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 NorSea Group, Norway’s leading supplier of base services and integrated logistics systems to the oil and gas industry, has appointed Kim Christensen as its first UK General Manager to lead the group’s future developments in Scotland.

 He will head up NorSea Group (UK) Ltd, a new company within the Group, which has been established to reinforce the Group’s commitment to enhance its business activity in the UK. KIM-CHRISTENSEN-NORSEAGROUP007To support this, NorSea Group will open its first UK office in Aberdeen.

 The move follows NorSea Group’s recent announcements that it had signed an agreement with the Scrabster Harbour Trust in Caithness and formed a strategic working partnership with local logistics firm Hugh Simpson (Contractors) Ltd to develop Scotland’s most northerly mainland port as a one-stop supply base servicing the oil and gas industry.

 Mr Christensen’s initial focus will be to build on the existing Scrabster relationships and to move proposals forward to establish a base which will particularly benefit offshore operators and developments in the northern North Sea andEast/West of Shetland. He will do this through working closely with the local community to maximise benefits for the area.

 Alongside that, he will be responsible for identifying new business opportunities in the UKCS with an emphasis on North-East Scotland right up the coast to Orkney and Shetland.

 “NorSea Group (UK) Ltd anticipates expanding operations in Scotland by establishing a presence in additional strategic ports within the next two years.Many of the Norwegian companies we work with already have existing relationships with companies operating in the UK North Sea sector so there is already a good fit there,” says Knut Magne Johannessen, director of international and project operations in NorSea Group.


Offshore Installation Services Ltd (OIS), an Acteon company, has launched a new service designed to help operators fulfill their suspended well decommissioning OIS-well-abandonment-UK-North-Seaplans. Wellintel is a well data collection and review service that gathers and prepares the information operators require before they start a decommissioning program. OIS engineers with extensive well abandonment knowledge and detailed understanding of the entire decommissioning process will deliver the service.

Operators having an up-to-date well inventory and regulatory documentation ready for submission to DECC and the HSE can take advantage of commercially efficient opportunities such as multi-client abandonment campaigns that may arise at short notice.

Decommissioning offshore assets is a key challenge for the UK’s offshore oil and gas industry. The UK government’s Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) is prompting operators with assets that require permanent abandonment to expedite the process.

For many operators, the main obstacles are lack of time or limited in-house resources to deal with the critical tasks required to prepare for decommissioning. The Wellintel team will help by collating well-specific data, such as end-of-well reports and well status diagrams, and the initial assessment of well categorization in accordance with O&G UK guidelines, which is required to identify which assets are available and suitable for vessel-based abandonment, thereby easing the burden on operators.

The Wellintel service can also support operators with preparing the submissions to DECC and the HSE that are required before starting a decommissioning program. These submissions include the oil pollution emergency plan, PON 5 (application to abandon a well), PON 15f (permit to use and/or discharge chemicals during well abandonment), the Marine Coastal Access Act licence and the HSE notification.

Since its launch, Wellintel has attracted a high degree of interest amongst North Sea operators who recognize the value of this approach. One operating company has already started using the service as part of its decommissioning strategy.

One of the key features of the proposition is that the costs of the Wellintel service are deductible from future abandonment work by OIS, as Tom Selwood, OIS vice president commercial and business development, explained. “Once the Wellintel process is complete, OIS can provide well abandonment solutions, including vessel charter, marine management, equipment and personnel, and full offshore project management for any suspended wells that are suitable for vessel-based abandonment. Operators that use OIS for back-of-boat suspended well abandonment work within 18 months of using Wellintel can recover the costs incurred against the project management fees associated with the well abandonment project.”


techniplogoTechnip was awarded by Chevron North Sea Ltd a substantial(1) engineering, procurement, installation and construction (EPIC) contract for the Alder field. Chevron is developing the Alder field as a subsea tieback to the Britannia Bridge Link Platform (BLP). This field is located in the central North Sea, about 200 kilometers North-East of Aberdeen, Scotland, at a water depth of approximately 150 meters.

