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API logoA new state-by-state analysis shows that Florida could add up to 10,736 jobs and $1.23 billion to the state economy in 2020 if federal restrictions on U.S. crude exports were lifted, said Executive Director of the Florida Petroleum Council (FPC) David Mica.

"The U.S. is poised to become the world's largest oil producer, and access to foreign customers will drive job creation here in Florida and around the country," said Mica. "When it comes to crude oil, the rewards of free trade are amplified wherever energy, manufacturing, and consumer spending drive growth. American energy exports mean new jobs, higher investment, and greater energy security."

The new report was conducted by ICF International and EnSys Energy. It provides a state-by-state analysis of economic benefits first outlined this March in a national report, which showed that lifting export restrictions could save consumers up to $5.8 billion per year, on average, between 2015 and 2035, as higher production and efficient markets help boost supplies and lower costs.

The latest report shows that Florida is among 18 U.S. states that could gain over 5,000 jobs each in
2020 from exports of U.S. crude oil. The study also forecasts that most states could see economic activity grow by hundreds of millions of dollars due to growing energy production and downward pressure on the prices at the pump. In addition:

Depending on global price trends, nine states – Florida, Michigan, Indiana, California, New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Texas, and North Dakota -- could see over $1 billion each in state economic gains in 2020, with slower growth through 2035 after new drilling plateaus.

Eight states – Illinois, Florida, New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, California, North Dakota, and Texas – could gain over 10,000 jobs each in 2020.

Texas alone could gain up to $5.21 billion in added economic activity and 40,921 jobs in 2020.

North Dakota could gain 22,215 added jobs and $4.81 billion in state economic growth in 2020.

States with significant manufacturing and consumer spending, such as California, could add

23,787 jobs and $2.06 billion in economic activity in 2020. Illinois could add 10,033 jobs and $990 million in state income in 2020.

"Restrictions on exports only limit our potential as a global energy superpower," said Mica. "Additional exports could prompt higher production, generate savings for consumers, and bring more jobs to Florida. The economic benefits are well-established, and policymakers are right to reexamine 1970s- era trade restrictions that no longer make sense."

The FPC is a division of API, which represents all segments of America's oil and natural gas industry. Its more than 600 members produce, process, and distribute most of the nation's energy. The industry also supports 9.8 million U.S. jobs and 8 percent of the U.S. economy.

AtlanticOffshoreAberdeen-based standby vessel operator Atlantic Offshore Rescue has secured a five year charter with five, one year options to extend with Shell UK to support operations in the Gannet, Annasuria and the Dana Petroleum Triton Asset in the central North Sea.

John Bryce, managing director of Atlantic Offshore Rescue

Ocean Osprey, a brand new Class A tanker assist, rescue and standby ship will be used to provide emergency recovery, rescue cover, tanker assistance and general field support in offshore operations. The vessel is the first of a new H820 design from Havyard Ship Design and was developed in close collaboration with Atlantic Offshore.

The 66.9 metre long vessel was built in Passai, Spain by Zamakona shipbuilders over a fifteen month period to replace Ocean Searcher. Two further sister vessels are also under construction as part of the company's £300million fleet modernisation programme.

The new vessel has secured 30 jobs and is one of 12 Emergency Response and Rescue Vessels (ERRV) managed by the company from its Aberdeen base.

Ocean Osprey can accommodate up to 21 employees and has the capacity to rescue more than 300 persons. It will make its North Sea debut later this month to begin operations.

Atlantic Offshore Rescue is part of the Atlantic Offshore Group, which is based in Norway. Atlantic Offshore Rescue Ltd employs 350 people (approximately 330 seamen and 20 office-based staff) and provides multi-role offshore and emergency rescue and response vessels for many of the oil majors operating in the North Sea.

John Bryce, managing director of Atlantic Offshore Rescue, said: "Securing this charteris down to the first class vessels we offer clients, as well as the experience and professionalism of our team.

