14PIRALogoNYC-based PIRA Energy Group believes that Brent crude prices will continue to struggle due to a large global commercial oil stock surplus. In the U.S., the commercial stock surplus increased. In Japan, crude runs resume rising and product demands improve. Specifically, PIRA’s analysis of the oil market fundamentals has revealed the following:

European Oil Market Forecast

Brent crude prices will continue to struggle due to a large global commercial oil stock surplus which PIRA estimates will total 500 million barrels above normal levels by end 2015. Oil markets are likely to run out of onshore crude storage in 1Q16. Brent will perform better than WTI over the very short term. Gasoline cracks will stay reasonably firm this winter due to relatively tight inventory coverage which will underpin a strong 2016 gasoline season. For middle distillates, stocks are very high and will stay well above average next year, capping distillate cracks. Europe has effectively assumed a larger role as swing regional refiner supplying gasoline to the Atlantic Basin as required but limited by oversupply and softer pricing for middle distillates.

Nearly All Prices Struggling Under Weight of High Storage, Especially Henry Hub (HH)

The debut of Jan-2016 futures as the NYMEX nearby contract was greeted with a wave of selling that resulted in new contract lows, albeit amidst light volume. Even so, it is still nearly 10% above cash Henry Hub (HH) prices, as well as many all other regional prices that are also near the $2 mark. More material heating loads would help HH cash reconnect with the NYMEX contract, but the benchmark may continue to exhibit weakness relative to other markers to promote gas burn that would absorbs residual supply surpluses in the region abetted by bloated South Central storage. While the MW was at the heart of the regional flow changes that unfolded this month, the South has been impacted as well — directly and indirectly. And more changes loom.

Western Grid Market Forecast

Spot energy prices fell at all hubs in November with on-peak price declines from October ranging from ~$3/MWh at Mid-Columbia to ~$4/MWh at Palo Verde and NP15 and $5/MWh at SP15. Off-peak markets saw smaller price declines with the largest drop about $2 at Mid-Columbia. Weaker gas prices and a sharp seasonal decline in the call on gas-fired generation were the major factors. In the Northwest, near term forecasts indicate above normal temperatures which will limit seasonal increases in heating loads and may lead to stronger runoff (i.e., rain vs. snow). As a result we have revised down near term heat rate projections. In the Southwest, the call on gas through the winter months is expected to increase year-on-year due to lower net imports from the Northwest and some gains from coal. Heat rate projections remain up year-on-year (by ~10%), but we have revised them down relative to last month.

Asian LPG Prices Roll Over Despite Higher CPs

Cash LPG prices cratered in Asia as the trading window transitioned to January arrivals. Propane cargoes were called an astonishing $66/MT lower at $457/MT while butane was felled by $61 to $481/MT. Such was the response to a hard to understand increase in Saudi contract prices, which were increased by $65 (to $460/MT) for propane cargoes loading in December. With spot VLGC tanker freight from the Middle East gulf to Japan around $70 currently, and the Asian propane premium to CP’s negative, contract holders can’t be too happy about these latest developments.

California Carbon: Reserve Price Guiding Prices

CA set the minimum auction reserve price for 2016, which was also the level at which the Nov. auction cleared. With 13 MT of offsets used for compliance, an allowance bank after CP1 of 50 MT will likely double after 2015 year results. The role of the cap and trade price signal post-2020 will depend on the Scoping Plan update and cost containment is a key issue. Linkage potential has been prominently discussed, with plans for Ontario coming into focus, and with WA state, Manitoba, and Northeastern U.S. states on the horizon.

