Business Wire News

Twenty-megawatt solar array is partnership between MGE and seven local customers.

MADISON, Wis.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Madison Gas and Electric (MGE) is pleased to announce that Dane County's largest solar array is fully operational and delivering locally generated, sustainable energy to MGE's distribution grid. Known as the O'Brien Solar Fields, the project is providing solar energy to local businesses, municipalities and public institutions under MGE's innovative Renewable Energy Rider (RER).

"We are excited to have this solar array in service, providing carbon-free, cost-effective electricity to our customers. Thank you to our partners," said Jeff Keebler, MGE Chairman, President and CEO. "The O'Brien Solar Fields project serves as a great example of how, by working together, we can advance shared energy goals, including MGE's goal of net-zero carbon electricity for all our customers by 2050."

MGE is partnering with the Wisconsin Department of Administration and the following customers on this project through RER agreements.

City of Fitchburg

"We are excited to celebrate the operational launch of Dane County's largest solar array, sited within the City of Fitchburg," said Aaron Richardson, Fitchburg Mayor. "The City's purchases from this project will double our renewable electricity usage, from 20% to 40%, allowing us to surpass our 25% by 2025 renewable electricity target a full four years ahead of schedule."


"Placon is extremely proud to be a part of the O'Brien Solar Fields project. It is in our mission to be the sustainability leader in our industry and supporting clean energy in our headquarters' hometown fits right in with our company goals," explained Jim Hart, Placon Engineering Manager.

Promega Corporation

"Initiatives like the O’Brien Solar Fields project are helping Promega make significant progress toward meeting our goal of a 50% reduction in emissions by 2030. We are grateful to be part of a community that's working together to provide locally generated, cost-effective, carbon-free energy," said Corey Meek, Corporate Responsibility Program Manager, Promega Corporation.

Tribe 9 Foods

"This is a monumental moment for Tribe 9 Foods – and I don't say that lightly. With the addition of the O'Brien Solar Fields, our company will be powered 100% by renewable energy in Madison," said Brian Durst, Chairman and CEO of Tribe 9 Foods. "This project is the result of amazing partnerships, and that's what it's going to take to drive real change that benefits our community and the planet."

University of Wisconsin-Madison

"UW–Madison is proud to support clean, cost-effective, local energy. Our investment in the O'Brien Solar Fields is an important way to demonstrate our institutional commitment to a more sustainable planet – and it also provides a really exciting opportunity for our students and researchers to work with solar technology," said Rebecca Blank, University of Wisconsin-Madison Chancellor.

Willy Street Co-op

"Buying locally generated, sustainable power from the O'Brien Solar Fields makes so much sense for us at Willy Street Co-op," said Anya Firszt, Willy Street Co-op General Manager. "It's a tangible way we can live one of our core Co-op principles, Concern for the Community, in which cooperatives work for the sustainable development of their communities. Using renewable energy is good for our owners and our neighbors. The future is now, and we’re proud to be part of the change we want to see in the world."

O'Brien Solar Fields

O'Brien Solar Fields is located at the corner of Lacy Road and South Seminole Highway in Fitchburg. The solar facility spans approximately 160 acres and consists of about 60,000 bifacial solar panels that produce energy from both sides of the panels as they track the sun from east to west during the day. MGE owns the solar array and leases the land from the O'Brien family.

MGE is in the process of adding pollinator plantings in certain areas of the array under the solar panels to boost pollinator habitat for dwindling monarch and honeybee populations.

EDF Renewables Distributed Solutions designed, developed and built the project.

"EDF Renewables is pleased to work in collaboration with MGE to bring this project to completion during pandemic challenges on the construction process," said Jamie Resor, CEO EDF Renewables Distributed Solutions. "Our focus on utility partnerships is exemplified by the MGE relationship, and we look forward to strengthening our relationship in the years to come as we operate and maintain the project. MGE is leading the way in providing renewable options to their customers and we are proud to be part of the solution."

Renewable Energy Rider

Participating customers have entered into RER agreements with MGE. RERs enable MGE to partner with a large energy user to tailor a renewable energy solution to meet that customer's energy needs. RER customers are responsible for costs associated with the renewable generation facility and any distribution costs to deliver energy to the customer. RER agreements require regulatory approval. The innovative model grows clean energy in our community.

MGE's net-zero carbon electricity goal

In May 2019, MGE announced its goal of net-zero carbon electricity by 2050, making it one of the first utilities in the nation to commit to net-zero carbon by mid-century. MGE expects to achieve carbon reductions of at least 65% by 2030.

MGE's net-zero goal is consistent with the latest climate science from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) October 2018 Special Report on limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius. To achieve deep decarbonization, MGE is growing its use of renewable energy, engaging customers around energy efficiency and working to electrify transportation, all of which are key strategies identified by the IPCC.

About MGE

MGE generates and distributes electricity to 157,000 customers in Dane County, Wis., and purchases and distributes natural gas to 166,000 customers in seven south-central and western Wisconsin counties. MGE's parent company is MGE Energy, Inc. The company's roots in the Madison area date back more than 150 years.