The contract will cover a wide scope of work, from engineering to manufacturing and installation:

    the detailed design and pipelay of a 28-kilometer 16” pipe-in-pipe system,

    the installation of a 28-kilometer hybrid umbilical(2),

    various subsea works including the installation of a manifold(3) structure including HIPPS(4), subsea isolation valve structure, valves and spoolpiece(5) components.

Technip’s operating center in Aberdeen will execute the contract, which is scheduled to be completed in the second semester of 2015. Genesis(6) will complete the detailed design workscope and Technip’s spoolbase in Evanton, Scotland, will fabricate the pipe-in-pipe. DUCO Ltd, Technip’s wholly-owned subsidiary in Newcastle, England, will manufacture the umbilical. Vessels from the Group’s fleet will be used for the offshore campaign, including its newest state-of-the-art pipelay vessel, the Deep Energy.

Bill Morrice, Managing Director of Technip in the United Kingdom, said: “We are delighted to be reigniting our relationship with Chevron with this substantial contract that will allow us to support them in bringing the Alder field onstream. Technip has a proven track record in delivering EPIC contracts of this scale and our unique vertical integration is an added-value advantage for our clients as our capabilities cover the entire value chain for subsea infrastructures. The UK Continental Shelf is still an exciting place to be with many major fields being developed both around traditional developments and in deeper waters West of Shetland, a market Technip is keen to maximize opportunities.”

(1) For Technip, a “substantial” subsea contract is ranging from €100 to €250 million.

(2) Umbilical: An assembly of steel tubes and/or thermoplastic hoses which can also include electrical cables or optic fibres used to control subsea structures from a platform or a vessel.

(3) Manifold: a piece of pipe with several lateral outlets and/or inlets for connecting one pipe with 3 others.

(4) HIPPS: High Integrity Pressure Protection System

(5) Spoolpiece: A short section of pipe for the connection of two subsea structures.

(6) Genesis is a market-leading engineering company focused on providing engineering and technical services to the global upstream oil and gas industry. It is part of the Technip Group.


ClaxtonlogoClaxton Engineering Services Ltd, an Acteon company, successfully responded to an urgent call to mend a rig diverter’s connection by providing a 30” dual seal overshot, a 30” casing cutter and personnel to oversee operations and requirements within 48 hours.

During this time period, Claxton modified and dispatched the necessary equipment for its client. Under normal circumstances, this equipment is ordered a month in advance by the drilling contractor during well planning.

The connection to the rig diverter prohibited the rig from operating. Claxton modified the overshot by cutting it to the precise size and welded the connection on top creating a pressure seal.

Additionally, Claxton supplied cold-cutting equipment to ensure the space-out was correct for the overshot. The wellhead fit seamlessly after the drilling and casing operations had been completed which will provide continuous flow.

“As a core value, Claxton strives to be a responsive company within the oil and gas industry,” said Owen Lewis, Claxton project engineer. “We are prepared and willing to assist our clients with any problems that arise, and we are quick and efficient in completing the job.”


BladeOffshorelogoBlade Offshore Services have opened an office in Macaé, the centre of the oil industry in Brazil. The Company wishes to establish a permanent administrative base in Brazil to take advantage of the fast expanding energy market, and the growing demand for the Company's services in the region.

John Swingler, Drilling Services Director, is a Brazil resident and is delighted to oversee the latest BOS development. 'The move demonstrates the company's commitment to the region and it will help enormously to manage our activity in Brazil, which has expanded rapidly over the last few years to become a significant part of our global business. We are definitely now ''open for business'' in Brazil and look forward to developing our relationships with existing clients and partnering with new ones'.