OPEC Breakevens Flat at $100/Bbl in 2016, But Still No Impact On Oil Price

PIRA estimates OPEC budgetary breakeven prices will remain flat to slightly down at $100/Bbl in 2016. Breakevens are down $10/Bbl from 2014 levels, mostly due to currency depreciation and government spending cuts. Many OPEC countries still face significant budget deficits. Yet the widening gap to Brent oil prices (PIRA forecasts $49/Bbl in 2016) highlights the limitations of budgetary breakeven analysis in general. Breakevens provide interesting insight into countries’ budgetary pressures. However, we have long argued that breakevens are not a useful predictor of oil prices, or a price level (or floor) that OPEC will support. Countries are more likely to adjust to the reality of low oil prices by cutting spending or drawing on reserves, just as we’ve seen over the past year.

Biofuels Weekly Update

U.S. ethanol prices rose Monday and Tuesday November 23 and 24 boosted by higher corn and petroleum values. Assessments then declined before the Thanksgiving holiday, pressured by record production that led to the highest inventory in 16 weeks.

U.S. Job Growth Is Solid; the Euro Is Stronger After ECB Easing

U.S. job growth in November exceeded market expectations, though details were somewhat mixed. Latest data on the good-producing sector (the ISM index and exports) were disappointing, though the current U.S. industrial slump is not yet particularly severe from a historical perspective. The European Central Bank expanded its quantitative easing programs, yet the value of the euro area currency strengthened – apparently, some speculative financial positions for a weaker euro had to be unwound quickly after the action fell short of expectations. India’s economic growth was faster than China’s during the third quarter. Brazil’s recession deepened.

North American Midcontinent Oil Forecast

Crude stocks rose in November in Cushing, as well as in West Texas and Western Canada. Differentials vs. WTI were stronger for northern grades from Alberta to Clearbrook, in advance of two new pipeline start-ups. Differentials weakened in Midland and Guernsey – two locations where prices had been well above pipeline parity for several months.

Will Switching Economic Be Broad Enough to Offset Weather-Related Losses?

Coal-to-gas switching will remain the hot topic in Europe, as temperatures continue to cool. The problem for sellers is that temperatures are not cooling fast enough, so what is being gained in terms of demand growth from the power sector is being handed right back in terms of losses in the R/C sector. The dynamic is well under way in the U.K. and continues to spread to other markets. November was even warmer than normal than the previous year and the 10-day outlook is serving up more of the same in the early part of the month.

Exports to Southern Markets Underpin French Prices

While weather conditions have been milder than normal over the Continent, pockets of price strength have emerged. In France, nuclear output is now recovering, but stronger flows toward Switzerland and the Southern markets, in part due to drier weather and lower plant availabilities, are preventing French prices from moving lower.

Are RGGI Allowances Like “Forever Stamps”?

The December RGGI auction exceeded secondary market pricing on the day of the auction, with bullish implications for the market. Price increases are not tied to current program balances - PIRA projects RGGI to be oversupplied through 2020. Rather, they are tied to this year's Program Review to result in stricter post-2020 caps. RGGI representatives confirmed at the November Stakeholder Meeting that currently-traded RGGI allowances will carry forward at full value – potentially more similar to U.S. Post Office "forever stamps."

U.S. Commercial Stock Surplus Increases

Another overall U.S. inventory increase this past week pushed the stock surplus to last year up by 3 million barrels. The crude stock surplus hit a new 2015 high as inventories quickly approach last April’s all-time weekly high. The gasoline inventory surplus narrowed to just 8 million barrels (4%), as it remains the one standout in a rather glutted market.

Production Lags, Export Opportunities Narrow

Canadian dry gas production declined sequentially in 3Q15, a likely sign of things to come. The quarter-on-quarter loss was symptomatic of a shrinking export market, as gas from Appalachia displaces traditional TransCanada (TCPL) markets in eastern Canada and the northeastern U.S. These conditions are exacerbated as storage in eastern Canada is near capacity, leaving less appetite for new gas from Alberta or B.C. Consequently, production in Canada is expected to decline through 4Q15 and into next year.

Japanese Crude Runs Resume Rising, Product Demands Improve

Japanese crude runs rose in broad agreement with our turnaround schedules. Crude imports increased from very low levels, but crude stocks still posted a modest draw. Finished product stocks declined with all the products other than kerosene posting draws. Refining margins remain strong with gasoline, naphtha, and fuel oil cracks posting gains.