About EDF Renewables Distributed Solutions

EDF Renewables Distributed Solutions is a part of EDF Renewables North America, a market leading independent power producer and service provider with 35 years of expertise in renewable energy. The Distributed Solutions group offers on-site clean energy for office buildings, load serving entities, corporates and industrials. The company delivers solar, storage and electric vehicle charging stations as separate products or combined as a full microgrid offering.


Steve Schultz
Corporate Communications Manager
608-252-7219 | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

CALGARY, Alberta--(BUSINESS WIRE)--(TSE: IMO, NYSE American: IMO) Canadian Natural Resources, Cenovus Energy, Imperial, MEG Energy and Suncor Energy formally announced today the Oil Sands Pathways to Net Zero initiative. These companies operate approximately 90% of Canada’s oil sands production. The goal of this unique alliance, working collectively with the federal and Alberta governments, is to achieve net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from oil sands operations by 2050 to help Canada meet its climate goals, including its Paris Agreement commitments and 2050 net zero aspirations.

  • This collaborative effort follows welcome announcements from the Government of Canada and the Government of Alberta of important support programs for emissions-reduction projects and infrastructure. Collaboration between industry and government will be critical to progressing the Oil Sands Pathways to Net Zero vision and achieving Canada’s climate goals.
  • The Pathways vision is anchored by a major Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS) trunkline connected to a carbon sequestration hub to enable multi-sector ‘tie-in’ projects for expanded emissions reductions. The proposed CCUS system is similar to the multi-billion dollar Longship/Northern Lights project in Norway as well as other CCUS projects in the Netherlands, U.K. and U.S., all of which involve significant collaboration between industry and government.
  • The Pathways initiative is ambitious and will require significant investment on the part of both industry and government to advance the research and development of new and emerging technologies.
  • The companies involved look forward to continuing to work with the federal and Alberta governments, and to engaging with local Indigenous communities in northern Alberta to make this ambitious, major emissions-reduction vision a reality so those communities can continue to benefit from Canadian resource development.

As proud Canadian companies, members of the Pathways alliance share the aspiration of Canadians to find realistic and workable solutions to the challenge of climate change. The oil sands industry is a significant source of GHG emissions and the initiative will develop an actionable approach to address those emissions, while also preserving the more than $3 trillion in estimated oil sands contribution to Canada’s gross domestic product (GDP) over the next 30 years. The initiative will create jobs, accelerate development of the clean tech sector, provide benefits for multiple other sectors and help maintain Canadians’ quality of life. The members of the Pathways alliance will do their part by making the economic investments needed to ensure that our companies successfully make the transition to a net zero world, and hence, deliver long-term value to shareholders.

Because there is no single solution to achieving net zero emissions, the initiative incorporates a number of parallel pathways to address GHG emissions, including:

  • A core Alberta infrastructure corridor linking oil sands facilities in the Fort McMurray and Cold Lake regions to a carbon sequestration hub near Cold Lake via a CO2 trunkline. The trunkline would also be available to other industries in the region interested in capturing and sequestering CO2. There is also potential to link the infrastructure corridor to the Edmonton region.
  • Deploying existing and emerging GHG reduction technologies at oil sands operations along the corridor, including CCUS technology, clean hydrogen, process improvements, energy efficiency, fuel switching and electrification.
  • Evaluating, piloting and accelerating application of potential emerging emissions-reducing technologies including direct air capture, next-generation recovery technologies and small modular nuclear reactors.

In addition to collaborating and investing together with industry, it is essential for governments to develop enabling policies, fiscal programs and regulations to provide certainty for this type of long-term, large-scale investment. This includes dependable access to carbon sequestration rights, emissions reduction credits and ongoing investment tax credits. We look forward to continued collaboration with both the federal and Alberta governments to create the regulatory and policy certainty and fiscal framework needed to ensure the economic viability of this initiative.

Canada is uniquely positioned to be a global leader in responsible oil production. The country has the world’s third-largest oil reserves, some of the most stringent regulations and standards governing energy projects anywhere in the world, a strong track record for technology development and an established reputation of industry working together with Indigenous communities and municipalities. Members of the Pathways initiative believe the most effective way to address climate change is by developing and advancing new technologies and that this unprecedented challenge can and will be solved by Canadian ingenuity, leadership and collaboration.

While alternative energy sources will play an increasingly important role in the decades ahead, all internationally recognized forecasts indicate fossil fuels will continue to be an essential requirement through 2050 and beyond as part of a diversified energy mix, including as a feedstock for carbon fibres, asphalt, plastics and other important products. That’s why it’s critical to take action now to ensure Canada takes its place as a leading supplier of responsibly produced oil to meet the world’s demand for energy well into the future.


Government of Alberta

The Oil Sands Pathways to Net Zero initiative is an industry driven, made-in-Alberta solution which will strengthen our position as global ESG leaders,” said Sonya Savage, Alberta’s Minister of Energy. “Every credible energy forecast indicates that oil will be a major contributor to the energy mix in the decades ahead and even beyond 2050. Alberta is uniquely positioned and ready to meet that demand. This initiative will also pave the way for continued technological advancements, ultimately leading to the production of net zero barrels of oil.”

