16DW Monday Logo PNGIn recent years, Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) has become integral to meeting global energy demand. However, as the oil & gas industry continues to navigate the prolonged downturn, capital intensive export LNG projects have been in the spot light due to questionable economic viability. A key driver is oversupply in the global LNG market – spot prices are expected to remain low in the near-term (Henry Hub averaged $1.92MMBtu in May 2016 a 58% decline from May 2014). This gloomy scenario presents limited economic incentives for companies to commit to capital intensive projects in a period plagued with budget austerity.

With the world’s LNG export capacity currently above 310.8 mmtpa, an additional 30.8 mmtpa is expected to be added by the end of 2016 – annual additions are expected to increase by 37% in 2017. However, demand is expected to plateau over the next two years. Reduced demand from Japan will likely be made up by growth from China and India. Both of these factors increase the risk of a short-term demand – supply imbalance. Massive investment prior to the industry downturn on large Australian and US LNG projects has driven this growth. Other projects expected over the same period include the PFLNG-Satu (Malaysia), Prelude FLNG (Australia), Yamal LNG Train 1(Russia) and Bintulu LNG train 9 (Malaysia).

Despite near term concerns of oversupply, natural gas is expected to play a vital role as a bridge fuel between environmentally damaging coal and oil to renewables. This will be vital to ensuring that the COP21 commitment to limiting global temperature increase to 1.5 degrees by the middle of the century is achievable. There is plentiful gas supply, as well as massive yet to be developed gas reserves in the Mediterranean Sea, East African Basin, and various unconventional reserves. This is the window of opportunity to implement constructive legislative strategies to help switch industries with heavy carbon footprints, such as the maritime industry to gas. Such a shift in legislative strategy and improvement in technology will increase both the appeal and use of a fuel that could help lower the global carbon footprint.

Mark Adeosun, Douglas-Westwood London

14PIRALogoU.S. Commercial Stocks Build for First Time in Several Weeks

Total commercial inventories built for the first time since the end of April. The gain of 3.2 million barrels reflected a substantial 6.4 million-barrel build in overall product stocks, only partially offset by a 3.2 million crude inventory decline.

Recipe for Rebalancing? Just Add Weather

Last year, the U.S. market recorded an extended string of triple-digit injections during this period, with weekly builds averaging 109 BCF. This year, however, the record inventory overhang left little room for such outsized shoulder-season restocking. Yet, prior to Thursday’s inventory report, it appeared that the needed rebalancing might not occur fast enough to curtail the seasonal stock build. As if on cue, the timely arrival of summer heat has improved the odds for rebalancing, with the subsequent boost in electric generation (EG) gas burn more persuasively offsetting surplus supply.

Financial Stress Lower

Most key indexes rose on a weekly average basis, including the S&P 500 (although slightly lower Friday-to-Friday), U.S. High-Yield Corporate Bond, Russell 2000, Emerging Market Bond, and Commodities. The dollar fell in value against most countries, and most agricultural commodities and metals gained.

Northwest Europe Terminal Capacity Expands, But Where's the LNG?

After a year of delays, the Northwest European market is set to open more LNG import capacity; the question is whether or not this new capacity will be put to use in the form of expanded LNG imports to the region. PIRA believes that it will despite the current low levels of capacity utilization. To begin with, the supply side of the equation in the Atlantic Basin will improve, despite the heavy losses of the first quarter.

Recent Price Strength Has Not Scared Off Power Demand

With prompt gas prices rising around 25% so far this summer and LNG flows weakening, one might wonder if the great shift in gas-coal spreads from last year is reversing and eroding power demand. As power is sensitive to price, that would not be a ridiculous thought. However, this balancing function was not served by the power market; it has mostly been offered by storage facilities.

Weak Loads Stifling Otherwise Bullish Outlook

Power prices at most Eastern hubs fell in May as maintenance activity wound down. Lower wind generation bolstered western MISO and SPP Off-peak prices. Summer heat rates are expected to increase year-on-year in most markets due to lower gas prices, unit retirements, and warmer weather in the Midwest, though ERCOT summer on-peak prices seem to have priced in lot of upside risk at the current market levels. In PJM, significant participation by new gas generation build continued in the recent 2019-20 capacity auction while three of Exelon’s nuclear units failed to clear the auction. PIRA expects gas prices to advance further during 4Q, rising above the $3 mark during Dec. - March, reflecting sharp year-on-year gains.

