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10Tim SchweikertBlog author: Tim Schweikert

From the price of oil to environmental regulation, 2015 was a year of turmoil and uncertainty for the marine sector. Despite this, there were some common global trends that will define 2016.

The Environment

In December 2015, world leaders met at the COP21 conference to discuss climate change. The event’s outcome marks a decisive move towards a low carbon future focused on achieving the agreed-upon world target of 1.5 degree climate change ceiling. Indeed, despite being the most carbon-efficient form of commercial transport[1], the scale of global shipping means it emits around 1,000 million tons of CO2 annually, and is responsible for 2.2% of global greenhouse gas emissions. Therefore the industry has a strong role to play in meeting this target.

While no targets were specifically mentioned for the shipping industry during the COP21, the UN’s IMO[2] regulations have already established and imposed challenging regulation around emissions and fuel efficiency. Additionally, the EU introduced the MRV[3] framework in April 2015 which will require large vessels calling at EU ports to collect and publish annual data on CO2 emissions, starting from January 2018. With more scrutiny to come, the maritime industry will need to implement solutions that will help limit their emissions’ impact on the environment.

Fluctuating economic conditions

The overall decline in global shipping, timed with an increase in megaship deliveries, results in industry overcapacity. Consequently, ratings agency Fitch has revised its outlook for global shipping to negative for 2016, from stable in 2014, although long-term seaborne trade and fleet are both forecast to grow between 3% and 3.5% on average per annum to 2025[4].

The offshore industry remains particularly vulnerable. Rising costs, program delays, a large backlog ($390 billion) leading to oversupply, volatile oil prices and corruption scandals in the oil & gas industry in Brazil have created the perfect storm. Capital for building new offshore vessels is estimated to be $15 billion in 2015, down 75% from $68 billion in 2013[5]. We have seen exploration and extraction activities slow down and offshore owners and operators are under great pressure to meet cost challenges.

The volatile state of the industry and stricter environment regulations mean we need to change the way we operate. Companies must rely on innovation using new technologies to increase productivity and meet the new environmental regulations on existing vessels, as well as taking a fresh look at new possibilities to cost effectively produce new vessels.

Innovations driving cleaner marine environment

To meet the new demand driven by strict environmental regulations, GE Marine offers its Combined Gas turbine Electric and Steam (COGES) system for various commercial marine applications, including LNG carriers, cruise ships and container ships. The COGES system enhances conversion of energy available in the fuel to produce electricity and power for all ship needs, including propulsion. GE’s marine gas turbines can operate on various fuels including LNG boil-off gas or marine gas oil (MGO). No additional emissions reduction equipment is required to meet IMO Tier III or US EPA Tier 4 requirements.

Restrictions became even more stringent as of January 1, 2016 for diesel engines around the world. The United States Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Clean Air Act began enforcing “Tier 4”, for diesel engines built after January 1. For vessels governed by IMO’s MARPOL Annex VI, more stringent nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions requirements, known as IMO III, come into effect for vessels built after January 1, 2016 and operating in the designated environmental control areas (ECAs).

These regulations will impact both the environment as well as the engine manufacturers. Advanced engine technology is needed to make sure new ship engines meet the stricter emissions requirements, and cause as little impact to the vessel design and operations as possible.

GE Marine’s latest Tier 4 Engine meets the new EPA Tier 4 and IMO III emissions standards, reducing nitrogen oxide by more than 70 percent compared to EPA Tier 2 and IMO II emissions standards, while still maintaining world-class fuel efficiency and service intervals. Its in-engine solution is based on exhaust gas recirculation technology, reducing the formation of NOx at combustion, thus eliminating the need for a urea-based after-treatment system.

Because the engine does not need a urea-based selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) after-treatment system, it requires only about 25% of the engine room space versus other market solutions, reducing the need to make significant design changes on the vessel. This technology also eliminates the incremental operating expenses for urea use, catalyst replacements and maintenance on a SCR after treatment system.

Moving to a digital marine mind-set

With all eyes on operational expenditures in an uncertain market, technology will play a vital role in making marine operations as efficient and cost-effective as possible.

To meet this demand, more shipbuilders will build vessels with technology at the forefront of the design process, using advanced modelling software which analyses a vessel’s anticipated operational profile, and optimises the design from the offset.