Canadian Natural Resources Limited

Canada has an opportunity to lead on climate change by delivering meaningful emissions reductions as well as balancing sustainable economic development,” said Tim McKay, Canadian Natural President. “Canadian ingenuity has enabled oil sands development and with continued innovation, positions Canada to be the ESG-leading barrel to meet global energy demand. We are committed to working together with industry partners and governments to help meet Canada’s climate objectives while providing sustainable long-term economic and social benefits for Canadians from the oil sands.”

Cenovus Energy

This collaborative effort amongst oil sands peers shows our serious commitment to global climate leadership,” said Alex Pourbaix, Cenovus President and CEO. “We are doing more than just talking about the need to play a role – we are taking bold action to address our emissions challenge and earn our spot as the supplier of choice to meet the world’s growing demand for energy.”


Canada has what it takes to be the responsible energy provider to the world,” said Brad Corson, Imperial Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer. “Canada’s long-term success in achieving its climate goals lies in a collective commitment to innovation, global competitiveness, supportive public policy and open and ongoing dialogue on constructive solutions. Imperial is collaborating with others in industry and governments to develop and commercialize the breakthrough technologies that will reduce emissions and support society’s net zero ambitions.”

MEG Energy

“We are pleased to be part of this collaborative effort committed to the critical measures needed to achieve net zero green house gas emissions in the oil sands,” said Derek Evans, President and Chief Executive Officer of MEG Energy. “Bold action today demonstrates our commitment to tackling climate change and global climate leadership. This alliance working collectively with the federal and Alberta governments and all stakeholders will ensure that Canada continues to be a leading supplier to the world of responsibly produced oil.”

Suncor Energy

Collaboration among companies, innovators and governments is critical to achieving ambitious goals. That’s how we built a budding oil sands resource into one of the world’s most reliable and ESG-leading oil basins in the world,” said Mark Little, Suncor President and Chief Executive officer. “Canada - as one of the few jurisdictions with industrial-scale commercial CCUS projects in operation -- coupled with Alberta’s abundant natural gas resources, geology and relevant technological expertise - is well positioned to lead in this area.”

Source: Imperial

About the Pathways initiative member companies

Canadian Natural Resources Limited

Canadian Natural Resources Limited (Canadian Natural) is a senior oil and natural gas production company, with continuing operations in its core areas located in Western Canada, the U.K. portion of the North Sea and Offshore Africa. Canadian Natural shares trade under the symbol CNQ on the Toronto and New York stock exchanges. Refer to the Company's website for complete forward-looking statements at

Cenovus Energy Inc.

Cenovus Energy Inc. is an integrated energy company with oil and natural gas production operations in Canada and the Asia Pacific region, and upgrading, refining and marketing operations in Canada and the United States. The company is focused on managing its assets in a safe, innovative and cost-efficient manner, integrating environmental, social and governance considerations into its business plans. Cenovus common shares and warrants are listed on the Toronto and New York stock exchanges, and the company’s preferred shares are listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol CVE. For more information, visit


After more than a century, Imperial continues to be an industry leader in applying technology and innovation to responsibly develop Canada’s energy resources. As Canada’s largest petroleum refiner, a major producer of crude oil, a key petrochemical producer and a leading fuels marketer from coast to coast, our company remains committed to high standards across all areas of our business.

MEG Energy

MEG is an energy company focused on sustainable in situ thermal oil production in the southern Athabasca oil region of Alberta, Canada. MEG is actively developing innovative enhanced oil recovery projects that utilize steam-assisted gravity drainage ("SAGD") extraction methods to improve the responsible economic recovery of oil as well as lower carbon emissions. MEG transports and sells its thermal oil (AWB) to customers throughout North America and internationally.

Suncor Energy

Suncor Energy is Canada's leading integrated energy company, with a global team of over 30,000 people. Suncor's operations include oil sands development, production and upgrading, offshore oil and gas, petroleum refining in Canada and the US, and our national Petro-Canada retail distribution network (now including our Electric Highway network of fast-charging EV stations). A member of Dow Jones Sustainability indexes, FTSE4Good and CDP, Suncor is responsibly developing petroleum resources, while profitably growing a renewable energy portfolio and advancing the transition to a low-emissions future. Suncor is listed on the UN Global Compact 100 stock index. Suncor's common shares (symbol: SU) are listed on the Toronto and New York stock exchanges.


Cautionary Statement: Statements of future events or conditions in this press release, including projections, targets, expectations, estimates, and business plans are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements can be identified by words such as achieve, aspiration, believe, anticipate, intend, propose, plan, goal, seek, project, predict, target, estimate, expect, forecast, vision, strategy, outlook, schedule, future, continue, likely, may, should, will and/or similar references to outcomes in future periods. Forward-looking statements in this press release include, but are not limited to, references to the viability, timing and impact of the Oil Sands Pathways to Net Zero initiative collaboration and the development of pathways in support of a net-zero future; support for the pathways from the Government of Alberta and the Government of Canada; the ability to enable net zero emissions from oil production and preserve economic contribution from the industry; the continued role of fossil fuels as part of a diversified energy mix; and the deployment of technologies to reduce GHG emissions, such as CCUS, process improvements, energy efficiency, fuel switching, electrification, infrastructure corridors and new emissions-reducing technologies. All net-zero references in this announcement apply to emissions from oil sands operations (defined as scope 1 and scope 2 emissions).