"Ocean Osprey features some of the most up to date shipping technology, replaces Ocean Searcher and secures 30 jobs. Launching the new vessel is also part of our ongoing commitment to provide the very best, cutting edge emergency response to those operating in the North Sea, an absolutely crucial part of all oil and gas operations."

In January this year, Atlantic Offshore Rescue commissioned a £6 million Class A ERRV vessel for a two year charter with Nexen Petroleum UK Ltd (Nexen) to provide emergency vessel cover for Nexen's flagship Golden Eagle Area Development in the North Sea.

Mr Bryce continued: "Obtaining this contract, our second long term charter this year, is a real milestone for Atlantic Offshore and, we look forward to fulfilling further contracts in the coming months."

Inclusive of Atlantic Offshore Rescue's 12 vessels, Atlantic Offshore Group currently operates a fleet of 24 ERRVs and PSVs and manages further PSVs on behalf of third parties.

The Group's aim is to continue to expand its capabilities within both the Norwegian and British sector of the North Sea and to be able to provide cross-border solutions reflecting the needs of its clients for both ERRVs and PSVs.


Jerome-ShawJerome Shaw (left) has been named Vice President of Marine Construction for Chet Morrison Contractors, LLC. Shaw's extensive background in the industry includes more than 20 years of experience, specifically in the oilfield marine service lines where he built operational expertise in pipeline and diving operations, as well as marine fabrication and construction. He previously served as HSEQ Director, where he successfully integrated individual safety representatives within each of the company's business units. As Vice President of Marine Construction, Shaw will be responsible for the strategic planning, management and operations of the division. He takes over for Brett Blanchard, who has been named to Chet Morrison Contractors' Board of Managers, where he will continue to provide vital leadership and experience.

Bo-Ristic1Replacing Jerome Shaw as HSEQ Director is Bo Ristic (right), who previously served as Executive HSEQ and Business Development Manager for Triton Diving Services. Ristic has more than 15 years experience managing complex projects and developing HSEQ action plans. He began his career as a diver and has since gone on to manage complex special projects for major clients around the world.

"Jerome and Bo are exactly the kind of leaders we want to help us continue to strengthen and grow the company," said President and CEO Chet Morrison. "It's an exciting time for us and I'm confident we've got the right team in place to guide us into the future."


Eldfisk-sjøsiden 7In March 2011 Kvaerner signed a contract with ConocoPhillips to deliver the topside for the Eldfisk 2/7 S integrated production platform. The topside was completed in April 2014 as planned, and was towed to field in the North Sea on Friday May 16.

"We are extremely proud of the Eldfisk delivery. It is a state-of-the-art platform and possibly one of the most complete topsides ever delivered," says Jan Arve Haugan, President & CEO of Kvaerner.

The Eldfisk 2/7 S topside consists of one combined living quarter and utility module and a combined process and wellhead module, with a total weight of 15 500 tons. The project was executed with fabrication deliveries from subcontracting partners in Poland and Finland, and fabrication, assembly and commissioning at Stord. In addition, the contract included the fabrication of two bridges, one bridge support module and a flare, all of which were delivered in 2013 directly to the field from Kvaerner's subcontractors in Poland. At peak, Kvaerner has had more than 2 000 people involved in the project.

As the topside leaves Stord, it will be towed to field and lifted onto the steel jacket substructure in two separate lifts. Kvaerner will then perform the offshore hook-up work to prepare the platform for production start. This work has already commenced and will continue through the summer and into the fall. 

"Effective hook-up and preparation for production start is a specialised line of work where we have strong experience. We look forward to following Eldfisk offshore to assist the customer with the completion activities," says Haugan.

Eldfisk is a part of the Greater Ekofisk Area and has been in production since 1979. The field is located in the southern part of the North Sea, about 300 kilometers from the Norwegian shore.


