cost-efficient, tailor-made fiber rope based mooring systems will meet the functional requirements,” added Espen Cramer, global service area leader for technical advisory, DNV GL - Oil & Gas. “DNVGL-RP-E305 will be part of more than 170 recognized industry standards and recommended practices that are openly accessible for the industry from our home page, ensuring cost-efficient, reliable and safe solutions.”

18Claxton LogoClaxton Engineering Services Ltd, an Acteon company, is celebrating its 30th anniversary of successful operations in offshore and subsea engineering. The company has grown extensively since it began in the UK in 1985 and now employs approximately 150 people in offices across Europe, Asia and the Middle East.

In October, Claxton’s managing director, Laura Claxton, was nominated and shortlisted for the prestigious Businesswoman of the Year award at the 33rd Vitalise Women of the Year Luncheon & Awards. This was in recognition of her role in supporting Claxton’s successful growth in the UK and internationally; the company’s annual turnover almost quadrupled between 2006 and 2014.

Laura Claxton said, “I am very proud of what Claxton has achieved over the last 30 years. We are now a genuinely international business, having worked in 35 different countries across six continents. Our staff has 1000 years of combined industry experience between them. Our ethos of strong service and delivery and a commitment to our customers has enabled us to provide engineering and services that match and often exceed those of much larger competitors.”

Dannie Claxton, technical director, Claxton, added, “The oil and gas market has changed significantly over the last 30 years and Claxton’s customer requirements have changed with it. More so than ever, operators are under pressure to deliver projects safely, quickly and efficiently. Claxton continually adapts its offshore engineering and support services, and uses its extensive in-house capabilities and experience to deliver value for its clients through the development of new technologies to tight schedules or using smarter methodologies.”

Claxton has designed and supplied more than 3000 custom-built solutions to customers; installed more than 5,000 conductor guide centralisers; built up a rental pool of more than 4000 items; completed more than 280 decommissioning projects; and produced and run 1,460 m (1,129 t) of high-pressure, subsea drilling risers.

Claxton has also achieved several industry firsts. In 2009, Claxton supplied the world’s first 12,200-psi, high-pressure, high-temperature riser technology. The company also pioneered the positive-grip tension ring and designed and built the largest tensioning system in the world at 1000 t. Claxton also performed the first rigless well abandonment in the North Sea in the Leman field for Perenco and, in 2014, completed the first rigless removal of a stuck bottomhole assembly during slot recovery.

Laura Claxton concluded, “By continually striving to respond and adapt to customers’ needs, we have built an enviable reputation and a robust suite of products and services that we are truly proud of. Across our entire product range, from a pre-drilling template, to a complete riser system, to decommissioning and extending the life of assets, you will find innovation drawn from our team’s passion for solving operating challenges. We look forward to rising to the challenges that lie ahead over the next 30 years.”

Claxton has created an infographic of 30 company facts to mark its 30th birthday.

MacArtney has accepted responsibility for the in-field sales and after-sales support of Focal products in the commercial marine markets of the north-west region of North America via its office located in Victoria, BC in Canada.

Moog Focal Technologies Corporation and the MacArtney Group have agreed to intensify their multi-service partnership aiming at expanding their long-term business cooperation in favor of their extensive customer portfolio.

19MacArtney-FocalTrained MacArtney Inc.technicians servicing a Focal slip ring

Representing a wealth of marine experience and knowledge and having many years of experience attending to Focal products, the MacArtney Group considers the strengthening of their Focal business relations quite essential. An increase in global sales and servicing capacities fortifies the foundation for a strong business alliance between the two companies.

Local sales and service support across North America
MacArtney Inc., a member of the international MacArtney Underwater Technology Group, was founded in 1995 and is headquartered in Houston, Texas. Today, MacArtney Inc. operates a number of separate sales offices in strategic locations across North America offering an extensive product portfolio focusing on system solutions, after-sales service and maintenance to the offshore oil & gas, ocean science, marine renewables and navy and defense markets.
Products & services
Apart from a broad range of underwater technology products, MacArtney Inc. is specialized in local service and global support providing repair, maintenance and service of slip rings, sonars, TV systems and fiber optics, providing a 24 hour service. A large stock of standard SubConn® connectors for immediate delivery is also available.

18Paul DanosPaul Danos, executive vice president of Danos, has been chosen to serve on the board of directors for the National Ocean Industries Association (NOIA). The appointment was announced at NOIA’s annual meeting in Washington, D.C.

Paul Danos is experienced in a variety of industry segments, having previously worked in operations, disaster response and recovery, and offshore construction and fabrication for the company. He also served as a senior consultant for Plains All American and Arthur Andersen (Protiviti Consulting). As executive vice president, Paul leads the company’s strategic planning, business development, and sales and marketing efforts.

“NOIA plays an important role in ensuring that America has access to the safe development of offshore energy, said Danos. “It is an honor for me to join NOIA as a board member and to help further this mission.”

NOIA is a national trade association representing all segments of the offshore industry with an interest in the exploration and production of both traditional and renewable energy resources on the nation’s outer continental shelf.