Blade Offshore Services Brazil: Adress: Avenida Rui Barbosa, 1725 – 2nd Floor, Loja44F, Alto dos Cajueiros – Macaé/RJ Phone: +55 22 2765 7344


The Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE), U.S. Coast Guard, and Walter Oil & Gas Corporation (Walter), through the Unified Command, continue Hercules-265to oversee and coordinate response efforts to secure the South Timbalier 220 natural gas Well A-3. Safety of personnel and protection of the environment remain the top priorities.

All available options to safely secure the natural gas well remain under consideration. Work is moving forward on all approaches. Gas detectors and high-capacity water jet fire monitors have been installed on board the Hercules 265 rig; this is for the safety of the rig and the well intervention operations which will be conducted from a near-by barge, Superior Derrick Services' "Performance."

Walter’s application for permit to drill a relief well was approved Saturday by BSEE. The Rowan EXL-3 jack-up rig, contracted by Walter, is on location at South Timbalier 220 and crews are preparing the rig for drilling. The crew is expected to begin drilling the relief well early Thursday. It is anticipated that it will take approximately 35 days to intercept the original well bore. Many factors can affect the expected schedule including weather and the intricate work of locating the target well bore at the end of the drilling process. A relief well is drilled to intercept the target well. Once intercepted, drilling mud followed by cement will be pumped into the well to secure it.

From visual observation, a sheen is no longer present in the area of the well. The Coast Guard continues to maintain a 500-meter safety zone around the site. Firefighting and other marine vessels remain onsite with personnel from Walter, Hercules, and other professional engineering contractors, and relevant federal agencies.

BSEE's investigation into the cause of the loss of well control continues in coordination with the Coast Guard.

Additional updates will be issued as information becomes available. Media inquiries and requests for additional information should be directed to 504-736-2595.


 Walter experienced a loss of control of Well A-3 at approximately 8:45 a.m. July 23 on an unmanned platform at South Timbalier Block 220 while doing completion work on the sidetrack well to prepare the well for production. The operator reported the safe evacuation of 44 personnel from the Hercules 265 jack-up rig. Coast Guard confirmed that the leaking natural gas ignited at 10:45 p.m. CDT July 23. BSEE confirmed July 25 that the well flow subsided after a natural bridging process suppressed the fire.


petrobras-logoPetrobras announces that the oil output (oil plus natural gas liquids - NGL) of all of Petrobras' fields in Brazil was 1,979 thousand barrels per day (bpd), volume 4.6% higher than May (1,892 thousand bpd). Including the share operated by the company for its partners, oil output in Brazil reached 2,043 thousand bpd, indicating a 5.2% rise compared to May.

In June, Petrobras' total output (oil and natural gas) in Brazil averaged 2,378 thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day (boed), 4.8% higher than May. Including the share operated by Petrobras for partner companies, total production in June was 2,489 thousand boed, 5.5% higher than the previous month.

The increase in production was due to the startup of new wells connected to platforms FPSO Cidade de Itajaí, in Baúna field, Santos Basin, and FPSO Brasil, in Roncador field, Campos Basin, in addition to the startup of FPSO Cidade de Paraty, in the Lula NE Pilot Project, in the Santos Basin pre-salt. The production increase was also aided by the return into operation of platforms P-25 and P-31, in Albacora field, Campos Basin; and of FPSO Cidade de Angra dos Reis, which operates in the Lula field pilot project, in the Santos Basin pre-salt. These production units were undergoing planned shutdowns in May. According to the schedule, in June, platforms P-20 and Pampo-1 (PPM-1), both in Campos Basin, were stoped for maintenance.

Moreover, it is important to highlight the pre-salt's rising contribution to total volume. In June, a new record was set with the daily average of 310.2 thousand bpd, including the share operated by the company for its partners.

Total oil and natural gas production in June, including the company's production abroad, averaged 2,612 thousand boed, 4.2% higher than May.

Natural Gas Production

In June, Petrobras' non-liquefied natural gas output in Brazil was 63,430 thousand cubic meters per day, 6.2% higher than May. Total gas production in Brazil, including the share operated by the company for its partners, was 70,834 thousand cubic meters per day, a 6.8% rise compared to the previous month.