CSA-LogoCSA Ocean Sciences. (CSA), a leading global provider of marine environmental scientific and consulting services today announced an agreement with CENTRE Group, an Australia based consulting firm specializing in environmental risk and compliance management, and spill, emergency and crisis management services.

The partnership will deliver to clients a broad range of risk and compliance management solutions, services, training and support as well as marine environmental assessments, planning and permitting, spill related emergency response, crisis management, assessment, mitigation and restoration services. The new venture becomes the "Center of Excellence" for the group's risk and compliance management solutions, servicing the global market.

CENTRE Group Director Alex Spence stated, "We are very excited to be working with CSA. This venture provides an excellent opportunity for CENTRE Group to further expand its existing operations globally and deliver CSA's world class ocean sciences services to our existing and future clients in the Asia Pacific region."

Kevin Peterson, CEO of CSA added, "The CENTRE Group team offers a perfect complement to CSA's existing capabilities and footprint. We can now offer their capabilities through our international network of offices, and more effectively pursue opportunities for CSA's core business lines in the Asia Pacific region."

The partnership will operate under the CSA Ocean Sciences brand and will be headquartered in Perth, Australia.

CENTRE Group, is a Perth, Australia based firm that provides clients in the an Asia-Pacific, Middle East and Mediterranean regions with environmental risk and compliance management services, programs and training as well as emergency management and crisis support, systems and resources.

CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. specializes in consulting services for Federal, State, and private industry clients in multidisciplinary projects, integrating science and technology to evaluate environmental activities throughout the world. CSA offers a wide variety of services related to environmental management and community planning to support clients working in marine, estuarine, wetland, freshwater, and terrestrial habitats throughout the United States and overseas.

piraNYC-based PIRA Energy Group reports that U.S. demand growth was only 0.3%, but distillate and kero-jet demands were very strong. On the week, U.S. stock deficit widens in spite of commercial stock build.  In Japan, crude runs eased with continuing low crude imports such that stocks posted a moderate draw. Specifically, PIRA’s analysis of the oil market fundamentals has revealed the following:

March DOE Monthly Supply/Demand

DOE released its final monthly March 2014 (PSM) U.S. oil supply/demand data today. Demand came in at 18.53 MMB/D versus the 19.10 MMB/D PIRA had assumed in its balances. Compared with the weekly preliminary data, total demand was revised downward by only 14 MB/D. While demand growth was only 0.3%, or 50 MB/D, distillate and kero-jet demands were very strong, aided by colder-than-normal weather and colder weather relative to last March. End-March total commercial stocks stood at 1,057 MMBbls. PIRA had assumed 1,052 MMBbls in its balances. Crude stocks came in 7.6 MMBbls lower than PIRA assumed, while products came in 13.2 MMBbls higher.

Stock Deficit Widens in Spite of Commercial Stock Build

Total commercial stocks built for the week ending May 23, although the three major light products drew, reflecting strong pre-holiday-weekend demand. A surge in imports drove crude stocks higher, and all other oils built collectively. With a much larger total stock build last year, the year-over-year stock deficit increased. As noted last week, the effective stock deficit could be even larger, with approximately 9.5 million barrels of crude operational stocks for new infrastructure this year versus last.

Japanese Turnarounds Continue

Crude runs eased with continuing low crude imports such that stocks posted a moderate draw. Finished products also drew. Demands were only slightly changed, with a small stock build in gasoline, a small draw in kerosene, and larger draws on fuel oil, gasoil, and notably naphtha.

LPG Scorecard

Stronger demand and favorable arbitrage economics for LPG exports will be counteracted by ever increasing U.S. LPG inventories. Lower demand in Europe will keep LPG prices within range, while Saudi loading delays, higher contract prices, and less spot Middle Eastern volumes will be supportive for prices in Asia.

Ethanol-blended Gasoline at an All-time High

U.S. Ethanol-blended gasoline manufacture soared to a record 8,980 MB/D the week ended May 23, eclipsing the previous high of 8,957 MB/D set earlier in the month. U.S. inventories increased by 499 thousand barrels to an annual high 17.5 million barrels.

