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SilverBow Resources Announces Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2020 Results; 2021 Capital Program and Guidance

HOUSTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--SilverBow Resources, Inc. (NYSE: SBOW) (“SilverBow” or “the Company”) today announced operating and financial results for the fourth quarter and full year 2020.

Highlights for the fourth quarter include:

  • Net production averaged 178 million cubic feet of natural gas equivalent per day (“MMcfe/d”), at the high end of guidance; oil and gas sales up 17% quarter-over-quarter driven by improving commodity prices
  • Reported net income of $9 million, Adjusted EBITDA of $38 million and free cash flow ("FCF") of $12 million1, representing five out of the last six quarters with positive FCF. Adjusted EBITDA and FCF are non-GAAP measures defined and reconciled in the tables below
  • Drilled nine wells and brought online three wells in its prolific Webb County Gas area
  • Reduced net debt by $24 million from the third quarter of 2020

Highlights for the full year 2020 include:

  • Net production averaged 183 MMcfe/d (76% natural gas), at the high end of guidance
  • Reported a net loss of $309 million, Adjusted EBITDA of $146 million and FCF of $61 million1, representing a FCF yield of approximately 100% based on SilverBow's market capitalization of $63 million2 at year-end 2020
  • Capital expenditures of $95 million, on an accrual basis, at the low end of the $95-$100 million full year range
  • Continued capital efficiencies with drilling costs per lateral foot down 32% year-over-year and the number of stages completed per day and proppant pumped per day up 8% and 13%, respectively, year-over-year
  • General and administrative ("G&A") expenses decreased $2.2 million year-over-year, with further savings expected to take effect in 2021. Cash interest expense decreased $5.5 million year-over-year
  • Reduced outstanding long-term debt from $479 million to $430 million, a decrease of 10% year-over-year
  • Strong balance sheet and liquidity position with $80 million of undrawn capacity on a $310 million senior secured revolving credit facility and a cash balance of $2.1 million at year-end 2020
  • Year-end 2020 SEC total estimated proved reserves were 1.1 trillion cubic feet of gas equivalent ("Tcfe") (46% proved developed; 86% natural gas), a Standardized Measure of $513 million and a pre-tax present value of future net cash flows discounted at 10% (“SEC PV-10 Value," a non-GAAP measure) of $526 million at Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") pricing. Utilizing the same reserve database and development schedule, management's internal estimate of PV-10 value of year-end proved reserves is $851 million3 ("Adjusted PV-10 Value," a non-GAAP measure), based on flat forward price assumptions of $50 per barrel ("Bbl") of West Texas Intermediate ("WTI") oil and $2.75 per thousand cubic feet ("Mcf") of Henry Hub natural gas
  • Completed the year with a total recordable incident rate of 0.00 across employees and contractors

2021 Capital Program and Guidance:

  • Full year estimated production of 180 - 200 MMcfe/d, growth of 4% year-over-year, with natural gas representing 79% at the midpoint of full year guidance
  • Full year capital program of $100-$110 million, with flexibility to adjust as commodity prices dictate
  • Based on its 2021 capital budget, operating plan, and existing service costs, along with strip pricing and hedges as of the date of this report, the Company anticipates full year FCF of $20-$40 million1
  • As of February 26, 2021, the Company had 63% of total estimated production volumes hedged for full year 2021, using the midpoint of production guidance. Expected oil production is 91% hedged at $46.91 per barrel and expected gas production is 61% hedged at $2.90 per Mcf


Sean Woolverton, SilverBow’s Chief Executive Officer, commented, "We demonstrated resilience and resolve during a pivotal year for our industry. The Company took immediate actions early in 2020 to accelerate our free cash flow generation and pay down debt. These actions included production curtailments, capex reductions and unwinding excess oil derivative contracts. Combined with our relentless focus on cost management and production optimization, we generated over $60 million of free cash flow and reduced total debt by roughly $50 million in 2020. In the second quarter of 2020, we closed on the acquisition of producing assets in the Southern gas window of our acreage position and divested non-core interests in Wyoming to supplement our cash balance. Amidst all the disruptions of 2020, we were able to execute on our operational plan while maintaining a high level of safety. To this end, we achieved a milestone, zero recordable incidents for the year, while setting new efficiency records for the Company in both drilling and completions ("D&C"). This time last year, we had just finished our first six-well La Mesa pad which at the time set many Company records from an execution standpoint. I am proud to say that our second six-well La Mesa pad, which we recently brought online, set new Company records in D&C costs and cycle times.”