Chennai Refinery Flooded

Flooding has closed the Indian Oil Corporation’s Chennai refinery in southeast India. It is too early to determine the duration of the outage. Production lost is roughly 50 MB/D of naphtha/gasoline and 120 MB/D of middle distillates. However, with the new Paradip refinery (300 MB/D) now in the process of starting up, its production should cover some of the Chennai shortfall, particularly if it were to last into 2016.

What Will Paris Talks Mean for Gas Demand?

In the near term, Chinese gas growth has slowed significantly and LNG imports remain down YTD by around 3% or 2-mmcm/d. It’s not a large amount, but does help explain many of the supply tenders popping up around Asia for 2016. Since so much LNG demand growth hinges on new supply dedicated to the Chinese market, this lack of buying does not bode well for sellers. China, being the largest producers of solar panels in the world, also undermines the use of gas as a power generation fuel in the future, as the largest incremental buyer of LNG in the world is also trying to solve environmental problems at multiple levels. Gas will play a role in solving these issues, but it has moved from a starring role to being more of a supporting cast member.

Aramco Pricing Adjustments for January – Europe Tightened, Asia and U.S. More Generous

Saudi Arabia's formula prices for January were just released. The adjustments made to differentials against their key regional benchmarks suggests Saudi Arabia is striving to maintain volumes and liftings. European pricing was tightened, but terms for Asia and the U.S. were generally made more generous.

More Bearish Momentum

Weather is proving to be the prime driver in fundamentals as the market waited past the traditional start of the heating season for the first reported weekly withdrawal. Now, the latest mild turn in forecasts has rocked the prompt contract, bringing it to new lows. In line with these recent forecasts, PIRA has adjusted its GWHDD assumption for December to 12% milder than the 10-year normal.

EPA Finalizes Renewable Fuel Standards Through 2016

After long delay and under court order, the EPA on November 30th issued a regulatory announcement finalizing the overall renewable fuel requirements for 2014, 2015 and 2016 as well as the 2017 mandate for biomass-based diesel (BBD). Those looking for the EPA to match its earlier May 15th proposal, were disappointed. The mandates are significantly higher than proposed in May.

The information above is part of PIRA Energy Group's weekly Energy Market Recap - which alerts readers to PIRA’s current analysis of energy markets around the world as well as the key economic and political factors driving those markets.

15DWMondayIn November, Energy Secretary Amber Rudd announced her vision for the energy system: to put consumers first, increase competition and secure electricity generation for the UK. In addition to a proposal to end unabated coal-fired power stations and prioritise gas-fired power stations, the Energy Secretary disclosed a commitment to offshore wind (OW) whereby the government will support the target of 10GW of capacity by 2020, if costs reduction conditions are met.

According to Rudd, the cost of contracts for OW have reduced by 20% over the last two years, but costs need to reduce further to secure government support. If the government’s conditions are met, there will be funding for three auctions by the end of 2016.

This is good news for companies involved in the OW supply chain who have already seen the benefits of increased activity in the sector in recent years. OW projects have been delivered on schedule and on budget: 3.7GW of capacity has been installed over the past five years, whilst costs have been reduced, resulting in a 38% reduction in government subsidy.

Given the current downturn in O&G activity, many companies are looking to diversity into the OW sector. Halfan Brustad, VP of Statoil recently noted that OW can learn from the O&G industry, and vice versa:

“Project management for OW farms can be learnt from O&G as well as marine & logistics"

“Renewables has a strong commercial mind set to specifications and materials choice which is key to keep low margins - we could take this back to oil and gas [during this period of cost-cutting]."

In addition to O&G companies moving into the OW supply chain, a number of start-ups are entering the OW sector. This has been evident to DW, who in addition to covering this sector via our Offshore Wind Market Forecast series, have recently provided bespoke consulting for new companies looking to take advantage of this growing sector. Given the announcement by the Energy and Climate Change secretary recently, the opportunities for investors wishing to cash-in on this rapidly growing sector are significant.