Using digital tools, vessels will also become greener, more efficient, and increasingly productive. GE’s SeaStream* Insight, for example, provides operators with a holistic view of their ships, allowing them to spot anomalies and other data which lead to better operational decision making and therefore fuel efficiency.

With Predix* at its core, SeaStream Insight allows preventative maintenance to be carried out before a failure occurs, thanks to early warning signs made visible through data-driven analytics. This level of visibility allows operators to switch from a scheduled maintenance model, to a condition-based one, reducing downtime and offering significant cost-savings.

SeaStream Insight also particularly benefits the offshore industry, where vessels are operating in remote locations, as its remote monitoring capability allows engineers to assess issues from anywhere in the world, reducing third party cost, and help solve problems faster.

With belts being tightened across the industry, the cost-savings that digital technology can deliver can’t be ignored.

2016 – a year of opportunity

The year ahead presents an opportunity –increased environmental regulation paves the way for wider use of hybrid energy solutions, which are not only cleaner, but also offer significant leaps forward in efficiency. This is good news for operators across the marine industry, who will be looking to work as cost-effectively as possible in 2016. Operating in a leaner, greener manner is the future of the marine industry, and 2016 will be a defining year.

• Indicates a trademark of the General Electric Company and/or its subsidiaries.

Tim Schweikert has been appointed as the President & CEO of GE Marine since January of 2015. First joining GE in 1984 on the Manufacturing Development Program, Tim progressed through various roles and was made General Manager, Global Locomotive Operations for GE Transportation in December 2003, overseeing the launch of the Evolution Series locomotive and the acceleration of GE’s global locomotive business. In February of 2006, he was appointed President, GE China Transportation, leading one of GE’s fastest growing businesses in China and in November of 2007 Tim became President & CEO China Region GE Technology Infrastructure. In February 2012 Tim made the move to Johannesburg, South Africa as President & CEO GETS Sub-Sahara Africa and President and CEO of GE Southern Africa, leading GE’s efforts in contributing to the revitalization of Africa’s infrastructure. - See more here.

2CISConductor Installation Services Ltd (CIS), an Acteon company that provides hammer services to install conductors and drive piles, announced that it successfully completed its second conductor installation operation during the last 12 months for a leading North Sea oil and gas operator.

Work was carried out on a major gas development project in the Southern North Sea. CIS installed six 30-inch conductors on the project to form the foundations of six development wells. In addition, CIS supplied all conductor-running services, handling equipment, together with drive shoes that improve driveability by 40%.

Following completion of a comprehensive drive study, CIS crew worked with rig contractor Ensco and the operator to commence the driving operation. CIS worked from the jack-up rig Ensco 80, and used a 90 kJ hydraulic hammer to drive all six conductors to their target depth on the wellhead platform. Conductors were driven as deep as 401 feet from the rig floor to the conductor toe, reaching a depth of 158 feet below the mudline.

The installation campaign was completed on time, without delay or downtime. Once again, this operator saved time and money as a result of CIS’s efforts on their behalf.

Building on success

Earlier this year, CIS carried out a pile-driving campaign on the same development that was completed 17 hours ahead of schedule. As a result, the operator realized significant cost-savings in terms of reduced equipment rental fees, rig time and labor.

“We have worked on behalf of this operator in the North Sea many times,” said Andy Penman, Group Managing Director of CIS. “Once again, the driving operation went to plan. The investment in planning, detailed drive study, technology employed and experience of our installation team contributed a great deal. The positive relationships that we share with Ensco and the operator mean that we come with a winning attitude and commitment to achieving success on every job we undertake, and this operation was no exception.”

The range of services provided by CIS supports the Acteon Group’s commitment to defining subsea services across a range of interconnected disciplines.

16Crowley-McClellanCrowley Maritime Corporation announces that Kerri McClellan has been promoted to vice president and deputy general counsel for the corporation. McClellan, who is based in Jacksonville and reports to Senior Vice President and General Counsel Mike Roberts, joined Crowley approximately two years ago as senior corporate counsel and assistant corporate secretary and has excelled at corporate governance and transactional work among other legal areas.

“Kerri has been a tremendous partner in the legal department, and a key leader on important initiatives throughout the company,” said Roberts. “She is a first-rate transactional lawyer and is unafraid to take on any substantive assignment. From IT contracts to complex regulatory matters she always adds value.”