Mr. Woolverton stated further, “Our outlook is increasingly optimistic as we progress into 2021. Our capital program supports prudent growth with the bulk of our production coming from natural gas. During the first quarter, we expect to realize a significant increase in production as we bring on our second six-well La Mesa pad and our first Austin Chalk test well in our Webb County Gas area. The increase in gas volume aligns with tightening gas markets and strengthening gas prices, with the prompt month up roughly 30% from a year ago. At current prices, we expect full year 2021 free cash flow of $20 to $40 million. Our gas forecast is approximately 40% unhedged, preserving further upside on our gas volumes. We ended 2020 with a leverage ratio4 of 2.5x as we focused on free cash flow generation and absolute debt reduction. Going forward, our priorities remain focused on top line growth, further debt paydown and deleveraging our balance sheet, all while living within cash flow."


During the fourth quarter of 2020, SilverBow drilled eight net wells, completed two net wells and brought two net wells online. For the full year, the Company drilled 19 net wells, completed 15 net wells and brought 15 net wells online. SilverBow's D&C activity through the first quarter of 2020 was primarily focused on its McMullen Oil assets. At the end of the first quarter, the Company temporarily ceased D&C activity and strategically curtailed production in order to maximize cash flows. These curtailments had the greatest impact on second quarter production, but extended to varying degrees through October. For the full year 2020, curtailments were estimated to average 11 MMcf/d of net gas production and 340 Bbls/d of net oil production, or approximately 8% and 8% of net 2020 production, respectively.

In response to fluctuations in commodity prices, SilverBow refocused its capital budget through the end of the year towards the drilling of high rate of return dry-gas assets. Of the 11 net wells drilled in the first quarter of 2020, eight wells were deferred to the third quarter to turn to sales. All eight of the deferred wells were located in the Company's McMullen Oil area. In the fourth quarter of 2020, SilverBow commenced the drilling of a nine well program in its Webb County Gas area. In addition to resuming capital activity, all curtailed production volumes were returned to production over the second half of 2020.

In the McMullen Oil area, the Company brought 10 net wells online in 2020. SilverBow maintained focus on efficient asset development, completing four wells with over 10,000 feet of completed lateral length. Two of these four wells averaged nine days from spud to rig release, highlighting the drilling team's execution excellence. Two wells were brought online during the first quarter of 2020 while the remaining eight wells, as part of SilverBow's drilled but uncompleted program, were brought online during the third quarter of 2020. All ten wells continue to perform in-line with expectations.

In the La Salle Condensate area, the Company brought three net wells online in 2020. These three wells were developed on a recently acquired land tract adjacent to existing SilverBow acreage. They provided for an opportunistic add-on to that position. The wells continue to perform well and are expected to achieve some of the strongest per well recoveries in the area.

In the Webb County Gas area, the Company brought two net wells online in 2020. Eight net wells were drilled during the fourth quarter of 2020 as part of SilverBow's renewed focus on its dry gas assets. The drilling program consisted of two Fasken Upper Eagle Ford net wells and six La Mesa net wells. The Fasken wells were drilled, on average, in 9.4 days per well and achieved drilling rates of 1,900 feet per day. The Fasken wells were completed with 2,600 pounds of proppant per foot, achieving an industry leading number of 18 stages per day. These wells were turned to sales in late December and are performing in-line with expectations. The La Mesa wells were drilled, on average, in 9.6 days per well and achieved 2,200 feet per day. The Company completed and brought online the La Mesa wells during the first quarter of 2021.

SilverBow continued to set new Company records in efficiency and safety while also enacting real-time changes to field schedules and capital activity in response to fluctuating commodity prices and the COVID-19 pandemic. SilverBow's La Mesa project is a recent example of specific drilling efficiency improvements. During the fourth quarter of 2020, the Company drilled its second six-well pad. Compared to the first six-well pad drilled in the fourth quarter of 2019, the three Lower Eagle Ford wells were drilled 26% faster with a 32% reduction in per foot drilling cost and the three Upper Eagle Ford wells were drilled 30% faster with a 26% reduction in per foot drilling cost. These gains were the result of a focus on all aspects of drilling cycle-time variables, engineering designs, quality controls on vendors and active wellsite management.