Forward-looking statements are based on current expectations, estimates, projections and assumptions at the time the statements are made. Actual future results, including expectations and assumptions concerning: demand growth and energy source, supply and mix; amount and timing of emissions reductions; the adoption and impact of new facilities or technologies, including on reductions to GHG emissions; project plans, timing, costs, technical evaluations and capacities, and the ability to effectively execute on these plans and operate assets; that any required support for the pathways from the Government of Alberta and the Government of Canada will be provided; applicable laws and government policies, including climate change and restrictions in response to COVID-19; production rates, growth and mix; general market conditions; and capital and environmental expenditures, could differ materially depending on a number of factors. These factors include global, regional or local changes in supply and demand for oil, natural gas, and petroleum and petrochemical products and the resulting price, differential and margin impacts; political or regulatory events, including changes in law or government policy and actions in response to COVID-19; the receipt, in a timely manner, of regulatory and third-party approvals including for new technologies; lack of required support from the Government of Alberta and the Government of Canada; environmental risks inherent in oil and gas exploration and production activities; environmental regulation, including climate change and GHG regulation and changes to such regulation; availability and allocation of capital; availability and performance of third-party service providers; unanticipated technical or operational difficulties; project management and schedules and timely completion of projects; reservoir analysis and performance; unexpected technological developments; the results of research programs and new technologies, and ability to bring new technologies to commercial scale on a cost-competitive basis; operational hazards and risks; general economic conditions, including the occurrence and duration of economic recessions; and other factors referenced by the companies’ in their most recent respective annual reports and management’s discussion and analysis, as applicable.

Forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve a number of risks and uncertainties, some that are similar to other oil and gas companies and some that are unique to the companies. Actual results may differ materially from those expressed or implied by its forward-looking statements and readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on them. The companies undertake no obligation to update any forward-looking statements contained in this press release, except as required by applicable law.


Canadian Natural
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Cenovus Energy
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MEG Energy
Media Relations
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Suncor Energy
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DUBLIN--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The "Global Gas Utilities Market 2021-2025" report has been added to's offering.

The publisher has been monitoring the gas utilities market and it is poised to grow by $383.58 billion during 2021-2025, progressing at a CAGR of over 5% during the forecast period.

The report on gas utilities market provides a holistic analysis, market size and forecast, trends, growth drivers, and challenges, as well as vendor analysis covering around 25 vendors.

The report offers an up-to-date analysis regarding the current global market scenario, latest trends and drivers, and the overall market environment. The market is driven by the growth in global natural gas demand and rising global carbon emissions. In addition, growth in global natural gas demand is anticipated to boost the growth of the market as well.

The gas utilities market analysis includes end-user segment and geographical landscapes. This study identifies favorable government support as one of the prime reasons driving the gas utilities market growth during the next few years.

Companies Mentioned

  • CMS Energy Corp.
  • Duke Energy Corp.
  • E.ON SE
  • Iberdrola SA
  • National Grid Plc
  • Nextera Energy Inc.
  • PetroChina Co. Ltd.
  • Public Joint Stock Company Gazprom
  • Southern Co.

The report on gas utilities market covers the following areas:

  • Gas utilities market sizing
  • Gas utilities market forecast
  • Gas utilities market industry analysis

The study was conducted using an objective combination of primary and secondary information including inputs from key participants in the industry. The report contains a comprehensive market and vendor landscape in addition to an analysis of the key vendors.

The publisher presents a detailed picture of the market by the way of study, synthesis, and summation of data from multiple sources by an analysis of key parameters such as profit, pricing, competition, and promotions. It presents various market facets by identifying the key industry influencers. The data presented is comprehensive, reliable, and a result of extensive research - both primary and secondary. The market research reports provide a complete competitive landscape and an in-depth vendor selection methodology and analysis using qualitative and quantitative research to forecast the accurate market growth.

Key Topics Covered:

1. Executive Summary

  • Market overview

2. Market Landscape

  • Market ecosystem
  • Value chain analysis

3. Market Sizing

  • Market definition
  • Market segment analysis
  • Market size 2020
  • Market outlook: Forecast for 2020 - 2025

4. Five Forces Analysis

  • Five Forces Analysis
  • Bargaining power of buyers
  • Bargaining power of suppliers
  • Threat of new entrants
  • Threat of substitutes
  • Threat of rivalry
  • Market condition

5. Market Segmentation by End-user

  • Market segments
  • Comparison by End-user
  • Power generation - Market size and forecast 2020-2025
  • Residential and commercial - Market size and forecast 2020-2025
  • Industrial - Market size and forecast 2020-2025
  • Others - Market size and forecast 2020-2025
  • Impact of COVID-19 pandemic and recovery by end-user segment
  • Market opportunity by End-user