15RH-Marine-Group-Launch Image-21Radio Holland, part of RHMG, will keep its name

RH Marine Group, formerly known as Imtech Marine was introduced at the Europort exhibition in Rotterdam on November 5th.

Following the recent acquisition by Parcom Capital and Pon Holdings, Imtech Marine will now be known as RH Marine Group. RH Marine Group is built on the strong roots of the founding companies, Radio Holland and van Rietschoten & Houwens.

The two major ‘pillars’ for service and newbuild activities within Imtech Marine are also involved in the new naming structure. Radio Holland will keep its name but will have a fresh new logo. Radio Holland is the renowned global NavCom, Connectivity, On Board ICT service and maintenance brand and connects its customers to an unrivalled network of offices and support locations along the global shipping routes. It delivers unique technical service expertise that helps customers run smarter, more profitable businesses. Additionally, the Radio Holland management team has announced a strategy to strengthen the company’s offer in On Board ICT. Building on its experience of successful design and implementation of integral on-board networks, Radio Holland will provide customers with customised solutions that seamlessly align with their ICT and connectivity needs.

The newbuild pillar or former ‘Imtech Marine & Offshore’ is relaunched under the name RH Marine. RH Marine is the leading system integrator and full-service provider of state of-the-art technology to support the core processes of complex ships, with innovative solutions in Electrical, Automation systems and HVAC. As a Maritime System Integrator, RH Marine is active in a number of dedicated markets including: navy, megayachts, special vessels & ferries and cruise ships (via the specialized HVAC company Schiffbau-/Dockbautechnik in Hamburg). Its innovation focus is directed towards hybrid power solutions, future proof ship automation and performance management.

René ten Brinke, CEO of RH Marine Group comments: “The rich heritage of the founding companies, Van Rietschoten & Houwens, dating back to 1860, and Radio Holland dating back to 1916, played a key role in the new naming. With both companies’ initials being RH, it made sense for us to integrate those letters into the new naming and implement a new, sharp and colourful branding for RH Marine Group, Radio Holland and RH Marine.

Our fleet of brands including Radio Holland, RH Marine, Van Berge Henegouwen, Venteville, Techsol Marine, Elkon, Schiffbau-/Dockbautechnik and Tess will all keep individual names and branding styles and focus on their key specialisms, technology expertise and target markets to deliver customised, flexible solutions which closely align with customers’ requirements. In a sense, this is a new start and we’re looking forward to the future.”

Symbolic to the heritage of the company, RH Marine Group showcases the ‘Flyer’ at its booth at Europort. The Flyer is the famous sailing yacht with which Conny van Rietschoten won the Whitbread race around the world in 1978, now known as the Volvo Ocean Race. Delegates attending Europort can visit the Flyer on request.

Global marine technology company, Kongsberg Maritime has appointed a new business manager for the Offshore Production division of its Kongsberg Maritime Ltd base in Aberdeen.

David Wilson has over 27 years’ experience in the marine engineering industry, the vast majority of which has been spent with Kongsberg Maritime. He has played an integral role within a number of teams, holding key positions within technical sales and business development, covering Offshore Support, Offshore Survey and Construction, Merchant Shipping, Marine Research and Naval markets.

19Kongsberg-David-WilsonDavid Wilson, newly appointment business manager of Offshore Production, Kongsberg Maritime Ltd

Since 2012, David has held the position of general manager, Kongsberg Maritime Middle East DMCCO (Dubai) and returns to Aberdeen to manage the company’s Offshore Production division, focusing on its integrated control and safety systems (ICSS), which allow operators to control complex production facilities, using Kongsberg’s unique “The Full Picture” philosophy.

Commenting on David’s appointment, Frank McLean, general manager of Kongsberg Maritime Ltd’s Aberdeen base said: “David brings a wealth of experience to our Offshore Production division, having an impressive track record of sales and business development across the company.

“This is a period of challenge for the offshore industry, and there is no doubt that David has the capacity to strengthen Kongsberg’s offering of attractive full-scale integrated asset management solutions and services to our customers.”

Commenting on his appointment, Mr Wilson said: “My focus in the Middle East was customer support, and this will be valuable on my return to lead the Offshore Production team in Aberdeen. Kongsberg Maritime currently has topside automation on several oil and gas production units in the UK sector, and recent major contract wins with Statoil (Mariner) and BWO (Catcher) demonstrate clear market recognition of our strengthening capabilities.

“I look forward to working with our customers to continue to offer the very best solutions, products and services.”

20MacgregorMacGregor, part of Cargotec, creates a new division 'Advanced Offshore Solutions' by merging its two Norway-based divisions and combining the strengths in offshore mooring, loading and load handling businesses. With the new joint division MacGregor aims to gain synergies and improve the operations as well as customer service. Høye G. Høyesen has been appointed to lead the new Advanced Offshore Solutions division, which will become operative on 1 January 2016.