Across all of its operating areas in 2020, SilverBow drilled 44% more lateral footage per day while lowering the per lateral foot costs by 32% as compared to 2019. The Company completed 8% more stages per day and reduced completion costs per well by 13% as compared to 2019. SilverBow's demonstrated success in reducing costs is a direct result of its operational and supply teams working with vendors to negotiate prices and logistical considerations for the materials used in its operations.


SilverBow's total net production for the fourth quarter of 2020 averaged 178 MMcfe/d, above the midpoint of guidance. Production mix for the fourth quarter of 2020 consisted of 16% crude oil, 11% NGLs, and 73% natural gas. Natural gas comprised 60% of total oil and gas sales for the fourth quarter of 2020, compared to 55% in the fourth quarter of 2019.

Lease operating expenses ("LOE") were $0.33 per thousand cubic feet of natural gas equivalent ("Mcfe") for the fourth quarter of 2020. Net G&A expenses were $4.7 million or $0.29 per Mcfe, for the fourth quarter of 2020. After deducting $1.1 million of non-cash compensation expenses, cash G&A expenses were $3.6 million for the fourth quarter of 2020, with a per unit cash cost of $0.22 per Mcfe. Transportation and processing expenses ("T&P") came in at $0.27 per Mcfe and production and ad valorem taxes were 5.6% of oil and gas revenue for the fourth quarter of 2020. Total production expenses, which include LOE, T&P and production taxes, were $0.78 per Mcfe fourth quarter of 2020. The Company's total cash operating costs for the quarter, which include total production expenses and cash general and administrative expenses, were $1.00 per Mcfe. As a result of corporate cost initiatives, SilverBow expects to realize approximately $2.0 million of cash G&A savings in 2021.

The Company continues to benefit from strong basis pricing in the Eagle Ford, as well as improved benchmark prices. Crude oil and natural gas realizations in the fourth quarter of 2020 were 91% and 101% of WTI and Henry Hub, respectively, excluding hedging. SilverBow's average realized natural gas price, excluding the effect of hedging, was $2.68 per Mcf in the fourth quarter of 2020 compared to $1.98 per Mcf in the third quarter of 2020. The average realized crude oil selling price, excluding the effect of hedging, was $38.93 per barrel in the fourth quarter of 2020 compared to $37.45 per barrel in the third quarter of 2020. The average realized NGL selling price in the fourth quarter of 2020 was $15.82 per barrel (37% of WTI benchmark), compared to $12.79 per barrel (31% of WTI benchmark) in the third quarter of 2020.


SilverBow reported year-end estimated proved reserves of 1.1 Tcfe, a 22% decrease over year-end 2019. Specific highlights from the Company’s year-end reserve report include:

  • Standardized Measure of $513 million
  • SEC PV-10 Value (non-GAAP measure) of $526 million
  • Adjusted PV-10 Value of $851 million3, based on $50 per barrel WTI and $2.75 per Mcf of natural gas

The table below reconciles 2019 reserves to 2020 reserves:


Total (MMcfe)

Proved reserves as of December 31, 2019




Extensions, discoveries and other additions




Purchases (sales) of minerals in place




Revisions of prior reserve estimates:


Reclassification of PUD to unproved under SEC 5-year rule




Price and performance revisions








Proved reserves as of December 31, 2020




Developed reserves accounted for 46% of SilverBow's total estimated proved reserves at December 31, 2020. Total capital costs incurred during 2020 were $100 million, which included approximately $89 million for development costs, $6 million for leasehold acquisition and prospect costs, and $5 million for property acquisitions.