6. Customer landscape

  • Overview

7. Geographic Landscape

  • Geographic segmentation
  • Geographic comparison
  • Europe - Market size and forecast 2020-2025
  • North America - Market size and forecast 2020-2025
  • APAC - Market size and forecast 2020-2025
  • South America - Market size and forecast 2020-2025
  • MEA - Market size and forecast 2020-2025
  • Key leading countries
  • Market opportunity by geography
  • Market drivers
  • Market challenges
  • Market trends

8. Vendor Landscape

  • Overview
  • Landscape disruption

9. Vendor Analysis

  • Vendors covered
  • Market positioning of vendors
  • CMS Energy Corp.
  • Duke Energy Corp.
  • E.ON SE
  • Iberdrola SA
  • National Grid Plc
  • Nextera Energy Inc.
  • PetroChina Co. Ltd.
  • Public Joint Stock Company Gazprom
  • Southern Co.

10. Appendix

For more information about this report visit

Laura Wood, Senior Press Manager
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Fluence’s innovative LED lighting solutions ensure Springs Valley Cannabis and UNIVO Pharmaceuticals achieve optimal growing conditions along the cultivation value chain in one of the world’s leading medical cannabis markets

AUSTIN, Texas & ROTTERDAM, Netherlands--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Fluence by OSRAM (Fluence), a leading global provider of energy-efficient LED lighting solutions for commercial cannabis and food production, announced today its implementations with two major cannabis cultivators in Israel, Springs Valley Cannabis LTD and UNIVO Pharmaceuticals (UNIVO), through Fluence’s ongoing partnership with REMY LTD (REMY), a leading, Israel-based horticultural lighting provider to the country’s growing agriculture industry.

Following the legalization of medical cannabis in 1993, Israel’s cannabis industry has flourished through in-depth research into efficient production and cultivation processes. With nearly 30 cultivators actively producing medical cannabis and dozens in planning stages, Israel is poised to meet and exceed demand for the estimated 100,000 medical cannabis users throughout the country. As legislation to legalize recreational cannabis use is evaluated, experts predict the industry will maintain its exponential growth trajectory.

“The rapid growth of the medical cannabis industry in Israel is a clear indicator of the recreational market’s potential,” said Timo Bongartz, general manager for Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA) at Fluence. “To maintain the industry’s pace, cultivators must examine and invest in highly efficient production methods that yield consistent, high-quality cannabis products. Lighting plays one of the most crucial roles in that production process.”

Optimal lighting strategies for every phase of the cultivation value chain

Whether seed and variety breeding, cloning and growing plants, or the final cultivation of dense and full buds, each phase of the cannabis value chain requires optimized, curated lighting conditions. Fluence not only offers the industry’s leading LED lighting solutions, but provides evidence-based best practices to identify, implement and maintain the optimal lighting strategy at each phase of cannabis growth. Fluence’s research-backed cultivation methods supported by its team of horticulture specialists enable cannabis cultivators to achieve high-quality, consistent crops while conserving heating, ventilation and air conditioning costs.

REMY echoes Fluence’s cultivation philosophy and approach. Through their partnership, Fluence and REMY are serving Israel’s most innovative cultivators. Springs Valley Cannabis, located in Northern Israel, relies on Fluence’s LED technology in its large-scale, high-end indoor growing facility to ensure superior cannabis flowering within the company’s first cultivation environment.

“Lighting has a major effect on our high-end indoor farm's success,” said Yair Shaked, CEO at Springs Valley Cannabis. “We searched for a lighting partner that would support us and add value for the long run—that's why we chose to work with REMY and Fluence.”

UNIVO, a vertically integrated medical cannabis company covering all aspects of cultivation, manufacturing and distribution, leverages Fluence’s solutions in different stages of the growth cycle, including nursery, vegetative, flowering, mother stock, and research and development, where UNIVO clones and grows cannabis plants.

“Amit farm by UNIVO is one of the most sophisticated and technological farms in the Israeli cannabis industry, and after carefully reviewing the market, we decided to cooperate with Fluence to achieve the best premium cannabis flowers,” added Golan Bitton, CEO at UNIVO.

Continuous investment in new knowledge

“Amid Israel’s revered, dynamic high-tech industry, Fluence’s LED lighting technology is recognized as truly innovative. To maintain that position, we continuously invest in new knowledge and develop new techniques to best serve the world’s cultivators,” Bongartz added.

Fluence works closely with leading research institutions such as Wageningen University & Research to uncover new cultivation strategies and explore the influence of various light spectra on cannabis growth and development. Fluence’s collaborative research insights inform product innovations and provide growers with effective best practices to optimize plant growth.

“The job doesn’t stop when the light fixtures have been installed,” says Jörg Meyer-Brenken, Fluence’s lead account manager for cannabis in EMEA. “On the contrary, that’s when it starts and that’s where the Fluence and REMY teams add extraordinary value. REMY is a true, reliable partner. Their team combines deep lighting knowledge with years of experience in Israeli agriculture and horticulture, making REMY an ideal partner to help us reach a prominent position in this fast-growing market.”