U.S. Ethanol Prices Rose to the Highest Level Since Last Summer

The market tightened the week ending June 3, with inventories reaching a five-month low. Manufacturing markets remained healthy.

Spain: Prices Surge as Wind and Hydro Decline. Coal Set to Stay Weak

Discussions at PIRA's Client Seminar in London this past week centered on shifts taking place in the European power fuel mix, with switching from coal to gas now starting to emerge both as a result of structurally lower gas prices and changing policies. After the U.K., Spain is also featuring a fairly large drop of coal-fired dispatching so far this year. The policy framework is also very fluid in Spain, with the June 26 elections likely to be a negative for the coal-fired (and nuclear) outlook, especially as recent polls indicate that the left-wing parties and Podemos are gaining momentum and may be dictating the energy agenda of the upcoming government.

Coal Price Rally Runs Out of Steam

The extended rally coal prices had been on for the previous two weeks came to an end last week, with coal pricing moving lower while oil prices continued to move higher (until the notable pullback in the oil market on Friday). Prices in 3Q16 for all three major forward curves lost significant ground, while deferred prices were more mixed. As PIRA has been affirming since the beginning of 2015, the upside for short-term pricing lies squarely on the oil market, as fundamentals in the prompt are not expected to provide much support.

California Carbon Still Tied to Price Floor

Average WCI prices stayed below, but still tied to, the price floor in May, and the auction was severely undersubscribed. Unsold state-owned allowances will not be re-offered until two consecutive auctions clear above the floor. Unsold consigned allowances will be re-offered in August, in turn requiring higher bid volumes for that auction to clear. The final court decision on the auction will not come until 2017. A legislative fix could be a backstop measure to keep the auction in place, perhaps bolstered by the California Legislature facing reduced auction revenues in the budgeting process. The coming months will see a firming of signals for a tightening cap beyond 2020.

LPG Freight, Arbitrage Under Renewed Pressure

Delivered LPG price were stable in Asia last week. Propane for July delivery gained by just $2 to near $340/MT, while CFR cash butane was called at $20 premium to C3. Saudi propane CP futures added 1.2%, crimping the spread to the Far East to under $15. Despite spot VLGC freight on the benchmark rate from Ras Tanura to Chiba and Japan trading near five-year lows, current arbitrage spreads necessitate a further $10 freight decline for spot physical movements to work.

WASDE Supports, Weather Pushes

The convergence of speculative money and demand was once again on display Friday as witnessed by both the WASDE during the trading day and the Commitment of Traders after the close. Even though both corn and soybean supplies were below market consensus, the length in the markets mitigated much upside potential, although drier-than-expected weather forecasts in the 8-14 day timeframe issued this weekend have pushed corn and soybeans into overdrive again.

Japanese Crude Runs Little Changed; Crude Stocks Build

Crude runs changed fractionally on the week. Crude imports were also little changed and crude stocks built 2.9 MMBbls. Finished product stocks built marginally. Gasoline and kerosene stocks were up modestly, while gasoil drew moderately, but that offset by higher fuel oil, naphtha, and jet stocks. Demand were modestly mixed with the aggregate demand figure falling 80 MB/D. The four-week demand trend has turned higher. Refining margins had improved a bit, but gave back ground on the week.

Production Surged to a Near Record Level

Output jumped the week ending June 3, after plants returned to normal operation following spring maintenance. The manufacture of ethanol-blended gasoline fell after reaching a 10-week high the previous week.

U.S. SPR Sales Unlikely in 2016

Speculation has risen that the Obama administration could conduct SPR sales as early as October 2016, as permitted by two bills passed late last year. However, we believe sales in 4Q16 remain unlikely, judging from recent comments from the Energy Secretary and politics surrounding the November 2016 presidential election.

Global Equities Post Another Neutral Week

Global equities were again on balance, only modestly changed. In the U.S., the broad market was down marginally. The leading sectors were energy, utilities, and consumer staples, which posted good gains. Retail performed the poorest and declined about 2%. Internationally, most of the tracking indices declined, with Europe posting the biggest drop.

