Finance News

Westwood Launches New Atlas Decommissioning Module

Westwood is announcing the launch Atlas Decom, a brand-new dedicated market intelligence solution that provides the What, Where, When and Who of the offshore UK and Norway abandonment landscape.

  • Hubs & Fields:Access a detailed view of fixed facilities, floating facilities, subsea infrastructure, wells and abandonment costs on a hub and field basis.
  • Operators & Companies: Identify decommissioning business development opportunities through an Operator or Company lens of field, hub, infrastructure and well data.
  • Sensitivity Analysis: Using the valuation tool, quickly evaluate the impact of different oil and gas price scenarios on production and economic CoPs for fields and hubs.

According to Yvonne Telford, Director, Northwest Europe E&P: “As the UK North Sea enters a new phase where decommissioning becomes the dominant industry driver, the supply chain faces significant demand and major financial risk. Based on current investment plans, up to 40% of UK fields could cease production before 2030. With the impact of decommissioning tax liabilities on abandonment expenditure, cost-effective P&A must be paramount.”

Westwood's Atlas Decom is available now as a fully integrated module in the existing Atlas market intelligence solution, or as a standalone offering. 

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