“The end result for the cultivator is an agronomic lighting fixture, but the path to reach the optimal lighting strategy is driven by years of research and practical knowledge,” said Elad Toby, founder, CTO and chief business development officer for REMY. “There is huge opportunity in bringing Fluence’s groundbreaking knowledge to the Israeli medical cannabis market.”

For more information about Fluence, visit

About Fluence by OSRAM

Fluence Bioengineering, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of OSRAM, creates powerful and energy-efficient LED lighting solutions for commercial crop production and research applications. Fluence is a leading LED lighting supplier in the global cannabis market and is committed to enabling more efficient crop production with the world’s top vertical farms and greenhouse produce growers. Fluence global headquarters are based in Austin, Texas, with its EMEA headquarters in Rotterdam, Netherlands. For more information about Fluence, visit

About REMY

Established in 2008, REMY 108 LTD specializes in the planning, installation, supervision and quality assurance of large-scale lighting solutions, as well as after-sales service and support, for commercial crop and food cultivation in Israel and beyond. REMY has been providing its customers with agronomic lighting since 2011 and it has been the company’s main focus since 2018. An authorized reseller of Fluence LED lighting solutions, it today also provides agronomic lighting training at its showroom and headquarters in Yanuv. For more information about REMY, visit


Silvia Nagyova
+49 (89) 6213-3939
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MILWAUKEE--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Rexnord Process & Motion Control (PMC) introduced today the latest addition to its line of Smart Condition Monitoring Systems—the new 1030. This universal model continuously monitors large gear drives for oil quality, temperature and vibration to improve uptime, cost efficiency and safety.

The 1030 can be fitted to nearly any gear drive with an oil port 3/4” or greater—typically on equipment with a 100 HP or larger motor, commonly used in mining, paper, cement, power and forestry industries. It delivers simple, robust 24/7 remote monitoring of critical assets to optimize total operating costs. Quick installation can be completed by end users, authorized service shops or by a Rexnord technician. Rexnord provides training materials for reference.

“This is a comprehensive solution for customers with multiple brands of large gear drives, and can be used throughout your facility,” said Dan Plach, Rexnord PMC director of digital solutions.

Key benefits include:

  • Proven maintenance savings, enabling demand-based oil changes, reducing the need for scheduled maintenance.
  • Increased safety, minimizing hands-on equipment inspections in challenging locations.
  • Improved uptime, avoiding asset failures through cost effective preventive maintenance.
  • Easy integration, with programmable logic controllers (PLCs), allowing end users to quickly initiate remote monitoring via EtherNet/IP®, Modbus® TCP/IP or PROFINET® standards.

The Smart Condition Monitoring System has been engineered with proprietary algorithms to allow continuous monitoring, enabling maintenance managers to easily compare sensor data against models of healthy gear drive operating conditions. Abnormal conditions trigger automated alerts to onsite Andon lights, the PLC control system, and the Rexnord Connect Portal, delivering early warnings to clients that significantly improve uptime. The system puts data in context, enabling customers to focus on outcomes; teams know what action to take when and why.

“The 1030 is the only universal large gear drive solution with oil quality, temperature and vibration monitoring capabilities,” Plach said. “It tracks the humidity level as well as oil quality over time.” Customers know when to change oil or do preventive maintenance, better managing manpower and budget while avoiding unplanned downtime. Having the 1030 system in place may also reduce the number of spare units facilities need to keep on hand in case of breakages, freeing up much-needed space and budget, allowing customers to be more agile.

Condition-based maintenance and remote monitoring also positively impact facility safety. With smart condition monitoring systems in place, the number of hands-on equipment inspections can be reduced, lessening the burden on end users. This is especially important for sites located in harsh environments and areas where equipment is not easily accessible.

Customers in mining, pulp & paper, cement & aggregate, power generation, forestry and other industries with demanding environments can capture significant benefits with the Smart Condition Monitoring System. Rexnord offers scalable options to fit specific applications. Future enhancements to Model 1030 will include the addition of auxiliary sensors.

Customers can purchase the new 1030 on

Additional information is available at the following links:

  • Schedule a live demo with a member of the Rexnord team:
  • Access videos, photos and more:
  • Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for information on upgrading your current Rexnord Smart Condition Monitoring System
  • Learn about installation:
  • Find authorized service shops:

About Rexnord Process & Motion Control (PMC)

Within Rexnord, we design, manufacture, market and service specified, highly engineered mechanical components worldwide used within complex systems where our customers’ reliability requirements and the cost of failure or downtime are extremely high. We keep industry moving with products and services that enhance the reliability of equipment supporting key industries, including food, beverage & liquid, automotive, energy, and mining. Our digital productivity platform, DiRXN (pronounced “Direction”), based on the integration of innovative Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and e-commerce technologies with a leading portfolio of tools, products and services, connects our customers to data and information that allows them to optimize productivity across all stages of their lifecycles.