The SEC prices used for reporting the Company's year-end 2020 estimated proved reserves, which have been adjusted for basis and quality differentials, were $2.13 per Mcf for natural gas, $11.66 per barrel for natural gas liquids and $37.83 per barrel for crude oil compared to $2.62 per Mcf, $16.83 per barrel, and $58.37 per barrel in 2019. Using the SEC prices, SilverBow's year-end 2020 reserves had a Standardized Measure of $513 million and a SEC PV-10 Value of $526 million. Based on forward prices of $50 per barrel for WTI oil, $2.75 per Mcf for Henry Hub natural gas and $14.67 per barrel (29% of WTI) for NGL, Adjusted PV-10 Value is $851 million3. Adjusted PV-10 Value utilizes the same reserve database and development schedule per the SEC PV-10 Value.


SilverBow reported total oil and gas sales of $53.5 million for the fourth quarter of 2020. On a GAAP basis, the Company reported net income of $9.3 million for the fourth quarter of 2020, which includes a net loss on the value of SilverBow's derivatives portfolio of $5.6 million. For the full year 2020, the Company reported a net loss of $309 million. Due to the effects of realized prices and delayed timing of projects, SilverBow reported non-cash impairment write-downs, on a pre-tax basis, totaling $355.9 million on the Company's oil and natural gas properties for the full year 2020.

For the fourth quarter of 2020, SilverBow reported Adjusted EBITDA (a non-GAAP measure) of $38.3 million and FCF (a non-GAAP measure) of $12.1 million. For the full year 2020, the Company reported Adjusted EBITDA for Leverage Ratio (a non-GAAP measure) of $171.4 million, which, in accordance with the Leverage Ratio calculation in its Credit Facility, includes gains for the period related to previously unwound derivative contracts totaling $25.1 million.

Capital expenditures incurred during the fourth quarter of 2020 totaled $19.5 million on an accrual basis. For the full year 2020, capital expenditures totaled $95.2 million on an accrual basis.


SilverBow provided its 2021 capital budget range of $100-$110 million (93% allocated to D&C activity). The budget provides for 20 gross (19 net) operated wells completed, compared to 16 gross (15 net) operated wells completed in 2020. The cadence of quarterly spending in 2021 is expected to be similar to 2020, and supports gas production growth of approximately 8% year-over-year.

In the first quarter of 2021, the Company completed and brought online its second six-well La Mesa pad and completed its first Austin Chalk well. Second and third quarter 2021 development will be staggered from a well count perspective and will focus on SilverBow's liquids-weighted assets. In the fourth quarter of 2021, the Company will shift back towards gas development. SilverBow's capital budget assumes the full cost incurrence of nine Fasken wells to be drilled in the fourth quarter of 2021.


For the first quarter of 2021, SilverBow is guiding for estimated production of 168 - 179 MMcfe/d, with gas volumes expecting to comprise 130 - 140 MMcf/d. For the full year 2021, the Company is guiding for estimated production of 180 - 200 MMcfe/d, with gas volumes expecting to comprise 142 - 160 MMcf/d or 79% of full year production at the midpoint. SilverBow anticipates full year 2021 FCF of $20 to $40 million1. Additional detail concerning the Company's first quarter and full year 2021 financial and operational guidance can be found in the table included with today’s news release below and the most recent Corporate Presentation uploaded to the Investor Relations section of the SilverBow’s website.


Hedging continues to be an important element of SilverBow’s strategy to protect cash flow. The Company maintains an active hedging program to provide predictable cash flows while still allowing for flexibility in capturing price increases. In conjunction with unwinding oil derivative contracts related to production periods in 2020 and 2021, SilverBow is amortizing the $38 million of cash inflow it received in discrete amounts for each month over the same time period. The amortized hedge gains will factor into the Company's calculation of Adjusted EBITDA for covenant compliance purposes through the end of 2021.

As of February 26, 2021, SilverBow had 63% of total estimated production volumes hedged for full year 2021, using the midpoint of production guidance. For 2021, the Company has 92 MMcf/d of natural gas production hedged at an average price of $2.90 per million British thermal units ("MMBtu"), 2,996 barrels per day ("Bbls/d") of oil hedged at an average price of $46.91 per barrel and 1,477 Bbls/d of natural gas liquids hedged at an average price of $23.94 per barrel. For 2022, SilverBow has 48 MMcf/d of natural gas production hedged at an average price of $2.98 per MMBtu and 1,467 Bbls/d of oil hedged at an average price of $44.96 per barrel. Notably, the Company's hedges are a combination of swaps and collars with the weighted average price factoring in the ceiling price of the collars.