Petrobras to Get Full Domestic Pricing Control

Brazil's energy ministry has backed full independence for Petrobras to set domestic fuel prices, blaming past controls for saddling the state-controlled oil company with crippling debt that is the oil industry's largest. Petroleo Brasileiro SA, as the company is formally known, and other state-controlled companies, such as utility Eletrobras, with shares owned by non-government investors, should be free to act in their best interests without government interference, the ministry said in a statement.

Obama Administration in Race to Finalize Regulations

The clock is winding down on the Obama Presidency and the focus in on finalizing rules. Methane regulations for new oil and gas wells were finalized ahead of schedule; follow-through on rules for existing wells will fall to the next administration. This summer will see final one-hour SO2 designations affecting a number of coal units, particularly in Texas; the finalization of the aviation “endangerment finding” for GHG emissions; and final Heavy Duty Vehicle GHG Standards for model years beyond 2018. Renewable Fuel Standards for 2017 proposed in May were ambitious. A draft review of CAFE standards is also expected this summer. PIRA expects EPA to continue working on the Clean Power Plan model rule and FIP, although the stay will prevent formal finalization. The next PM NAAQS review and Secondary NAAQS for SO2/NOx will be punted to the next administration.

RIN Costs Higher

U.S. refiners paid at least $1.35 billion to acquire RINs in 2015. Most refiners had higher costs in the first quarter.

Implications of May Chinese Data on Economy and Oil Demand

In May, China’s industrial production matched expectations, while fixed asset investment disappointed. Housing indicators continued to show large improvements. Recent sequential increases in the producer price index are positive for corporate earnings and will also directionally reduce concerns about China’s debt burden. Meanwhile, physical activity indicators that can directly be related to oil demand (vehicle sales, ethylene production, and passenger air travel) recorded constructive gains.

The information above is part of PIRA Energy Group's weekly Energy Market Recap - which alerts readers to PIRA’s current analysis of energy markets around the world as well as the key economic and political factors driving those markets.

15DW Monday Logo PNGWith the referendum rapidly approaching, the question of what Brexit could mean for the UK oil & gas industry has become increasingly intriguing. As a market broadly regulated in London, many argue that an exit vote would lead to no significant changes – at least in the short term. However, new uncertainties for the energy industry may emerge, should the UK decide to part ways with Europe.

In 2013, the UK became a net importer of petroleum products. Traditionally the main sources of the UK imports are from EU countries including France and the Netherlands. An exit vote, along with increased economic instability could potentially lead to a sterling depreciation, resulting in higher import costs and increased uncertainty over future energy supply. This scenario could be a double edged sword – UK upstream businesses would see relatively lower operating costs compared to US competitors, yet, companies with revenues in sterling are likely to face higher repayments of dollar denominated debt.

Limited labor and capital mobility is another concern, which would arguably affect the UK’s ability to attract highly skilled oil and gas workers to the North Sea and potentially discourage foreign energy investment in the mid-to-long term. This risk would be exacerbated if a “Leave” vote were to trigger another Scottish Independence referendum. To ensure free movement of people and goods across borders, the UK could seek membership of the European Economic Area (similar to Norway) – a relatively favorable scenario when compared to the option of bilateral trade agreements (similar to Switzerland). Trade under these agreements is often subject to customs clearance processes, VAT and duties paid by the EU exporting country.

There will undoubtedly be a number of “Brexit” implications for UK oil & gas, however, the current low oil price environment is likely to play a far larger role in shaping the form and structure of the UK energy industry over the coming years. Market recovery may be impacted in part by changes to the UK’s relationship with Europe. Yet, as a mature and expensive play, the future of the UKCS will be largely decided by oil price.

Marina Ivanova, Douglas-Westwood London

14PIRALogoN.A. Crude Stocks Fall on Wildfires, Refiner Demand

Canadian oil sands production losses from last month’s wildfires, along with declining U.S. production, led to stock declines and higher crude prices last month, particularly for Western Canadian and Bakken grades. In addition to stock declines in Canada, U.S. crude stocks fell 10 million barrels in May, and are forecast to drop another 90 million barrels through year-end, including a 20-25 million barrel decline in Cushing.