Prices/Margins Rise in May

U.S. ethanol prices increased during May as consumption in gasoline soared to a record high, while inventories in the Midwest are at the lowest level of the year. After declining for six consecutive weeks, manufacturing margins rose, with lower corn costs adding to the improved economics.

The information above is part of PIRA Energy Group's weekly Energy Market Recap, which alerts readers to PIRA’s current analysis of energy markets around the world as well as the key economic and political factors driving those markets.


Noble-LevithanNoble Energy, Inc. (NYSE: NBL) has announced that the parties have agreed to terminate the non-binding memorandum of understanding regarding the sale of interest in the Leviathan licenses, offshore Israel, to Woodside Petroleum. Following termination of the agreement, working interests in the Leviathan Project remain as follows: Noble Energy as operator (39.66 percent), Delek Drilling (22.67 percent), Avner Oil Exploration (22.67 percent), and Ratio Oil Exploration (15 percent).

Charles D. Davidson, Noble Energy's Chairman and CEO, commented, "The plans for development of the Leviathan discovery have significantly changed since we began the search for a partner approximately two years ago. Perhaps the most dramatic changes have been associated with the growth in the regional markets. The emergence of these regional markets, which are accessible through pipeline outlet, has pushed the need for LNG into a later phase of development versus our earlier plans. While we have not been able to reach a mutually acceptable agreement with Woodside, we continue to move forward with our partners and the Israel government with plans to develop this world-class asset for the benefit of all stakeholders."

Significant progress has been made on the development of the Leviathan field, following approval of Israel's natural gas export policy, an agreement with Israel's Anti-trust Authority, and receipt of the Development and Production Leases for Leviathan. Noble Energy is targeting to sanction the initial phase of development at Leviathan by the end of 2014, with first production from the field currently planned for late 2017.

The initial development phase is planned to be a 1.6 billion cubic feet per day floating, production, storage and offloading (FPSO) system, to provide natural gas into Israel and surrounding regional markets. Front-end engineering and design studies are ongoing for the second phase of development at Leviathan, which is anticipated to be a floating, liquefied natural gas (FLNG) production system.

The Leviathan Project is located offshore Israel in approximately 5,550 feet of water. It has an estimated 19 trillion cubic feet of discovered natural gas resources.


SnorreA 468x195Production from a subsea template at the Snorre B platform was shut down on 17 May following the discovery of an abnormal erosion of mass under the template.

Over the last 24 hours, no movement has been observed in the pit at the subsea template. The area is under continuous ROV surveillance and sediment samples have been taken. "Brine" (water with heavier sediments) was pumped into the well for a brief period in the event that there was some sort of connection between the pit and the well. There have been no signs of hydrocarbon leaks in any of the surveys carried out since the pit was discovered on 17 May.

"The pit is stable and is being monitored continuously. The most important thing for us now is to clarify what caused the pit to form, and a number of explanations are being examined," says Bente Aleksandersen, Statoil's senior vice president for Operations South.

On Monday, 33 people were moved over to the Safe Scandinavia, and then transported onshore as a precautionary measure after movement and hydrocarbon indications were observed in the pit. In connection with this, the emergency response organization was mobilized, and then demobilized the same evening. The Petroleum Safety Authority Norway is being provided with continuous updates.

Statoil has decided to keep production shut down until the necessary investigations have been carried out.


Installing new loading buoys is one of several projects intended to extend Gullfaks' life towards 2040. 2.55 billion barrels of oil from the Gullfaks field have passed through the existing loading buoys since first oil.

TGullfaks 468aowing of the first Gullfaks loading buoy.

Due to come on line in June the towing of the first loading buoy has started. The second old loading buoy will be removed in August, and the new buoy is scheduled to come on line in mid-September.

The two existing loading buoys have been loading oil from Gullfaks since 1986.