McClellan supervises two members of Crowley’s legal team, and serves as the legal representative on numerous important company projects, including a cyber-security task force, the new Crowley Cares Foundation, and many others. With extensive experience in corporate finance, mergers and acquisitions, corporate governance, and compliance, McClellan is responsible for a wide array of legal matters.

“She consistently brings innovative ideas and a valuable perspective to each project,” said Roberts. “She anticipates needs extremely well, and brings professionalism, great energy and good humor to all. She is a source of positive encouragement, support, and reinforcement to those around her who seek to model her best behaviors.”

Prior to joining Crowley, McClellan served as a transactional attorney, strategic advisor and compliance counsel to multinational corporations while at a large law firm. She also served as a transactions and tax controversy advisor at a large professional services firm where she specialized in mergers and acquisitions, transaction integration, and taxation. McClellan has a Bachelor of Arts degree with honors from the University of Florida, a Juris Doctor degree from Suffolk University Law School, and a Master of Laws in Taxation degree from Boston University School of Law. McClellan is a licensed attorney in Florida and Massachusetts.

Tellus is Robertson’s strategic new ventures tool, designed to help exploration geoscientists rapidly understand petroleum geology at regional, basin, and play scale. It is the industry’s definitive exploration database, incorporating a comprehensive tabular database of petroleum systems data, with play-fairway maps delivered in industry-standard ArcGIS® format. Tellus helps explorers to understand the key play variables, trends, extensions, or missed potential in a consistent and easy-to-digest format. Tellus is complemented by Frogi, an extensive geochemical database and interface containing rock, oil, gas, and seep analyses from across the globe.

8CGG-Tellus-Play fairwayExample play fairway map showing distribution of fields, reservoir, seal and source kitchens linked to the play. Tellus provides rapid evaluation of proven and potential play elements, concepts and risks for over 2400 plays in 430 basins worldwide.

The 2015 Release 2 update offers significant technical and scientific improvements driven by client feedback and leveraging expertise from across CGG GeoConsulting. The new release includes geological model updates to every major oil- and gas-producing region of the Tellus world, with particular focus on exploration hotspots and emerging markets.

A completely revised suite of over 250 paleogeographic maps is now available across all 32 regions of the Tellus world. These new maps represent the latest scientific thinking, and are based on Robertson’s industry-leading Plate Wizard™ deformable tectonic model and Merlin+ source and reservoir facies prediction project. For the very first time, Tellus paleogeographic maps are based on a huge database containing thousands of control points for every time-slice, and have been drafted in consultation with technical experts from across CGG GeoConsulting.

Another important add-on upgrade to the Tellus world is the availability of a newly completed North Sea region. The North Sea remains an active region for oil and gas players due to attractive fiscal conditions and well-developed infrastructure. The Tellus North Sea region focuses on areas of remaining exploration potential, including the East Shetland Platform, Norwegian–Danish Basin, Ringkobing Fyn-High and the Mid North Sea High, as well as documenting and mapping petroleum systems of the Northern North Sea, Moray Firth, Central Graben and Southern North Sea. Tellus: North Sea draws on 20 Robertson multi-client studies in the region, Robertson’s Target (unique play evaluation tool), Global Fields, and Frogi databases, as well as public domain data.

Mark Weber, Senior Vice President of CGG GeoConsulting, said: “Tellus and Frogi are proven tools in Robertson’s integrated portfolio of global and regional multi-client geological products, and Tellus is relied upon by Independents, NOCs and Supermajors operating across the globe for fast assimilation of geological information, or for a second opinion on the petroleum potential of a region, basin, or play. With the capabilities of both tools being regularly enhanced to meet client requirements and benefitting from the latest geological insights of our GeoConsulting experts, they play an essential role in the screening toolkits of New Ventures groups and explorationists to inform and shorten their decision-making process.”

13AkerSolutionslogoAker Solutions has notified employees in its maintenance, modifications and operations (MMO) unit across Norway of necessary steps to reposition the business and enhance competitiveness in a market with unprecedented challenges.

The company is streamlining the Norwegian MMO business to one regional unit from previously four, affecting management and staff from Tromsø to Stavanger.

Depending on future work levels, as many as 900 permanent positions may be impacted at facilities in Stavanger, Bergen, Kristiansund, Trondheim, Tromsø and Sandnessjøen as well as offshore. The workforce reductions will be made through regular employee turnover, reassignments to other parts of the company and redundancies.