Celia Hayes, Douglas-Westwood London
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14PIRALogoNYC-based PIRA Energy Group believes that entering 2016, the oil market really faces two surpluses: excessive inventories and an ongoing imbalance between supply and demand of over 1 MMB/D. In the U.S., the commercial stock surplus made a new high. In Japan, crude runs eased and stocks corrected downward. Specifically, PIRA’s analysis of the oil market fundamentals has revealed the following:

World Oil Market Forecast

The global oil surplus grew in 4Q15. Entering 2016, the oil market really faces two surpluses: excessive inventories and an ongoing imbalance between supply and demand of over 1 MMB/D. Strong demand growth in 2016 and declines in non-OPEC supply eliminate the imbalance but excess inventory remains.

Ukraine to Align Gas Royalties with Market Rates

The Ukrainian parliament has amended the Tax Code and changed the conditions of calculating the sale price of natural gas for royalties for the use of deposits during gas production. The amendments to the Tax Code bring the calculation of the royalty in line with the requirements of the law on the natural gas market. Previously, the calculation of the royalty was pegged to the upper price of natural gas set by the National Commission for Energy, Housing and Utilities Services Regulation (NCER) before October 2015.

Switching Away from Coal

An extremely long LNG market is translating into a structural recovery of the spark spreads, while the dark spreads have collapsed, especially in the summer months, mirroring the ineluctable eclipse of coal in favor of gas. Our balances have now been changed to reflect a higher risk that French net power exports will be moving lower, especially during the summer. This shift means that French prices will eventually converge more closely toward Germany, also in light of the recent announcement that Belgium’s Doel 3 and Tihange 2 will be soon reconnected to the grid. Germany is relatively less affected by a bearish gas market, as it is pricing closer to marginal costs for efficient coal, which is relatively more difficult to displace.

Dry Bulk Freight Outlook Cut on Iron Ore Outage, China Weakness

The prospects of a late rally in Cape freight rates during the remainder of 2015 have faded. In the Atlantic, the disaster at Samarco’s 30 MMmt/year iron ore operations in Brazil will reduce cargo volumes and restrict long-haul shipments to the Far East. Over in the Pacific, a structural realignment in China’s steel industry finally appears to be taking place, with crude steel production, steel exports and iron ore imports all down in October. The Cape market looks grim for the rest of this year having hit bottom earlier compared to last year. We will be marking down our near-term Cape demand forecasts following the loss of Samarco exports plus its consequential impact on Atlantic to Pacific trade and ballasting patterns. We also have a more bearish outlook on China’s dry bulk demand and on the outlook for Cape freight rates in 2016.

Less-Than-Bullish WCI Auction with New 2016 Reserve Price

The California/Quebec joint carbon auction saw current vintage allowances clear at the projected 2016 minimum reserve price. This mirrored the November 2015 auction, but is lower than secondary market pricing at the time of the auction suggested. Though the future vintage auction saw solid bidding interest, it cleared a bit lower than expected. 88 bidders registered for the auction with 3 new bidders and a number of formerly active bidders taking a break. See PIRA’s excel sheet summary of the auction results and participants.

U.S. Ethanol Prices Decline

U.S. ethanol prices tumbled during most of November, although assessments bounced off the bottom the last few days. The market softened because of higher production and lower demand for ethanol-blended gasoline. As a result, stocks built to a 16-week high.

Corn Demand Picking Up

Export Sales for the week ending November 19th, as released Friday, showed strong corn sales as seasonality hopefully starts to takes over. Soybean sales were average, while wheat sales once again lagged. Corn sales/exports have made up significant ground against last year’s numbers but remain 23% behind, while soybeans are 17% behind last year’s pace at this point.