International Production

In June, total oil and natural gas production abroad was 234,885 boed, which corresponds to a 0.7% rise against May. Of this total, 144,131 bpd of oil were produced, stable when compared to the previous month. International natural gas output was 15,419 thousand cubic meters per day, 1.9% higher than the volume produced in May.

The rise in international output was primarily due to higher demand for Bolivian gas by the Brazilian market.

Information to the Brazilian National Agency for Oil, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP)

Total output reported to Brazil's National Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels Agency (ANP) in June 2013 was 9,191,902.60 m³ of oil and 2,234,271.65 thousand m³ of gas.

This output corresponds to the total output from concessions where Petrobras is the operator. It does not include shale, NGL volumes and partners' output where Petrobras is not the operator.



CNOOCCNOOC Limited (the "Company", NYSE: CEO, SEHK: 00883) announced today that its parent company, China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) has signed production sharing contract (PSC) with Shell China Exploration and Production Company Limited (Shell) for Block 35/10 in Yinggehai Basin in the South China Sea.

Block 35/10 is located in Yinggehai Basin in the South China Sea. It covers a total area of 3,427 square kilometers with water depth of 80-110 meters.

According to the terms of the PSC, Shell will conduct 3D seismic data survey and may drill exploration wells in the block during the exploration period, in which all expenditures incurred will be borne by Shell. CNOOC has the right to participate in up to 51% working interest in any commercial discoveries in the block.





deepwaterwindrhodeislandHistoric Auction Leases Nearly 165,000 Acres Offshore Rhode Island and Massachusetts for Wind Energy Development, Advances President’s Climate Action Plan

 As part of President Obama’s comprehensive plan to move our economy toward domestic clean energy sources and cut carbon pollution, Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell and Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) Director Tommy P. Beaudreau on Wednesday, held the nation’s first-ever competitive lease sale for renewable energy in federal waters.  

 The provisional winner of yesterday’s lease sale, which auctioned two leases for a Wind Energy Area of 164,750 acres offshore Rhode Island and Massachusetts for wind energy development, is Deepwater Wind New England, LLC. When built, these areas could generate enough combined energy to power more than one million homes.

 “When you think about the enormous energy potential that Atlantic wind holds, this is a major milestone for our nation,” said Secretary Jewell. “A lot of collaboration and thoughtful planning went into getting to this point, and we’ll continue to employ that approach as we move forward up and down the coast to ensure that offshore wind energy is realized in the right way and in the right places. Offshore wind is an exciting new frontier that will help keep America competitive, and expand domestic energy production, all without increasing carbon pollution.”

 The Wind Energy Area is located 9.2 nautical miles south of the Rhode Island coastline and has the potential to support 3,395 megawatts of wind generation. BOEM will hold its next competitive lease sale for offshore wind on Sept. 4, which will auction nearly 112,800 acres offshore Virginia, and is expected to announce additional auctions for Wind Energy Areas offshore Massachusetts, Maryland, and New Jersey later this year and in 2014.

 Maps for these areas are available on BOEM’s website.

 Today’s auction is the result of a coordinated strategic plan to accelerate the development of offshore wind resources that was unveiled in February 2011 by former Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar and former Secretary of Energy Steven Chu. As part of a ‘Smart from the Start’ program for expediting commercial-scale wind energy on the federal Outer Continental Shelf, Interior identified Wind Energy Areas well suited for commercial development with minimal impacts to the environment and other important uses. Efforts to spur responsible development of this abundant renewable resource are part of a series of Administration actions to speed renewable energy development offshore and onshore by improving coordination with state, local and federal partners.

 As part of President Obama’s comprehensive Climate Action Plan, he challenged Interior to re-double efforts on the renewable energy program by approving an additional 10,000 megawatts of renewable energy production on public lands and waters by 2020.