A process to implement about half of the reductions will start immediately. Remaining adjustments will depend on work levels throughout the year. The company has previously reduced capacity in its Norwegian MMO business by about 1,300 permanent and temporary positions since July 2014 to adjust to a market slowdown.

"These measures are painful but necessary to strengthen the competitiveness and longer term potential of our Norwegian MMO business, which has suffered from a sharp drop in activity in Norway's offshore services market," said Luis Araujo, chief executive officer of Aker Solutions.

The more streamlined business will support leaner processes and bolster overall operations. It will build on the company's core strengths in the MMO area, particularly within more complex modifications projects.

"We see significant opportunities ahead in the Norwegian modifications segment, where our experience and know-how are second to none," said Per Harald Kongelf, head of Aker Solutions' Norwegian operations.

There has been a substantial downturn in investments in the Norwegian oil and gas market since 2014. Aker Solutions expects the MMO market in Norway to continue to be challenging in 2016. Work volumes will also be impacted as the company's long-term maintenance and modifications framework agreement with Statoil expires in the first half of this year.

As a result, the company's prefabrication workshop in Sandnessjøen will be temporarily shut down for about three years. MMO operations in Tromsø will also be terminated, though some employees in this strategically important northern location will likely be kept on as part of the company's Arctic Hub. These employees will join Aker Solutions' Engineering and Front End Spectrum teams.

"Market conditions are challenging, but I am confident that the steps we are taking now to streamline operations, reduce costs and focus on our key strengths will enhance our position in MMO, also internationally, where we have been winning business and expanding in countries including Canada, the UK and Brunei," said Araujo.

Aker Solutions has about 16,000 permanent employees in some 20 countries. About 5,000 employees are in the MMO area, of which approximately 3,600 are in Norway.

6WoodGroupNewLogoWood Group has been awarded a new contract by PetroRio to deliver services to the Polvo A platform, in the southern Campos basin, approximately 100 kilometers off the coast of Rio de Janeiro. Integrated operations and maintenance services will be provided by Wood Group PSN under the two year contract, which is effective immediately.

The contract builds on Wood Group’s experience supporting the Polvo field, which consists of a fixed production and drilling platform connected to a floating production, storage and offloading vessel (FPSO). Wood Group Kenny has held two contracts to provide integrity management support to the field, the most recent of which completed in early 2015.

Robin Watson, chief executive of Wood Group, said: “We look forward to beginning this new partnership with PetroRio, where our focus will be on working collaboratively to deliver safe, efficient and effective services.

“Our experience operating in Brazil, alongside our strong history of supporting offshore assets across their life cycle in the North Sea, positions us well and we are committed to leveraging our knowledge and expertise to optimize the productivity of the Polvo A platform.”

17BibbyHydromapRSRob Spillard (photo) brings over twenty-five years’ experience in the offshore survey industry and will take overall responsibility for the technical direction of the Wirral-based company. Having previously performed key roles at Fugro EMU, the Maritime and Coastguard Agency and the United Kingdom Hydrographic Office, Rob will play an intrinsic part in the continuing growth of the company.

As part of the company’s focus on efficiency, the newly created role has followed a restructuring of the senior management team, which included the appointment of Mick Slater to Operations Director earlier this year. Bibby HydroMap Managing Director Andrew McLeay comments: “We are very pleased to have Rob join us as a key member of the executive board. I am looking forward to working closely with him during what is a very challenging time for much of offshore industry but one which also throws up a series of exciting opportunities for Bibby HydroMap as we continue to develop our range of services.”

Rob comments: “I’m both excited and delighted to join the company. Bibby HydroMap’s focus on a quality product, together with their investment in new, state-of-the-art vessels and innovative technologies like the d’ROP survey platform were all aspects that made me keen to join the team. I am thrilled to be a part of the company and look forward to working with our customers in 2016”.

9Statoil-M-I SWACOM-I SWACO has developed a new technological solution and has now been awarded a contract with Statoil that is valued at around NOK 500 million, including options.

Statoil has not used this type of technology on supply vessels before but M-I SWACO has used the technology on its own vessels. This is the first time that the Schlumberger company M-I SWACO has commercialized the technology.