SilverBow's liquidity as of December 31, 2020, was $82.1 million, consisting of $2.1 million of cash and $80.0 million of availability under the Company’s credit facility. The Company believes it has sufficient liquidity to meet its obligations for at least the next twelve months and execute its long-term development plans. SilverBow's net debt was $427.9 million, calculated as total long-term debt of $430.0 million less $2.1 million of cash, a 10% decrease from December 31, 2019. As of January 31, 2021, the Company had 11.9 million total common shares outstanding.


SilverBow will host a conference call for investors on Thursday, March 4, 2021, at 9:00 a.m. Central Time (10:00 a.m. Eastern Time). Investors and participants can register for the call in advance by visiting and using Conference ID 6756335. After registering, instructions and dial-in information will be provided on how to join the call. A simultaneous webcast of the call may be accessed over the internet by visiting SilverBow's website at, clicking on “Investor Relations” and “Events and Presentations” and then clicking on the “Fourth Quarter 2020 Conference Call” link. The webcast will be archived for replay on the Company's website for 14 days. Additionally, an updated Corporate Presentation will be uploaded to the Investor Relations section of SilverBow's website before the conference call.


SilverBow Resources, Inc. (NYSE: SBOW) is a Houston-based energy company actively engaged in the exploration, development, and production of oil and gas in the Eagle Ford Shale in South Texas. With over 30 years of history operating in South Texas, the Company possesses a significant understanding of regional reservoirs which it leverages to assemble high quality drilling inventory while continuously enhancing its operations to maximize returns on capital invested. For more information, please visit Information on our website is not part of this release.


This release includes “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. These forward-looking statements represent management's expectations or beliefs concerning future events, and it is possible that the results described in this release will not be achieved. These forward-looking statements are based on current expectations and assumptions and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond our control. All statements, other than historical facts included in this press release, including those regarding our strategy, future operations, financial position, estimated production levels, expected oil and natural gas pricing, estimated oil and natural gas reserves or the present value thereof, reserve increases, future free cash flow, capital expenditures, budget, projected costs, prospects, plans and objectives are forward-looking statements. When used in this report, the words “could,” “believe,” “anticipate,” “intend,” “estimate,” "guidance," “budgeted,” “expect,” “may,” “continue,” “predict,” “potential,” “project” and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements, although not all forward-looking statements contain such identifying words. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from our expectations include, but are not limited to, the following risks and uncertainties: the severity and duration of world health events, including the COVID-19 pandemic, related economic repercussions and the resulting severe disruption in the oil and gas industry and negative impact on demand for oil and gas; the supply of oil and actions by the members of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (“OPEC”) and Russia (together with OPEC and other allied producing countries, “OPEC+”) with respect to oil production levels and announcements of potential changes in such levels, including the ability of the OPEC+ countries to agree on and comply with supply limitations; operational challenges relating to the COVID-19 pandemic and efforts to mitigate the spread of the virus, including logistical challenges, protecting the health and well-being of our employees, remote work arrangements, performance of contracts and supply chain disruptions; shut-in and curtailment of production due to decreases in available storage capacity or other factors; volatility in natural gas, oil and NGL prices; future cash flows and their adequacy to maintain our ongoing operations; liquidity, including our ability to satisfy our short- or long-term liquidity needs; our borrowing capacity and future covenant compliance; operating results; the amount, nature and timing of capital expenditures, including future development costs; timing, cost and amount of future production of oil and natural gas; availability of drilling and production equipment or availability of oil field labor; availability, cost and terms of capital; timing and successful drilling and completion of wells; availability and cost for transportation of oil and natural gas; costs of exploiting and developing our properties and conducting other operations; competition in the oil and gas industry; general economic conditions; opportunities to monetize assets; our ability to execute on strategic initiatives; effectiveness of our risk management activities, including hedging strategy; environmental liabilities; counterparty credit risk; governmental regulation and taxation of the oil and natural gas industry; developments in world oil and natural gas markets and in oil and natural gas-producing countries; uncertainty regarding our future operating results; and other risks and uncertainties discussed in the Company’s reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC"), including its Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2020.


Jeff Magids
Director of Finance & Investor Relations
(281) 874-2700, (888) 991-SBOW

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