"This is an important value enhancement project for the Gullfaks field. Gullfaks needs to have reliable loading systems for crude oil export in the future. The two existing loading systems and loading buoys installed in 1986 and 1987 are approaching the expected design life of 30 years," says Øystein Arvid Håland, asset manager, Development and Production Norway.

The project is an important building block in the efforts to secure the oil export of Gullfaks and the tied-in fields for the next 30 years.

New loading buoys will reduce the need for logistics and helicopter transportation in connection with maintenance. Coordination and synergies with the Statfjord field related to operations, maintenance and spares will be facilitated.

Standard buoy

The loading system is of the same type as that installed at Statfjord and is a simpler system than the existing Gullfaks system.

Gullfaks 225cThe new loading buoys are scheduled to come on line in June and mid-September.

The new loading systems will have the same oil loading capacity as the existing systems.
The existing 6,000-tonne loading buoys will be towed to Stord for demolition at Scanmet AS. The aim here is a 98% level of material reuse.

Located in 136 meters of water the loading buoys are situated some 2.4 kilometers north-west and 2.4 kilometers south-east of Gullfaks A.

They are owned by the Gullfaks licensees. Statoil is the operator with a 51% interest, whereas Petoro and OMV have the remaining interests of 30% and 19%, respectively.

Major contracts:
Technip Norge AS has been responsible for engineering work, preparations, the removal of the existing loading buoys, towing and hand-over to the disassembly and demolition supplier – in addition to installing the new loading systems.

The contract for disposal of the two loading buoys from Gullfaks is awarded to Scanmet AS.

The new loading systems are delivered by National Oilwell Varco in Arendal.

Gullfaks 468bNew loading hose for Gullfaks.

ROMAR-approvedOilfield service company ROMAR International has appointed STEP Oiltools as its agent in the Caspian region, in a two year agreement.

STEP Oiltools already promotes ROMAR's range of magnetic separation products in Norway, South East Asia and the Middle East in a highly successful arrangement between the two companies.

As well as the new deal for the Caspian, a result of continued success in South East Asia, ROMAR has increased its presence in the region to cover Malaysia, as part of the agreement with STEP Oiltools. Last month, a swarf handling contract worth a six figure sum with a major oil and gas operator was secured for ROMAR and work will commence in Q3 2014.

ROMAR's core business activities revolve around its innovative designs using magnetic separation technologies which provide value-added solutions for its clients. The company has developed a range of products and services tailored to suit various demands and applications across the offshore oil and gas markets worldwide.

The latest deal will involve ROMAR's products being introduced to the Caspian region, targeting Russia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Iran.

ROMAR International Commercial Director Robbie Gray said: "International work now accounts for 35% of our business and we are confident this agreement with STEP Oiltools will dramatically increase our presence in the Caspian region. Working with STEP Oiltools these past two years has been exceptionally beneficial; together, we have secured a number of global contracts which have significantly increased company turnover.

"As demand for our products continues to rise in South East Asia, Malaysia was identified as a key region for our international business strategy moving forward and are happy that our agreement with STEP Oiltools now covers Malaysia. Having already secured a contract for this year is very promising and confirms the demand for our products.

"Exceeding our company targets for the first half of 2014 is in part due to our strategic relationship with STEP Oiltools and we look forward to continuing this valuable affiliation."

Alan Steedman, Vice President Europe STEP Oiltools, said: "ROMAR's product line is a proving a valuable addition to our product offering. Due to the predicted increase of well plugging and abandonment in the Caspian region in the next few years, we are sure there will be a strong demand for ROMAR's products in achieving reliable and efficient means of disposing swarf waste, both on and offshore."

"Our latest agreement with ROMAR is a testament to, not only, the strength of our relationship, but our considerable progress as a team. Over the past two years we have worked hard with ROMAR to significantly expand into its target locations, including South East Asia and the Middle East, and we were delighted to secure a contract in Malaysia, with a an oil and gas operator, earlier this year."