Avoids having to enter the tanks
The solution comprises an automatic system which means that personnel avoid having to enter the tanks in order to clean them. Wash water and soap are also recycled so that it is only the actual waste washed out of the tank that has to be delivered for further processing.

This is what the M-I SWACO tank cleaning module looks like.

"The solution increases the safety of our personnel as there is no need to enter the tanks and we reduce both time use and costs," says Jone Stangeland, vice president of logistics and emergency preparedness at Statoil.

The supply vessels transport chemicals in tanks below deck. When the tanks are emptied offshore they must be cleaned before being used for other assignments.

Less waste
Tank cleaning is often carried out with the vessels' own tank cleaning plant, although manual tank cleaning has also been necessary on some occasions.

Manual tank cleaning is carried out by emptying the tanks of residual volume before personnel enter them, erect scaffolding and rinse with water and chemical cleaning agents.

Manual tank cleaning normally generates a high volume of waste and a typical clean can involve 10–15 cubic meters per assignment.

"By cleaning the water in the same operation, the volume of waste is reduced significantly," says Stangeland.

The new system will fit onto a lorry, and once the system has replaced manual cleaning, vessels will spend much less unproductive time while docked in connection with tank cleaning.

Working with green logistics
Statoil is constantly searching for new areas that can reduce the environmental footprint the company generates. All the supply vessel newbuilds that have entered long-term contracts in the portfolio in the past two years have been modified to use shore power.

They will also be equipped with a marine generator that can be used instead of the main engine, when the vessel is docked.

"We have also specified strict requirements for NOx emissions and all new vessels are equipped with trip computers so that the crew can monitor fuel consumption, and adjust the speed and log fuel consumption more efficiently," says Stangeland.

16LQTlogoLQT Industries, LLC, a full-service provider of high quality accommodation facilities, design-build construction services, and support services to the oil and gas industry, has been awarded multiple contracts to provide Fire and Safety services for a drilling company located in Asia.

LQT’s Fire and Safety Division’s initial release of work includes refurbishment, upgrades, and installation of all fire and gas detection systems, foam suppression systems, and s safety equipment throughout a drilling rig. All systems will comply with SOLAS and ABS regulations.

“LQT continues to expand its international presence with projects currently ongoing in the Middle East and Malaysia.” said Lonny Gaspard, LQT’s Fire and Safety Division Manager. “This is a positive start to the new year for our group. We are excited to gain new customers in this market and very appreciative of the opportunity to provide continuing services and expertise to this customer.”

9SeadrillWith an emphasis on efficiency improvements, Seadrill has chosen to extend its leasing of the SafeEx tablet-based software module for Ex inspections and registration, for use on seven units. At the same time, three new ones have also been added.

To further optimise their already quite modern fleet, Seadrill initiated a working relationship in March 2013 with SafeEx, a Danish company, whose products include software for Ex inspections that streamline procedures, improve documentation and increase safety.

Since then, Seadrill has leased the SafeEx Software for a total of 14 drilling rigs, including the seven for which the licenses were expiring and which have been renewed now for either one or three years. In addition, three new agreements were signed.

Ex inspections using the SafeEx Software are performed for Seadrill by third-party inspection firms, such as K2 Velosi for example. Previously, these inspections were conducted using pen and paper, but with the software solution from SafeEx they are now performed using a tablet containing General Arrangement (G.A.) Drawings and checklists for the unit concerned.

G.A. Drawings are interactive maps of the area concerned on the unit, where pointers show the equipment's exact position. Inspections of each individual piece of equipment are initiated by using the tablet to scan an RFID tag affixed to the equipment. This loads the related checklists, and data is registered directly. At the same time, it is possible to reposition equipment or register new equipment in the map.

"The G.A. Drawings provide extremely useful functionality. They are more efficient, simple to use and save time in comparison to the paper system previously used", says Oliver Donahue, Lead Inspector & Electrical Supervisor for K2 Velosi.

Inspectors can also take pictures with the tablet, for example of defects or non-conformities, and register them. In addition, the SafeEx Software features the significant benefit that all information is made available to onshore management instantaneously once the inspection has been performed.

According to K2 Velosi, this has both optimised the work procedures as well as improved documentation and safety, with further optimisation being expected for maintenance in future due to the system now having been implemented and become a natural part of the procedures.