Contact: Kathleen Callahan
Phone: 414-345-0268
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • DS Smith commits to science-based target by 2030, cutting CO2 emissions per ton of product by at least 40%
  • The company is ahead of previous carbon reduction targets, achieving a 23% reduction in emissions per ton of product by the end of 2020

ATLANTA--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Sustainable packaging leader DS Smith announced today a series of ambitious climate targets, including a science-based target to achieve a 40% reduction of CO2 emissions per ton of product by 2030, compared to 2019 levels, and a commitment to reach net-zero emissions by 2050.

These targets will be validated by the Science Based Targets initiative, in line with the goals of the Paris Agreement. To further underline the company’s ambition and commitment, DS Smith also announced its membership in the UN’s Race to Zero. To achieve these targets, it will further adopt a number of engineering solutions, including using local biomass and biogas, and renewable electricity like wind and solar.

In 2017, DS Smith announced its target to reduce carbon emissions per ton of product by 30% by 2030, against a 2015 baseline. As part of a coordinated effort across its over 250 sites globally, it has achieved a 23% reduction by the end of 2020, placing it well ahead of its plans.

DS Smith has achieved this by investing in groundbreaking technology, including waste-to-energy solutions, state-of-the-art combined heat and power facilities, and equipment upgrades from new boilers and LED lighting. It has also increased its use of renewable fuel sources, such as biogas and biomass, and improved its energy usage to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

It is widely recognized that paper and packaging is one of the hardest sectors to de-carbonize, but we are committed to playing our part by taking action on the path to Net Zero with a clear plan and roadmap,” said Miles Roberts, Group Chief Executive of DS Smith. We make sustainable packaging that is fiber-based and fully recyclable and believe that through combined leadership in the circular economy and climate action, we are uniquely positioned to have a real impact in helping to reduce the rise in global temperatures.”

We’ve already made good progress in reducing our carbon as part of our long-term sustainability focus, but we know we need to do much more,” Roberts said. That’s why today we are not only setting ambitious climate targets for ourselves; but strengthening our commitment to delivering more circular solutions for our customers and wider society. I am incredibly proud of all of our people for making this happen.”

Andrew Morlet, CEO of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, a strategic partner of DS Smith, said, “We look forward to exploring how our Strategic Partnership with DS Smith can help accelerate the company’s progress towards achieving the climate targets announced today, in parallel with its circular economy commitments. The switch to renewable energy can only reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 55%, while the remaining 45% of emissions come from how we make and use products — so the transition to a circular economy is vital in order to tackle climate change, as well as other global challenges.”

In addition to its climate action commitment, DS Smith recently announced its $140m R&D and innovation package to accelerate its work in the circular economy. The new investment underpins DS Smith’s new circular economy led sustainability strategy, Now and Next, which pledges to manufacture 100% recyclable or reusable packaging by 2023 and to take a billion pieces of problem plastics off store shelves by 2025.

About DS Smith
DS Smith is a leading provider of sustainable fiber-based packaging worldwide, which is supported by recycling and papermaking operations. It plays a central role in the value chain across sectors including e-commerce, fast moving consumer goods and industrials. Through its purpose of ‘Redefining Packaging for a Changing World’ and its Now and Next sustainability strategy, DS Smith is committed to leading the transition to the circular economy, while delivering more circular solutions for its customers and wider society – replacing problem plastics, taking carbon out of supply chains and providing innovative recycling solutions. Its bespoke box-to-box in 14 days model, design capabilities and innovation strategy sits at the heart of this response. Headquartered in London and a member of the FTSE 100, DS Smith operates in 34 countries employing around 30,000 people and is a Strategic Partner of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation. Its history can be traced back to the box-making businesses started in the 1940s by the Smith family. North American operations are based in Atlanta, with 15 manufacturing, paper and recycling facilities, totaling more than 2,000 employees.

DS Smith operates in 34 countries employing around 30,000 people and is a Strategic Partner of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation.

DS Smith will report annually its progress across its climate targets in its Sustainability and Annual Reports.


Mindy Myrick, Head of Corporate Affairs
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Caroline Curran, Hill+Knowlton Strategies
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HOUSTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Ranger Energy Services, Inc. (NYSE: RNGR) (“Ranger” or the “Company”) announced today that Darron Anderson is leaving the Company after leading Ranger for the last four years. The Board of Directors has appointed the Company’s Chairman of the Board, Bill Austin, as interim CEO. The Board has engaged an executive search firm to assist with the recruitment of a new permanent CEO.

Mr. Austin has served as a member of Ranger’s Board of Directors since May 2017 and will continue to serve as Chairman of the Board of Directors while he serves as interim CEO. Mr. Austin has more than 40 years’ experience in varying industries, including oilfield services. Mr. Austin currently serves as a member of the board of directors of Stallion Oilfield Services, a position he has held since October 2017, and was formerly a member of the board of directors of Nuverra Environmental Solutions, Inc. and Express Energy LLP. Mr. Austin served as Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Exterran Holdings from December 2011 until April 2014, and he also served as Senior Vice President and Director of Exterran GP, LLC from April 2012 until April 2014.

