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Naming Ceremony for the Liza Destiny FPSO

CEO Bruno Chabas represented SBM Offshore at the naming ceremony for the Liza Destiny FPSO on Saturday June 22, 2019 at Keppel Shipyard in Singapore.

“This is a very special vessel, which will be the first to operate offshore Guyana. It is a great achievement by all involved in the EPC phases thanks to excellent team work. SBM Offshore is very honored to play its part in this journey for our client ExxonMobil and was honored to host as Godmother the First Lady of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana, Her Excellency Madam Sandra Granger,” said SBM Offshore CEO Bruno Chabas.

2 SBMImage credit: ExxonMobil

The construction phase of the FPSO was undertaken by SBM Offshore in Singapore with sub-contractors Dyna-Mac for the topsides and Keppel for the conversion, including upgrade work on the hull and integration of the topsides.

Following arrival in Guyanese waters later this year the SBM Offshore installation team will install the FPSO on the Liza field, located in the Stabroek block. The FPSO is designed to produce up to 120,000 barrels of oil per day, will have associated gas treatment capacity of circa 170 million cubic feet per day and water injection capacity of circa 200,000 barrels per day. The converted VLCC FPSO will be spread moored in water depth of 1,525 meters and will be able to store 1.6 million barrels of crude oil.

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Stuart, FL 34997