 Since 2009, Interior has approved 46 wind, solar and geothermal utility-scale projects on public lands, including associated transmission corridors and infrastructure to connect to established power grids. When built, these projects could provide more than 12,700 megawatts – enough energy to power more than 4.4 million homes and support over 17,000 construction and operations jobs.

 At the same time, under the Administration’s all-of-the-above energy strategy, domestic oil and gas production has grown each year President Obama has been in office, with domestic oil production currently higher than any time in two decades; natural gas production at its highest level ever; and renewable electricity generation from wind, solar, and geothermal sources having doubled. Combined with recent declines in oil consumption, foreign oil imports now account for less than 40 percent of the oil consumed in America – the lowest level since 1988.

 “Each of these renewable energy lease sales are significant steps forward in the President’s all-of-the-above energy strategy and call for action on climate change,” said Director Beaudreau. “Harnessing the enormous potential of offshore wind will create jobs, increase our energy security and provide abundant sources of clean renewable power.”  

 BOEM auctioned the Wind Energy Area offshore Rhode Island and Massachusetts as two leases, referred to as the North Lease Area (Lease OCS-A0486) and the South Lease Area (Lease OCS-A0487). The North Lease Area consists of about 97,500 acres and the South Lease Area covers about 67,250 acres. For a map of the Wind Energy Area, click here. The sale received $3,838,288 in high bids. The auction lasted 1 day, consisting of 11 rounds before determining the provisional winner. In addition to Deepwater Wind New England, LLC, the following companies participated in the auction: Sea Breeze Energy, LLC; and US Wind Inc.

 “Now that we have identified Deepwater Wind as the provisional winner of this auction, we look forward to executing the lease and reviewing their Site Assessment Plan for the lease area,” said Director Beaudreau.  

 Following the auction, the Attorney General, in consultation with the Federal Trade Commission, will have 30 days in which to complete an antitrust review of the auction. Shortly thereafter, BOEM will send unsigned copies of the lease form to the winning bidder, who will have 10 days to sign and return the lease, file required financial assurance, and pay the balance of the winning bid.

 Each lease will have a preliminary term of 6 months in which to submit a Site Assessment Plan to BOEM for approval. A Site Assessment Plan describes the activities (e.g., installation of meteorological towers and buoys) a lessee plans to perform for the assessment of the wind resources and ocean conditions of its commercial lease.

 After a Site Assessment Plan is approved, the lessee will have up to 4 and 1/2 years in which to submit a Construction and Operations Plan (COP) for approval, which provides a detailed plan for the construction and operation of a wind energy project on the lease. After the COP is approved, the lessee will have an operations term of 25 years.


piraAs part of its recent initiative to provide the data behind its widely followed market analysis and price forecasts, PIRA Energy Group has launched the World Oil Supply Data Portal, (WOS) Available only via PIRA’s client site, WOS reflects the 30-plus years of PIRA forecast modeling of country-by-country and, at times, field-by-field supply data.  The results of this bottom-up analysis, when combined with PIRA’s similarly detailed work for by-country and by-sector demand, provides the foundation for PIRA’s oil balances and price forecasts that are relied on by more the 500 client companies worldwide.

With the world now in the midst of a major evolution in oil supply, the timing of the WOS’s launch is particularly important. Markets in North America will increasingly be supplied by new local sources, and oil previously destined for North America from abroad will be seeking new markets in Asia and elsewhere. For instance, U.S. liquids production has grown from 9.5 MMB/D in the second quarter of 2010 to 12 MMB/D currently, with 1.8 MMB/D of that increase coming from relatively light, sweet shale crude production and the remainder primarily from shale NGLs. This higher production has led to a reduction in imports of 2 MMB/D, with largest portion of the reduction to date in African grades. PIRA anticipates that the growth in U.S. crude production will continue, albeit at a slowing rate, changing the global crude mix to one that is both lighter on average and less dependent on OPEC.  Understanding the specifics of how this will evolve makes a resource like WOS critical to commercial success in refining, crude transport and maximizing the value of crude sales.