"The SafeEx Software is a big improvement from the old system", emphasises Oliver Donahue.

The SafeEx Software is DNV approved and in addition to Seadrill is also used by companies such as Statoil, Petronas, TRESE/PEMEX, DONG Energy, Noble Drilling and BW Offshore.

1VikingWith recent type approval of an 81-meter-high evacuation system, VIKING has answered the needs of offshore fixed and jack-up rigs to handle extreme heights.

Leading maritime safety equipment and servicing manufacturer VIKING Life-Saving Equipment A/S has received type approval from Lloyd’s Register for its new offshore evacuation chute system, certified to operate at an unprecedented evacuation height of 81 meters to sea level.

“The system’s certified evacuation capacity is 146 people in just 10 minutes, comfortably beating the threshold required by maritime authorities, even from such an extreme height,” says Kristian Ellertsen, Norway-based Offshore Technical Manager for the company.

Higher demands
With rig sizes increasing, and evacuation heights exceeding what is possible with enclosed davits and lifeboats, chute-based evacuation solutions have become increasingly important. Designing and building them, however, demands significant know-how and experience.

In 2013, Noble Corporation plc, one of the world’s the largest offshore drilling contractors, was in the early planning stage of its CJ70 jack-up rig for delivery in 2016. The company required an evacuation system that could cope with the rig’s unprecedented height, but the previous record for such a system, held by VIKING, was ‘only’ 64 meters.

Tall order
“Developing something of this height was not easy,” says Kristian Ellertsen and continues: ”In fact, just finding an offshore structure of the right height for testing was difficult. But VIKING has more than 35 years of experience with mass evacuation systems, so even though we were facing a demanding schedule, developing, testing and manufacturing a never-before-seen system in record time, we were confident the effort would succeed. And, in any case, we always enjoy a challenge.”
Leading the field
The new 81-meter system reasserts VIKING’s lead in the field of evacuation systems. Already, two systems have been installed on the Noble Lloyd Noble jack-up rig due to be completed during 2016 at the Jurong shipyard in Singapore and destined to operate in the Norwegian sector of the North Sea.

13subsea7logoSubsea 7 S.A. (Oslo Børs: SUBC, ADR: SUBCY) announces the award of a sizeable(1) contract by Burullus Gas Company S.A.E. for the platform extension and tie-in on the first phase of the West Nile Delta development of the Taurus and Libra fields by BP, offshore Egypt.

Engineering and project management work will commence immediately and will be undertaken at Subsea 7's Cairo office and Subsea 7's Global Projects Centre in London. Fabrication of the deck extension and spools will be carried out at the Petrojet Maadia yard near Alexandria. Offshore work is scheduled to commence in the second half of 2016 using Subsea 7's Rockwater 2 as the main hook-up and accommodation vessel with Seven Borealis performing the offshore lift of the platform extension and the heavy construction vessel, Seven Arctic, installing the umbilical.

Oeyvind Mikaelsen, Executive Vice President Southern Hemisphere and Global Projects said: "This contract recognizes the value we bring to our clients through early engagement to engineer, design and deliver cost-effective solutions for complex field developments. We look forward to expanding our presence in Egypt and building a long, successful and collaborative relationship with Burullus."

(1) Subsea 7 defines a sizeable contract as being between USD 50 million and USD 150 million.

News Release - 13 January 2016

17TWMAGlobal integrated drilling waste management and environmental services firm, TWMA, has been shortlisted in the Export Achievement category at this year’s Offshore Achievement Awards.

The shortlisting recognises the company’s business growth resulting from successful export activity in the oil and gas and energy sector.

TWMA has adopted a proactive approach to export markets, focusing on its fully integrated service offering and international expansion throughout Europe, Africa and the Middle East.

Rob O’Neill, Director of Business Development at TWMA, said: “We are delighted to be nominated for this prestigious industry award, which is testament to the hard work and dedication of our whole team. Successful export activity is vital for the company and for achieving long term sustainable growth, in addition to continued international expansion which is a key element of our business strategy.”

The company is also once again sponsoring the Environmental Innovation award at this year’s awards, after winning this award in 2014 in recognition of its unique TCC RotoMill® and TCC RotoTruck® products.