U.S. Gas Market Heats Up

NYMEX price volatility had been muted, due in large part to residual weakness still plaguing the physical markets in all regions, particularly in the case of Henry Hub (HH) in the South. Both futures and cash prices, however, should heat up sooner rather than later with the cooling season now getting under way. While U.S. storage inventories are more akin to Labor Day than Memorial Day, especially in the South Central, seasonally stronger electric generation loads will highlight the increased structural reliance on gas-fired EG and help stifle congestion worries — for the time being at least. As a result, a stronger bid should underpin cash prices not just for HH, but across the South despite ongoing challenges facing the Midwest and Northeast.

Runoff Peaks Early…Again

Reversing recent weakness, Mid-Columbia on-peak rebounded to the mid-teens as hydro output came in below expectations. SP15 also increased, climbing back above the $20 mark as the discount to NP15 narrowed. The latter market was unchanged as California hydro output reached a three year high. Palo Verde was also unchanged as cooler-than-normal conditions again prevailed in the Southwest. Mid-Columbia summer heat rate forecasts have been revised up due to weaker runoff expectations. Unavailability of Aliso Canyon for gas supply balancing in SP15 remains a bullish wildcard for summer.

Coal Prices Move Higher on Oil Market Rally

Both physical and paper prices moved higher this month, with a strengthening oil market providing much of the stimulus for coal pricing. We look for coal pricing to continue to track the oil market over the next several months, although coal supply and demand fundamentals are expected to continue to tighten, and we retain a bullish outlook for 2017 pricing in particular.

RGGI Auction Dominated by Compliance Buying

As PIRA expected, the June RGGI auction was dominated by compliance-oriented buying and reinforced the lower pricing environment of late. In contrast to recent undersubscribed CA/WCI auctions, a strong coverage ratio of 3.1 was observed. As with the March auction, significant bid quantities were observed at low prices; however, the results demonstrated solid price support well over $4. PIRA continues to expect that the 2016 RGGI Program Review will translate to tighter caps post-2020 and provide price support.

Global Equities Post a Neutral Week

Global equities were, on balance, only modestly changed. In the U.S., the broad market was unchanged, though certain sectors posted strong gains, including utilities, consumer staples, and materials. Energy lagged and was lower by 0.8%. Internationally, the strongest performers were BRICs, emerging markets, emerging Asia, and China.

Propane Inventories Enter a Year-on-Year Deficit

Despite a modest weekly build of 1.4 million barrels, propane inventories fell into a 280 thousand barrel deficit to the previous year. Between the end of June 2014 until the week ending on May 20th, propane stocks had been in a constant annual surplus position. PIRA believes that the reversal into a year-on-year decline in stocks is evidence of a change in direction for the propane market. Not only will prices begin to rise and strengthen against broader energy markets, but exports will decline while stocks continue to fall further into deficit.

U.S. Ethanol Prices and Manufacturing Margins Rise in May

The demand for ethanol blended gasoline was robust as the peak driving season approached. At the same time, plants were shut down for spring maintenance.

New Week, New Highs

A WASDE week starts with new highs of $4.25 in new crop corn, $11.00 in new crop soybeans, and a recent Financial Times story touting “commodities (as) the best performing asset class” of 2016. While UK-based pension player Schroders said they have invested their “entire agriculture allocation” after “years and years” of negativity, U.S.-based PIMCO relayed a much more neutral view of commodities in general. As usual, comments around “free money” chasing “returns” in commodities are concerning. Regardless of investor opinion at this point, one look at the positioning of sell orders in the marketplace shows that producers are rewarding this most recent rally, specifically in corn.

Latin America Under Economic Pressure

Consumption of diesel in Latin America is expected to fall vs. 2015 while gasoline stays flat. Diesel demand is expected to contract by 50 MB/D in 2016 to reach 2,850 MB/D led by decreases in Venezuela (20 MB/D) and Brazil (35 MB/D). Imports of diesel into the region are set to be lower in 2016 while gasoline imports stay flat. PIRA projects 2016 Latin American imports of distillates to be around 915 MB/D, about 45 MB/D lower year-on-year. Regional refinery crude runs are projected to track the 2015 average of ~5,600 MB/D. Operational issues continue to affect Venezuelan crude runs: we project throughput to be 550 MB/D in May and 660 MB/D on average for the year. 2016 Brazilian refinery runs are projected to be 1,950 MB/D, down from 1,985 MB/D in 2015 as incentives to import gasoline and diesel remain attractive. Gasoline demand in the Atlantic Basin is good and should support cracks throughout the summer, but production and imports into the U.S. PADD I are high. Diesel cracks are starting to improve and are projected to gradually recover into the fall.