The Portal’s customized interface allows users to quickly access PIRA's latest world liquids supply forecast (annually to 2030 and monthly to end 2014), including assumptions on disruptions, maintenance, and spare capacity.  The data can be viewed and organized for any geographical split, from world or regional totals all the way to U.S. states and Canadian provinces, and even to specific plays where available.

“What makes the Portal truly special is that it goes beyond understanding and displaying volumes,” notes Gary Ross, PIRA’s CEO. “Its critical advantage is how it allows users to delve quickly into specific components of liquids supply — conventional, nonconventional; onshore or offshore; shale or non-shale. WOS enables the user to drill down, so to speak, to specific types of liquids, not just crude or condensates. Details on NGLs, biodiesel and ethanol, GTLs and CTLs, syncrude and so on are all just a click or two away.”

Another unique aspect of the Portal is the ability to view crude and condensate production forecasts by quality (light sweet, medium sweet, heavy sweet, light sour, medium sour, heavy sour).  Users are further empowered to customize their output by establishing specific value ranges for API, sulfur, TAN, and 650+ content in order to generate a report that contains only the specific grade of crude they need. This could be particularly valuable to a refiner seeking the best source of supply or a producer assessing its most direct competition.

Dr. Ross adds, “As a reflection of PIRA itself, where all of its information services come with high degree of value-added analysis, WOS is more than a collection of data presented in an easy-to-access interface. It comes with our team of seasoned analysts who understand the limitations of source data and work to normalize the various streams. Anticipating and quantifying disruptions is another key element of accurately forecasting supply.  WOS inputs take into account all types of disruptions in production, including weather, technical problems, sabotage, sanctions, and other politically driven outages.”

Field start-ups are equally important to gauging future production. WOS’s “Production by Vintage” reports reveal which projects are scheduled to begin production in a particular year (or range of years) and show the behavior of those fields over time in PIRA’s forecast.

PIRA Energy Group, founded in 1976, is a preeminent energy information provider specializing in global energy markets research, analysis, and intelligence. PIRA offers primarily Retainer Client Services, but also can perform customized consulting, on a broad range of subjects in the international crude oil (and NGLs), refined products, natural gas (and LNG), electricity, coal, biofuels, shipping and emissions markets. Currently, more than 500 entities spread across some 60 countries — including international and national integrated oil and gas companies, independent producers, refiners, marketers, oil and gas pipelines, electric and gas utilities, industrials, trading companies, financial institutions and government agencies — use PIRA’s research and price forecasting services.


helix-logoHelix Energy Solutions Group, Inc. (NYSE: HLX) announces that it is proceeding with the construction of a second newbuild semisubmersible well intervention vessel, to be named the Q7000. Owen Kratz, Helix’s President and CEO, stated, “Based on strong market demand and our proven success for delivering specialized deepwater well intervention services, we are moving forward with the Q7000, which is consistent with our strategy of expanding our well intervention fleet around the world.”


WoodGRP-Bob LindsayWood Group Mustang names Bob Lindsay CEng MIMechE president of the Offshore Business Unit, leading its global strategic direction and development.

A native of Australia, Lindsay brings to the table 35 years of management experience in international offshore business operations, having held various senior and executive management roles. His expertise includes design, construction, project management and business development of oil & gas production facilities that have included assignments in the UK, Brazil, Korea, South Africa, US and Australia.

Lindsay holds a Master of Business Administration from The Open University in the UK, a Graduate Diploma in Business Administration from Western Australia Institute of Technology and an Associateship in mechanical engineering (Bachelor of Science equivalent) from Western Australia Institute of Technology. He is a member of the Institute of Petroleum, the Institute of Engineers (Australia) and the Institution of Mechanical Engineers.

Wood Group Executive Vice President Michele McNichol shared, "Bob's personable and team-focused style, combined with his depth of offshore business operations, makes him a natural fit at Wood Group Mustang. It was of paramount importance to find a leader who not only has the technical and international business talent required for the job, but who also embodies our people-oriented culture."