Now it its 30th year, the Offshore Achievement Awards is the largest and longest established industry awards for the UK offshore energy sector. Winners will be announced at a prestigious awards ceremony on Thursday 17 March, at the Aberdeen Exhibition and Conference Centre.

For more information on TWMA and its services, click here.

Aquatic Engineering & Construction Ltd, an Acteon company, has marked 1 million working hours without a single Lost Time Incident (LTI). This milestone follows on from Aquatic’s achievement of 1000 days without an LTI in December 2014.

14Aquatics-offshore-team-using-harnesses-and-ladders-to-assemble-modular-reel-drive-systemAquatic's offshore team using harnesses and ladders to assemble modular reel drive system

The improvement level in FPAL scoring since 2013 and successful accreditation to BizSafe3 in Singapore demonstrate that Aquatic is continually improving standards and providing training opportunities across HSEQ.

David Tibbetts, vice president technology, Aquatic, and accountable for the health, safety, environment and quality (HSEQ) function, said, “This achievement is due to the commitment of the Aquatic team to maintain the culture of safety promoted globally by Acteon. Our staff training focuses on our obligation to the safety of all those who work with us, and for us. With the support of Acteon, Aquatic is focused on continually improving standards, strengthening its culture of safety and remaining firmly committed to HSEQ leadership in the offshore industry.”

6-1LloydsRegWith this new global framework agreement in place, Norwegian oil services company Aker Solutions can further improve efficiency and uphold their position as forerunner in advanced technologies for the offshore oil and gas industry.

Commenting on the achievement, Lead Group Category Manager, Gaute Fardal from Aker Solutions, said: “We are pleased to have Lloyd’s Register on board as a new Group Frame Agreement supplier to Aker Solutions. Our expectations to the agreement are highly competitive priced services and further enhanced efficiency in our processes and product solutions.”

The contract gives Aker Solutions access to all relevant services from the Lloyd’s Register Group, including inspection, compliance, certification and advisory/consulting services in areas like risk management/HSEQ, engineering dynamics, asset integrity, drilling, wells and reservoirs.

6-2LR-AkerInge Alme, Sales Director at Lloyd’s Register said: “Aker Solutions’ efforts in efficiency stewardship are testament to their commercial and environmental commitment. They are demonstrating yet again that their efficiency programs are designed and implemented with high accuracy, completeness and transparency.”

The project builds on Lloyd’s Register’s solid track record of enabling the oil and gas industry to improve efficiency and performance while reducing environmental impact.

The first call off from the contract is already in place: a global project for international quality management system standard ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 (environmental) certification of Aker Solution’s Subsea division. The project will be carried out by LRQA – a division of the Lloyd’s Register Group and a world leading professional assurance services organization specializing in management systems compliance and expert advice across a broad spectrum of standards, schemes and customized assurance programs.

“Of special interest is our process for technology qualifications,” said Alme. “This is an important area for a company like Aker Solutions, where new innovations in areas like subsea processing can be critical for tomorrow’s leading oil and gas operators.”

The Technology Qualification offered by Lloyd’s Register provides a route for companies to provide evidence that their equipment will function within specified operational limits and with an acceptable level of confidence. It gives a step-by-step approach on how to develop and operate new technologies in a safe, reliable and environmentally friendly manner.

“Our approach supports a better way to manage costs and the associated risks of bringing new technology to market,” said Alme.

The framework agreement is valid for 3 years with options for extension for a further 2 years.

15-1AkerSolutionslogoThe companies will through a joint work group identify opportunities where they can create value for customers by combining Aker Solutions' capabilities in subsea products and technologies with Saipem's assets and expertise in engineering, procurement, construction and installation of subsea infrastructures.

15-2saipem-logo"We will team up with Saipem on targeted projects, providing integrated solutions that will enable our clients to make the most of their upstream investments, reduce development time and lower operating costs," said Luis Araujo, chief executive officer at Aker Solutions.

The companies will engage with clients from the initial concept and design phase to promote total system engineering, providing the best solutions for construction, operations and maintenance. The collaboration will develop and manage all interfaces between subsea production systems and subsea umbilical, riser and flowline systems (SURF) as well as provide services over the lifetime of a field.

"Thanks to our cooperation with Aker Solutions our clients will have access to a wealth of complementary capabilities and resources from the earliest phases of the projects," said Saipem Chief Executive Officer Stefano Cao. "This joint effort will support efficient subsea development."

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