Global Equities Modestly Changed

Global equities were fractionally changed on the week. In the U.S., the indices were modestly higher. For individual sectors, retail, consumer staples, and energy all outperformed. Utilities were the weakest. Internationally, many of the tracking indices declined. The poorest performers were Latin America, BRIC’s, and emerging markets.

Freight Market Outlook

Wide monthly swings in tanker rates have become the new normal, and October was no exception. VLCC rates plunged from a high of WS 88 in early October to WS 46 by the end of the month, but they have bounced back since. Rates in other size sectors also experienced wide swings. The current glut of oil (500 MMB by end 4Q 15) has helped the tanker sector in a number of ways. Higher OPEC production and expanding waterborne trade have been added substantially to vessel demand, but a bloated supply chain has also contributed. Higher land inventories have caused excess port time and discharge delays, especially in China. In addition, charterers knowing that discharge delays are inevitable on arrival are slowing vessels down on their laden legs while capturing contango credits, reducing fleet efficiency. Floating storage economics are improving and the volume of crude stored in tankers will grow in 1Q16.

U.S. Stock Surplus Makes New High

The U.S. commercial stock surplus has increased to the highest surplus of the year. Coming out of turnarounds, crude runs continue to ramp up, and are now 1.0 MMB/D over early October run rates. This alters the balance to where refined product stock builds have been outpacing crude stock builds, and we expect the same for the week of November 27. Domestic crude supply, however, is remaining high, reflected by crude stocks posting small builds instead of draws, with the ramp up in crude runs.

Coal-to-Gas Switching Enters the Discussion

The central focus on gas demand growth should be on power generation. Lower spot and contract prices have reached the point where a competitive position versus coal is beginning to enter the conversation. The market for gas to replace the least efficient coal units with the most efficient gas units began to emerge in the U.K. in recent months and is now spreading to the Continent, as day ahead and front month prices slowly deteriorate on an absolute basis and relative to ARA coal, which has bottomed out to a greater extent.

U.S. Coal Stockpile Estimates

Power sector coal stocks continued to expand this month as mild weather east of the Rockies, and resulting slack gas prices, deflated coal burns. PIRA estimates U.S. electric power sector coal stocks will reach 185 MMst as of the end of this month, their highest level in three years.

RGGI Fundamentals Weak but Policy Support Strong

Even with additional nuclear retirements, our latest modeling indicates a fundamental cumulative surplus in RGGI through 2020 without any CCR tons. The Dec. auction is expected to affirm prevailing higher price levels seen since the Sept. auction, though the market has also seen strong interest gains in put options. At its Stakeholder Meeting, RGGI confirmed that it wants lead on climate – offering a transition to a post-2020/CPP-compliant RGGI market that supports the value of currently-traded RGGI allowances.

Mixed Week for Key Indicators

The S&P 500 moved modestly higher on the week. Some of the related indicators also improved (Russell 2000, VIX, emerging market debt). The notable outlier was the decline in high yield credit for the third straight week. This is believed to be an important leading indicator with regard to overall market health. Commodities remain in a downtrend, both energy and ex-energy. Precious metals were again lower along with copper and aluminum. With regard to currencies, the U.S. dollar was again mostly stronger. The strength was focused against the euro and the British pound, along with key Eastern European currencies.

Record Ethanol Output

U.S. ethanol production soared to 1,008 MB/D last week, eclipsing the mark of 994 MB/D set in the third week of June. Record outputs were established both inside (916 MB/D) and outside (92 MB/D) of PADD II. Total manufacture was up from 975 MB/D in the prior week. Inventories rose for the fourth consecutive week, building by 378 thousand barrels to 19.6 million barrels.

Japan Crude Runs Ease, Crude Stocks Correct Downward

Crude runs eased in line with our turnaround schedules. Crude imports fell back sharply and produced a strong crude stock draw. Finished product stocks also drew due to a decline in gasoil and naphtha stocks. Kerosene stocks continued building. The most recent holiday appeared to have minimal impacts on the data. Refining margins remain strong with all the major product cracks improving further on the week.