The Invisible Hand: Non-Core Domestic European Gas Production?

Much attention is paid to British, Dutch, and Norwegian gas production, but what is happening outside these main centers in “non-core production” does stack up and should not be ignored. Surprisingly, it adds up to a significant amount. Not surprisingly, it is slowly moving in the same direction as most other European gas production – down.

Rebound Continues Due to Fuel and Evidence of Supply-Side Response

German Calendar 2017 baseload power prices continue to move up, recovering to levels previously seen at the end of December and early January, and moving closer to the forecasts in our latest Monthly Outlook. While a buoyant fuel pricing complex is driving the price recovery, the balances in Germany and the rest of Europe are slightly tightening, as supply is starting to be negatively impacted by squeezed margins and policy intervention is starting to move directionally in favor of conventional generators.

Tighter Atlantic Balances, Higher Oil Prices Push Coal Higher

Coal prices again made sizable gains last week, with Atlantic Basin prices moving particularly higher. Rising oil prices again provided for much of the increase, although there has been some tightening in Atlantic Basin coal balances of late, which explains the relative rise in API#2 (Northwest Europe) and API#4 (South Africa) relative to FOB Newcastle (Australia). PIRA's prevailing market view has been that deferred pricing is undervalued and that backwardation in the forward curve is misplaced. Weakness in demand will keep a lid on further price increases over the near term, but as long as the oil marker keeps rising, coal prices will be pulled along.

What Does Weak U.S. Job Report Mean for GDP and Fed Policy?

The latest report on U.S. nonfarm payrolls disappointed, and a sharp deceleration in the recent pace of job growth raised two questions: what does this mean for the economic growth outlook, and what is the Fed likely to do now? Outside the U.S., the European Central Bank’s latest economic projections hinted at future monetary easing; the Japanese government directionally eased fiscal policy; and recent activity data from India, Brazil, and Russia turned encouraging.

Inventories Drop to 2016 Low

Production increased as plants returned to normal operation. There was a large build in PADD I.

Soybean Run Continues

“’Over’? Did you say ‘over’? Nothing is over until we decide it is!" Movie fans will remember this famous line from Animal House, wherein it was delivered by a seventh-year college senior named Bluto, played by John Belushi. Soybean longs seem to be channeling their most-inner Bluto this week as prompt beans have tacked on an additional dollar since the weekly low just this past Wednesday. The total gain for July beans now stands at $2.50+ in less than two months of trading.

U.S. Commercial Stocks Show Big Decline

Overall commercial inventory fell by the most since mid-February. The decline of over 2.7 million barrels was nearly equal to the combined drops over the previous three weeks. Both crude and product stocks fell by roughly the same amount, with crude down by 1.37 million barrels.

Ukraine Looks to Shore Up Future Gas Supplies

State owned Naftogaz Ukrainy is inviting companies to tender for contracts to supply gas, which will be awarded in the period from June 20, 2016, to January 20, 2017, it said on May 27. This will involve buying gas using Ukraine’s interconnections with the European Union, although it is open to companies or consortia from any country. It has also invited companies and consortia to apply for prequalification for gas supplies, by a deadline of June 10, but it says that "In order to maximize the number of qualified tenderers under this facility, new applicants may apply for prequalification throughout the duration of the facility."

U.S. Labor Market Slows

A surprisingly sluggish U.S. labor market report for May has affected expectations for future Fed policy, and the dollar weakened against most key currencies. The labor market disappointment should be directionally negative for risk assets, but reaction was apparently muted on Friday. On a weekly average basis, sensitive financial market indicators that we track (such as the S&P 500 index and the high-yield corporate bond index) registered week-on-week gains. In commodity markets, metal prices generally moved lower this week, while prices of agricultural goods moved higher.