The Petroleum Extension Service (PETEX™) at The University of Texas at Austin is proud to announce the launch of its newInteractive Offshore Oil Rig. This innovative, 3-D e-product provides a unique learning perspective on the inner workings of a semi-submersible oil rig, one of the most intricate and powerful units used in offshore drilling operations.  PETEX is a leading instructor of oil and gas industry workers in Texas and around the world.


The Interactive Offshore Oil Rig gives users an inside view to see and hear about each component of the rig—what it does and where it is located-- and lets users zoom in for expanded views. Options include visuals and detailed audio describing ten different areas of the rig including a 360 degree Rig View, Power and Hoisting Equipment, Circulating and Cementing Equipment and much more.

The product includes an online assessment that tests the learning progress of the user. A passing score earns users a Completion Certificate from PETEX and The University of Texas at Austin. Developed by PETEX Learning Specialist Itzel McClaren with assistance from the university's Faculty Innovation Center at the Cockrell School of Engineering, this product is the result of a true collaboration between scholars and oil and gas professionals.

PETEX's Director Zahid Yoosufani says, "The Interactive Offshore Oil Rig is the only product of its kind on the market for offshore drilling and is especially useful for oil and gas industry personnel seeking a better understanding of the individual parts of this extremely complex mechanical unit. With thousands of offshore rigs actively drilling for oil and gas around the world, effective training is now more critical than ever."

The Interactive Offshore Oil Rig is available for subscription and licensing purchases. For more information, contact us online at or by phone at 1-800-687-4132. You may also try the demo at


Gibdock has underlined its growing reputation in the offshore vessel sector by securing its first dry docking contract from Technip, a world leader in project management, engineering and construction for the energy industry.

Wellservicer, a multi-role diving support vessel with subsea lift capabilitym, has undergone an intensive and relatively complex class renewal docking at the  Wellservicer-at-GibdockGibraltar yard, and has been delivered back to Technip, ready for work.

Richard Beards, Gibdock Managing Director, said: “Gibdock’s work is characterised by its diversity and continues to involve a full range of vessel types. However, our location, quality of work and ability to redeliver on schedule is attracting a growing number of high-end offshore vessel owners. It is a matter of pride that we executed this project to the exacting standards set by Technip.”

Gibdock staff undertook Technip’s Integrated Safe System of Work (ISSoW) program, a course specific to the marine sector exemplifying the standards set for the owner’s fleet. All manual workers engaged in the project passed level 1, with Gibdock management undertaking level 3.

“We were keen to work with Gibdock because we knew their record for carrying out quality work, safely,” said Ricky McGowan, Capex Project Manager for Marine Operations at Technip. “Dealing with the shipyard was smooth, and they took a proactive approach to safety and embracing our ISSoW. Overall we were very happy with how the dry dock went.”

John Taylor, Gibdock Operations Director, said: “Technip has very demanding safety standards. As our offshore workload continues to grow, we are consistently demonstrating that our own safety regime is robust enough to meet the distinctive requirements set for this specialised market.”

The 111.4m long, 9158gt DP-class 3 Wellservicer arrived at Gibdock on May 6th and was successfully undocked on June 17th. After several days of afloat repairs, and sea trials, she returned to the yard for mobilisation work, before leaving for her next assignment in Canada. 

The main scope of work included an extensive overhaul of the ship’s three tunnel thrusters and three azimuthing thrusters, which were removed to the yard’s workshops, disassembled and put through a rigorous maintenance programme before rebuilding. Gibdock engineers worked in close collaboration with Technip’s supplier, Rolls Royce. It also included removal of the two small deck cranes and their replacement with two brand new five tonne capacity units. This required deck plate modification, including work to under deck stiffeners.

Jonathan Pocock, Gibdock Ship Repair Manager, said: “There was a large amount of pipe modification and considerable steel work. We have carried out a number of deck crane replacements recently; this was different but we were able to draw on our past experience.”