Since 2001 the company has grown in size and currently provides products in many oilfield industry provinces including the UK and Norwegian North Sea, West Africa, Gulf of Mexico, South East Asia, the Middle East and South America. Its success is reinforced by its ability to set up strategic partnerships in regions where ROMAR's products will be well utilized.


WToffshoreW&T Offshore, Inc. (NYSE: WTI) announces that its wholly owned subsidiary, W & T Energy VI, LLC ("Energy VI"), has completed the acquisition of exploration and production properties in the deepwater of the Gulf of Mexico from Woodside Energy (USA) Inc. The transaction includes a 20% non-operated working interest in the producing Neptune Field (Atwater Valley blocks 574, 575 and 618 along with an interest in the associated tension leg platform). In addition, Energy VI is acquiring all of Woodside's interest in 24 deepwater exploration blocks.

The purchase price is $51 million (subject to customary post-effective date adjustments) and the assumption of any related asset retirement obligations. The acquisition was funded from available cash on hand and the revolving credit facility.

Total net proved reserves acquired are 1.9 million barrels of oil equivalent (100% classified as proved developed) with a PV-10 of $53 million and probable net reserves of 1.1 million barrels of oil equivalent(1). During January 2014, average daily net production from the Neptune Field was approximately 1,660 barrels of oil equivalent (net of royalties), of which 87% was oil.

Tracy W. Krohn, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, stated, "The Neptune Field is a great addition to our growing portfolio of quality deepwater assets. In addition to its substantial oil reserves and production from multiple sands, it offers near term exploration upside. In the second half of 2014, there are plans to drill a well into existing pay sands. Longer term, the northern portion of the field has not been tested, and assuming success, would substantially increase the size of the field.

"The acquisition also includes 24 additional deepwater blocks with 16 identified prospects, one of which is Arcadius in Garden Banks 346, located just one block south of our producing Power Play Field."



Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, International Energy Statistics

Norway is the world's third-largest natural gas exporter, after Russia and Qatar. In 2013, Norway supplied 21% of total European natural gas needs. Norway's natural gas reaches the Continent mainly via its extensive export pipeline infrastructure (see map below), while a small fraction is exported as liquefied natural gas (LNG) by tanker. The largest recipients of Norway's natural gas exports in 2013 were the United Kingdom, Germany, France, the Netherlands, and Belgium.


Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, with permission from the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate

EIA estimates that Norway produced 3.97 trillion cubic feet (Tcf) of dry natural gas in 2013, a decline of 0.18 Tcf from 2012. EIA also estimates that Norway's net exports for 2013 were 3.8 Tcf of natural gas, which, because of its modest domestic demand, was 96% of its production.

Norway's single largest natural gas field is Troll, which, according to estimates from the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate, produced 1.0 Tcf in 2013,
representing 27% of Norway's total natural gas production that year. Three other major producing fields in 2013 were Ormen Lange (0.76 Tcf), Asgard (0.34 Tcf), and Kvitebjorn (0.24 Tcf). These four fields accounted for just over 60% of Norway's total dry natural gas production in 2013.

For more information, see EIA's Norway Country Analysis Brief.


Damen-RixLionUK-based Rix Sea Shuttle will shortly take delivery of their first ever Damen vessel – a Fast Crew Supplier 2610 – to support their growing involvement in the offshore crew transfer market.

The new vessel, the Rix Lion, is due for delivery on July 4th, just 6 weeks after signing the contract. "Our yards in Singapore and Vietnam build the FCS 2610 as a stock model," says Damen Sales Manager United Kingdom & Ireland Arjen van Elk. "As such, we can offer our clients very fast delivery times." This particular vessel was constructed at Damen Shipyards Singapore.