Japanese Crude Runs Fell, Imports Rose and Stocks Built

Crude runs fell again amid turnarounds and unplanned outages that have yet to restart. Crude imports rose and stocks built 3.3 MMBbls, about half of the decline seen the previous week. Finished product stocks fell and the decline was underpinned by good draws for jet fuel and gasoil. Gasoline demand was strong, but an equally high supply side led to only a fractional stock draw. The kerosene stock build rate moved up from 75 MB/D to 93 MB/D on seasonally weaker demand. Refining margins have begun to improve a bit, but remain soft. On the week, major light product cracks firmed, while fuel oil and naphtha eased.

Supply-Side Balancing Under Way

Beyond price-induced demand growth, accelerating production declines are playing an increasingly important role in limiting this year’s stock build. To be sure, this week’s EIA Crude Oil and Monthly Natural Gas Production report validates the supply-side balancing under way. More specifically, the EIA data for March indicated U.S. dry gas production was down M/M by ~1.3 BCF/D and up year-on-year by only ~0.1 BCF/D. These figures were in line with our estimates for the month.

March 2016 U.S. Domestic Production Decline Accelerates, Now Very Close to PIRA Estimate

DOE recently released its March oil balances. Domestic crude supply, which is domestic crude production plus the balancing item, fell 56 MB/D month-on-month and shows a year-on-year decline of 381 MB/D. In contrast, the weekly data had posted monthly equivalent rise of 237 MB/D, Mar. vs. Feb. This implies domestic crude supply was reduced 131 MB/D from what the weekly data had been showing. The balancing item has been running negative the last three of four months, with March coming in at -147 MB/D, after being -97 MB/D in February. PIRA has been pointing out that the DOE monthly collection methodology tends to overstate production since its survey universe lacks full coverage of smaller producers. It is the balancing item that reflects this bias and this is why PIRA adds it to reported production to estimate domestic crude supply.

Lack of Send-Out in N.W. Europe Reflects Weaker LNG Supply Growth and More Norwegian and Russian Gas

The lack of LNG send out in N.W. Europe will continue to act as a major support for NBP prices and, by extension, spot prices around the world. Stronger NBP prices have become the benchmark for LNG netbacks elsewhere, which is a theme worth repeating no matter how many times you see us write it.

U.S. March 2016 DOE Monthly Revisions: Demand and Stocks

DOE released its final monthly March 2016 (PSM) U.S. oil supply/demand data. March 2016 demand came in at 19.62 MMB/D. Growth again was particularly strong for gasoline (+3.8%, 344 MB/D), while the barrel average was up 2%, or 378 MB/D. Distillate and kero-jet both underperformed the barrel average. Distillate was lower by 2.1% versus year-ago, while weather in March was 17% warmer-than-normal and 37% warmer than last year, so there was an apparent influence from an HDD standpoint. Even at the end-of the season, such an impact on heating oil demand is calculated by PIRA as a reduction of 280 MB/D versus year-ago.

Anadarko SCOOP/STACK: Emerging U.S. Shale Play

The Anadarko SCOOP/STACK is emerging as a leading shale play with prolific well productivity, relatively high oil content, and superior netbacks. Breakevens are currently on par with the Permian and Eagle Ford ($45-50/Bbl) and stand to improve as operators further drive efficiencies. The play is still in the delineation phase, with much of current drilling activity focused on holding acreage. Full-scale development mode will likely start by 2018 as prices improve. We believe the long-term potential of the play is promising, with liquids production reaching 800 MB/D by 2030, from the current 180 MB/D.

Aramco Pricing Adjustments for July Indicate Saudi Is Not Pushing Volume

Saudi Arabia's formula prices for July were just released. There is no indication that Saudi desires to sell more oil into the market. Differentials into Asia were tightened for all grades expect Arab Extra Light, which was left unchanged. Pricing differentials for the U.S, were also tightened for all but the lightest grade, Arab Extra Light, whose differential was reduced $0.30/Bbl. For Europe, differentials were lowered for both Northwest Europe and the Med.

The information above is part of PIRA Energy Group's weekly Energy Market Recap - which alerts readers to PIRA’s current analysis of energy markets around the world as well as the key economic and political factors driving those markets

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