Other tasks included an upgrade to the fire line system, which involved fitting new pipework, and the erection of a significant amount of scaffolding. This was required in order to safely gain access to the helideck, and to carry out necessary works to the under deck supports.

“Gibdock staff will remain ISSoW-certified for two years,” said Mr Taylor. “We are well prepared to offer our services for consideration by Technip in the near future.”


FalmouthlogoFalmouth Scientific, Inc. (FSI), a global leader in precision oceanographic instrumentation and marine systems integration, is pleased to UniqueUSAannounce the addition of Unique System, L.L.C. to its family of manufacturer’s representatives.

Unique System has office locations in New Iberia, Louisiana and Houston, Texas. The company has achieved significant success over the years specializing in the supply of equipment for sale and rental to the diving and offshore industries in the Gulf of Mexico region. Unique System also extends the capabilities of the global Unique Maritime Group to companies operating within the North American subsea oil and gas, mining and construction sectors.

The partnership allows Unique System to expand their product portfolio and capabilities in these marketplaces, and will give FSI a local presence in the area. “We are excited to partner with Unique System as we grow our technology portfolio and customer base in these important segments” said an FSI spokesman.

Falmouth Scientific offers sensor based products such as portable low frequency seismic systems; current, wave, and tide meters; solutions for drilling & vortex induced vibration monitoring; portable sidescan sonar system; and other acoustics-based underwater instrumentation. Service areas include custom design, development, integration, and production of marine systems and acoustic transducers; and manufacturing services such as prototyping, product assembly, encapsulation (potting), calibration, and pressure testing.


The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management completed its required evaluation to ensure that the public receives fair market value for tracts leased as Boem-offshore rig in the Gulf of Mexicopart of Central Gulf of Mexico Oil and Gas Lease Sale 227, which was held on March 20, 2013.

After extensive economic analysis, BOEM has awarded 307 leases on tracts covering 1,648,831 acres to the successful high bidders who participated in the sale, which made 7,299 unleased blocks covering about 38.6 million acres available offshore Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama. The accepted high bids are valued at $1,199,052,037.

The terms of Sale 227 continued a range of incentives to encourage diligent development and ensure a fair return to taxpayers — including an increased minimum bid for deepwater tracts, escalating rental rates and tiered durational terms with relatively short base periods followed by additional time under the same lease if the operator drills a well during the initial period.

BOEM increased its minimum bid requirement in deepwater to $100 per acre, up from $37.50 in Central Gulf of Mexico lease sales prior to 2012. Rigorous historical analysis showed that leases that received high bids of less than $100 per acre have experienced virtually no exploration and development activities.

During the sale, 52 companies submitted 407 bids totaling $1,595,397,446 on 320 tracts. A total of $1,214,675,536 was received in high bids. BOEM rejected thirteen high bids, totaling $15,623,499 after determining that the value of those bids was insufficient to provide the public with fair market value for the tracts.

BOEM will reoffer these tracts as part of the next Central Gulf of Mexico sale, which is currently scheduled for March of 2014.   

The highest bid accepted was $81,787,999, submitted by Samson Offshore, LLC and Statoil Gulf of Mexico LLC for Walker Ridge, Block 271. The tract is at depths greater than 5,249 feet (1600 meters) and received two bids.

The sale’s results reflect strong, continuing industry interest in the Gulf of Mexico and President Obama’s commitment to expand oil and natural gas production safely and responsibly -- reducing our dependence on foreign oil and supporting American energy jobs.

As part of the Obama Administration’s all-of-the-above energy strategy, domestic oil and gas production has grown each year the President has been in office, with domestic oil production currently higher than any time in two decades and natural gas production at its highest level ever. Renewable electricity generation from wind, solar, and geothermal sources has doubled and foreign oil imports now account for less than 40 percent of the oil consumed in America – the lowest level since 1988.

For more information on Sale 227 go to

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