LNG and Seasonal Storage: The Next Major Conflict

A delay of a few weeks here and a few months there on new supply is managing to support spot prices in Asia, but the second quarter of 2016 is sizing up as one of the weakest we have ever seen. Asia is capable of storing very little LNG on a seasonal basis, which will shift the burden to Europe.

Intangibles Sealed the Deal to Lower PIRA’s Reference Oil Prices

Lots of assumptions go into forecasting global supply/demand balances which are aggregated from data for over 140 countries of the world. In recently revising 2016 crude oil prices, PIRA was reflecting in prices a higher starting surplus stock position and higher end year 2016 stocks. Another important factor which contributed to the decision to lower prices was the intangibles associated with our forecast having more downside than upside risks. This is the case despite the greater surplus in our revised November balances.

More Extended Price Weakness

Directionally the answer to near-term HH price prospects is that aside from all important winter weather, prices should remain under enough downward pressure to keep gas competitive against coal for electric generation (EG) — a need reflected by PIRA’s price markdown for the first several months of 2016 tied partly to lower prices going into 1Q16.

OPEC to Meet Dec 4 with Little Flexibility

PIRA’s view is that the most likely outcome of the upcoming December 4 OPEC meeting is a rollover, continuing the current market share policy. The Organization faces four rather big problems which are unlikely to be resolved.

Another Bearish Bidweek Signals Weak Fundamentals Ahead

Last week's report revealed 4,009 BCF in the ground setting a new record for U.S. storage. With such high storage, the need for gas to continue to price low enough to stay competitive with coal in the EG queue remains paramount, though seasonally rising heating loads, however delayed at this point, will support sequential increases in demand and mitigate the overall tenor of substitution necessary.

Qatari Marketing Challenges Offer New Solutions to Pricing Conundrums

It’s back to the future for the Qatari marketers that just agreed in principle to a significant downward price revision on an existing long-term contract. The move will essentially halve the sales price for the 10.8-bcm/yr. (7.5 million tons) the Qatari's sell to India’s Petronet.

The information above is part of PIRA Energy Group's weekly Energy Market Recap - which alerts readers to PIRA’s current analysis of energy markets around the world as well as the key economic and political factors driving those markets.

15DWMondayWith a mere four orders so far this year the Floating Production System (FPS) sector is suffering. However, things are anticipated to be better next year, with the US Gulf of Mexico (GoM) in particular, having a surprisingly bright future. The area is expected to have as many orders next year as there were globally in 2015 and this positive upturn has already started with the Appomattox Floating Production Semi-Submersible (FPSS) being awarded in Q3, the most expensive unit ordered all year.

A few years ago this would have been unthinkable, with interest in the deepwater GoM waning as numerous companies gave up their offshore acreage to focus on the shale market onshore. Yet the declining oil price has, if anything, bolstered interest in the region. An employee of a major engineering company recently told Douglas-Westwood (DW) of their surprise at how many tenders they were invited for in the GoM.

This demonstrates the fact that the US GoM is an attractive investment area at a time of low oil prices, with field development approvals despite the low oil price. This highlights the appeal to operators of a well-established, politically stable investment climate and until the oil price improves, most frontier areas are likely to be ignored.

A crucial point found in DW’s new World Floating Production Market Forecast 2015-2019, Q4 update, however, was that units ordered next year will be significantly cheaper than those ordered before the downturn. For the US, cheaper developments were already the norm due to smaller reserves, leading to a preference for ‘mini-FPS’ developments. The downturn has seen even these costs slashed with the Mad Dog Phase 2 development that was uneconomical at $110 a barrel being ready for a final investment decision next year, after numerous front end engineering design revisions, despite the bleak oil price forecast.

Regardless, any upturn after a dismal 2015 will be greeted gratefully from the array of shipyards and suppliers who are hurting badly in the current environment.

Ben Wilby, Douglas-Westwood London
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