MacGregor continues to develop its offshore operations based on its strengths in engineering and strong commitment to customer service. MacGregor customers will benefit from the stronger team of totally over 450 dedicated new building and service professionals in Arendal and Kristiansand in Norway. The new division will offer technologically advanced solutions, develop new products and is agile to serve our world-wide customers throughout the lifecycle.

Høye G. Høyesen joined MacGregor earlier this year from APL Norway/NOV, where he held several key positions, the latest one being Vice President, Business Development. "I am confident that with his long and valuable industry experience he will lead the merger successfully and develop the operations for the benefit of our customers," says Michel van Roozendaal, President, MacGregor.

19SongaOffshoreAs previously announced on July 15, 2015, Songa Offshore received notices of arbitration from DSME in respect of the construction contracts for the Cat D rigs.

On November 16, 2015, Songa Offshore received claim submissions from DSME related to Songa Equinox, the first Cat D rig, in which DSME asserts a claim of USD 179 million, along with a request for repayment of liquidated damages in a total amount of USD 22 million. The claim that is asserted relates to alleged cost overruns and additional work in relation to Songa Equinox rig due to what DSME alleges were inherent errors and omissions in the design documents (as often referred to as the FEED package).

Songa Offshore has performed an initial review of the claim and does not consider that there is any substance to the claims asserted by DSME. The Company is confident of its position, since it is of the view that DSME is responsible for the delays and any attempt to recover cost overruns is of no merit due to the "turn-key" nature of the construction contract. Songa Offshore has obtained legal opinions from highly reputable law firms in the UK and Norway and from a Queen's Counsel all of which confirm the Company's position.

Further details will be provided as and when appropriate.

16TendekalogoTendeka, the provider of completions systems and services to the upstream oil and gas industry, has signed a two-year agreement with SapuraKencana Energy Peninsula Malaysia Inc. (SKE) for the exclusive application of Tendeka’s market-leading FloSure™ Autonomous Inflow Control Device (AICD) valves. The contract was awarded through Tendeka’s partner in Malaysia, Aemos.

The work will include modifying existing ICD screens to incorporate Tendeka’s AICD valves on the SKE-operated East Belumut oil field. The field is located approximately 160 miles offshore Peninsula Malaysia.

Early water or gas breakthrough can result in lost recovery, lost revenues and reduced well life. Tendeka’s AICD, part of the company’s fully integrated sandface completions solution, self-adjusts to choke back zones where unwanted water or gas breakthrough has occurred to promote oil production.

More than 10,000 FloSure™ AICD valves have been installed to date globally in light and heavy oil wells, ensuring uniform production longevity and increasing production rates by up to 50% in comparison to passive inflow control technology.

Gillian King, Tendeka’s Vice President of APAC, said: “We are delighted to have been awarded this contract, our first AICD technology in Malaysia. Detailed analysis of the field’s reservoir characteristics indicate it is a perfect application for our technology and the modelling shows significant productivity improvements. This will be the first deployment of AICD technology within SKE-operated assets. We look forward to working closely with SKE to install this innovative solution and to share the positive results with other clients within Malaysia”.

Tendeka has a proven record in the provision of completions and reservoir monitoring products, systems and services. Our robust solutions help operators overcome the technological challenges they are facing, as we work to continuously develop our offering to the oil and gas industry. Our focus is to improve returns and create value from our client’s wells by providing high quality completions and well services to significantly improve performance.

For more information on the products visit

20DanoslogoDanos is proud to announce that the company’s Amelia, La.-­‐based fabrication facility has achieved ISO 9001:2008 certification for its quality management system (QMS). Two of Danos’ other locations – the Larose fabrication shop and headquarters in Gray, La. – are already ISO 9001:2008 certified.

The ISO 9001:2008 standard is an important benchmark for quality based on recognized principles of superior quality control, including strong customer focus, motivation of top leaders, decision-­‐ making and commitment to continual improvement. Earning the certification requires an accredited third-­‐party auditing organization to thoroughly review a company’s internal QMS processes to ensure they are capable of consistently delivering a service that reliably meets customer needs and expectations. Danos is now fully certified by ABS-­‐QE for ISO 9001:2008 QMS for production workforce, fabrication, construction and coating services.

“We are proud of achieving ISO certification and what this means to our organization,” said Mark Danos, vice president of projects. “This helps us to continue to raise the standard that we have set to deliver high-­‐quality products to meet or exceed our customers’ needs.”

In addition, Danos’ fabrication shop in Amelia has received the American Society of Engineers (ASME) “U” and “R” stamp certifications for the fabrication and repair of boiler and pressure vessels. With the capacity to handle large-­‐scale fabrication projects, the Amelia yard includes 120,000 square feet of fabrication area, including 94,000 square feet under roof. Situated on Bayou Boeuf, the facility’s more than 18 feet of water depth makes load-­‐out easy for barges traveling to and from the Gulf of Mexico.

These industry certifications are evidence of Danos’ continuing commitment to providing the highest level of quality and customer service. The ISO 9001:2008 certification (created by the International Organization for Standardization) establishes Danos as a company that uses resources efficiently and has the right processes and people in place to consistently deliver on, and even exceed, customer expectations.

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