"We chose the Damen FCS 2610 because it is the best vessel on the market," says Rix Sea Shuttle Director James Doyle. "It is a vessel with an excellent reputation and our customers demand that." Rix Sea Shuttle requested the Rix Lion to have a number of adaptations. For example, a deck crane and modified railings on the fore deck increase the area available for equipment transfer. A second generator set and a high pressure cleaner have also been added. Finally, the new vessel will be painted 'Rix-green' to match the livery of the rest of the company's offshore crew transfer fleet.

The FCS 2610 offers a safe and stable platform for fast crew transfer combined with a large deck with equipment movement. The twin hulls reduce the slamming movements associated with fast transport at sea. "Offshore wind turbine technicians are typically non-mariners, so we aim to get them to work as comfortably and as safely as possible," explains Mr Van Elk. Onboard Wi-Fi provides further luxury. "Rix Sea Shuttle is a new client for us," continues Mr Van Elk. "They too are a family-owned company and we are very happy to have them onboard. We are looking forward to continuing an open and trusting relationship with them in the future."

"You can't fail to be impressed by Damen," continues Mr Doyle. "If you want a vessel delivered this season, instead of next year, then Damen is the choice."

Founded in 2012, Rix Sea Shuttle provides offshore personnel and equipment transfers as well as fuel bunkering and secure warehousing services at 16 UK locations. The company is part of the 140 year old, fifth generation JR Rix & Sons Group of companies and holds ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 accreditation standards.

Aberdeen headquartered Deep Casing Tools is rapidly increasing its global footprint with the establishment of a new Canadian company, Casing Technologies Canada Ltd, based in Calgary.

Sales growth in Canada has followed operational successes for customers, and the company is recruiting aggressively to manage the demand for tools.

DeepCasingToolsDeep Casing Tools’ Aberdeen workshop

This latest development follows the establishment of two other legal entities.  Deep Casing Tools Inc. was established in Houston during 2013 and now employs five staff.  At the same time a branch office of Deep Casing Tools was registered in the United Arab Emirates, serving the Middle East.

Deep Casing Tools reduces the cost and risk of well construction through its innovative technology, designed to land casing and completions at target depth reliably and with significant cost savings compared to conventional methods.

The year-on-year growth success has been reflected in the recent award from the British Venture Capital Association where Deep Casing Tools won the Scottish Management Team Award for 2014.

Lance Davis, CEO of Deep Casing Tools, said: “With over 170 tools sold worldwide, the Turborunner(TM) and the unique drill through capability of the Turbocaser(TM) Express have demonstrated significant gains.   Deep Casing Tools’ products improve the well construction process by saving time and reducing risk,ultimately resulting in significant cost savings compared to conventional methods.  With an established track record, operators worldwide are increasingly committing to this technology.”


Signet Maritime Corporation, a global marine transportation provider, has announced it has completed its acquisition of eight Harvey Gulf International Marine offshore towing vessels (OTVs) ranging in size from 153 to 75 metric tons bollard pull. The sale will encompass all Harvey OTVs, spares, business and supplies. Signet has committed to retention of all crewmembers and plans for Tier 3 Generation of power onboard all eight tugs with conversions starting immediately.


Signet Warhorse II

The purchase expands Signet's vessel classes and allows the Company to broaden its service, offering over 38 ASD tractor and conventional vessels to customers in the Gulf of Mexico and worldwide. When combined, the modern fleet under Signet ownership and operation will average 11 years of age. "The combination of Harvey and Signet follows a thorough due diligence process and is fully consistent with our strategy of being a "one-stop turnkey" source for all our customers' needs," stated J. Barry Snyder, Signet's President. Further, he commented, "This acquisition will accelerate our growth plans and we are very excited to welcome the talented and hardworking employees of Harvey OTVs to the Signet team."

Shane J. Guidry, Chairman & CEO, Harvey Gulf said, "Our two companies share a strong culture of entrepreneurship and a focus on quality and service to the customer. I look forward to seeing the talented people of Harvey and Signet work together as we continue to fulfill our commitment to meet all our customer needs."

Since 1976, Signet has been a preeminent maritime transportation source for quality vessels. The Company specializes in rig moves, towing, ship assist and escort, vessel design, new vessel construction, repair and maintenance. Keeping the Company at the forefront of technology in the maritime industry, Signet was one of the first to incorporate EPA Tier 3 engines into all its vessel designs. Most recently, Signet's ASD reverse tractor tugs participated in the safe movements of Shell OLYMPUS, Chevron's Jack & St. Malo, Anadarko's LUCIUS, and Chevron's BIG FOOT.
The addition of the eight ocean-class offshore towing vessels enhances Signet's high-performance fleet and enables it to provide ocean towing of semi-submersible, jack-up drilling rigs, TLPs, anchor handling, and subsea pipeline installation support.

The transfer of OTV ownership was completed on May 15, 2014 in New Orleans, Louisiana with financing provided by Wells Fargo Equipment Finance as part of a $209 million syndicated financing facility. All vessels are scheduled for Tier 3 upgrade and refurbishment at Signet Shipbuilding & Repair in Pascagoula, Mississippi. Signet will continue to maintain its Offshore Towing Division operations from Port Fourchon, Louisiana.

The purchase of the powerful bollard pull ABS classed towing vessels includes: 

· Signet Warhorse I 152.63 metric tons
· Signet Warhorse II 153.58 metric tons
· Signet Warhorse III 135.44 metric tons 
· Signet Lightning 98.76 metric tons
· Signet Thunder 89.74 metric tons 
· Signet Intruder 86.98 metric tonnes
· Signet Titan 82.81 metric tons 
· Signet Trojan 75.70 metric tons.


Advanced power system maximizes operational flexibility and safety for new generation vessels

ABB, the leading power and automation technology group, has won contracts worth in excess of $20 million to supply electrical power and propulsion systems for two next generation offshore vessels.

The first vessel, of ULSTEIN SX165 design, is being constructed at Ulstein Verft in Norway for Island Ventures 11, the joint venture set up in 2012 by the leading US and Norwegian owners Edison Chouest Offshore and Island Offshore, whose advanced subsea service vessels provide high quality solutions to the offshore oil industry.


At 28 meters wide and 145.7 meters long, and with accommodation for 200 people, the SX165 will be the largest vessel constructed by Ulstein Verft and is due for delivery in Q3 2015. It is equipped with two cranes that can lift 400 tons and 140 tons respectively, and has three separate engine rooms to provide extreme operational reliability.
ABB is to supply an advanced complete power and diesel electric system package comprising medium voltage generators, switchboards, transformers, frequency converters and motors to provide reliable and fuel efficient propulsion. Health, safety and the environment have been a key focus in the design of the vessel and ABB's scope of supply reflects this through its advanced power system, which is capable of achieving the requirements needed to run the system in closed ring in DP3.

The second vessel, for Island Offshore, features the innovative Rolls-Royce UT 777 design for optimal subsea operations including top hole drilling, light well intervention, subsea construction and inspection, maintenance and repair work. ABB will supply an advanced complete power and diesel electric system package comprising medium voltage generators, switchboards including power management system, transformers, frequency converters and motors. ABB will also supply complete fire & gas monitoring and control systems for fire and gas detection.


ABB-RollRoyceRolls Royce UT 777

In addition, both power distribution and propulsion systems will be monitored by ABB's remote diagnostic system (RDS), which helps to reduce repair time of installations and improve operational safety when reducing the need for on-site visits by providing immediate 24/7 assistance from a global technical center. 

The second vessel will be constructed at Kawasaki Heavy Industries in Japan and delivery is scheduled for 2017.

"ABB's advanced power system and remote diagnostic system will maximize the operational flexibility and safety." said Heikki Soljama, head of ABB's Business Unit Marine and Cranes. "We look forward to cooperating in the projects and to delivering high quality services to these pioneering new ships."

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