“I look forward to working with the Ranger leadership team whom I’ve gotten to know very well over the last several years. We are excited for the future and to capitalize on the strong market position we currently hold. Ranger’s balance sheet continues to afford us access to multiple growth and acquisition opportunities. Our recent Patriot acquisition, along with a host of other potential targets, demonstrates the strategic opportunities available to Ranger and our ability to execute when many others cannot. I personally want to thank Darron for his leadership dating back to our IPO through the development of what Ranger has become today,” said Mr. Austin.

“The last four years have been extremely rewarding. To be part of the team that has developed Ranger into a leading US services company, during very difficult market conditions, is something I’m quite proud of. As I leave for another opportunity, I’m departing with the highest level of confidence in Ranger and the entire leadership team. I firmly believe the level of success achieved by Ranger to date is simply a fraction of what’s to come,” said Mr. Anderson.

Mr. Anderson will no longer serve on the Company’s Board of Directors.

About Ranger Energy Services, Inc.

Ranger is an independent provider of well service rigs and associated services in the United States, with a focus on unconventional horizontal well completion and production operations. Ranger also provides services necessary to bring and maintain a well on production. The Processing Solutions segment engages in the rental, installation, commissioning, start-up, operation and maintenance of MRUs, Natural Gas Liquid stabilizer and storage units and related equipment.

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J. Brandon Blossman
Chief Financial Officer
(713) 935-8900
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  • Two drillships added in first quarter 2021; six drillships now operating offshore Guyana
  • Additional drilling activity to support Stabroek development
  • More than 2,600 Guyanese supporting overall activities

IRVING, Texas--(BUSINESS WIRE)--ExxonMobil today said it made a discovery at Longtail-3 in the Stabroek Block offshore Guyana. Drilling at Longtail-3 encountered 230 feet (70 meters) of net pay, including newly identified, high quality hydrocarbon bearing reservoirs below the original Longtail-1 discovery intervals. The well is located approximately two miles (3.5 kilometers) south of the Longtail-1 well. It was drilled in more than 6,100 feet (1860 meters) of water by the Stena DrillMAX.

“Longtail-3, combined with our recent discovery at Uaru-2, has the potential to increase our resource estimate within the Stabroek block, demonstrating further growth of this world-class resource and our high-potential development opportunities offshore Guyana,” said Mike Cousins, senior vice president of exploration and new ventures at ExxonMobil. “We will continue to leverage our core competitive advantages in our ongoing exploration campaign, delivering substantial value to the Guyanese people, our partners and shareholders.”

The Longtail-1 discovery in the Stabroek Block was drilled in 2018, encountering approximately 256 feet (78 meters) of high-quality, oil-bearing sandstone reservoir.

ExxonMobil has deployed two additional drillships in the first quarter of 2021; the Stena DrillMAX and the Noble Sam Croft to enable further exploration and evaluation, while continuing development drilling activities offshore Guyana. As the company advances its 15-well campaign in the Stabroek block, DrillMAX will move to Whiptail-1, while the Noble Sam Croft supports development drilling for Liza Phase 2.

In other drilling activity in the Stabroek Block, the Mako-2 evaluation well confirmed the quality, thickness and areal extent of the reservoir. When integrated with the previously announced discovery at Uaru-2, the data supports a potential fifth floating production storage and offloading vessel in the area east of the Liza complex. The Koebi-1 exploration well in the Stabroek block has shown evidence of non-commercial hydrocarbons.

By the first quarter of this year more than 2,600 Guyanese and 600 local suppliers were supporting ExxonMobil’s activities in country. Guyanese staff have completed more than 40,000 hours of training in Guyana, Trinidad and Tobago, and the United States.

The Stabroek Block is 6.6 million acres (26,800 square kilometers). ExxonMobil affiliate Esso Exploration and Production Guyana Limited is operator and holds 45 percent interest in the Stabroek Block. Hess Guyana Exploration Ltd. holds 30 percent interest and CNOOC Petroleum Guyana Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of CNOOC Limited, holds 25 percent interest.

About ExxonMobil

ExxonMobil, one of the largest publicly traded international energy companies, uses technology and innovation to help meet the world’s growing energy needs. ExxonMobil holds an industry-leading inventory of resources, is one of the largest refiners and marketers of petroleum products, and its chemical company is one of the largest in the world. To learn more, visit and the Energy Factor.

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Cautionary Statement: Statements of future events or conditions in this release are forward-looking statements. Actual future results, including project plans, schedules, capacities, production rates, and resource recoveries could differ materially due to: changes in market conditions affecting the oil and gas industry or long-term oil and gas price levels; political or regulatory developments including obtaining necessary regulatory permits; restrictions in trade, travel or broader government responses to first or subsequent waves of COVID-19; reservoir performance; the outcome of future exploration and development efforts; technical or operating factors; the outcome of commercial negotiations; unexpected technological breakthroughs or challenges; and other factors cited under the caption “Factors Affecting Future Results” on the Investors page of our website at and under Item 1A. Risk Factors in our annual report on Form 10-K.


ExxonMobil Media Relations
(972) 940-6007

Local, affordable and reliable wholesale electricity to provide job creation and new economic development opportunities

DENVER & ACOMA PUEBLO, N.M.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--#energy--Today, Guzman Energy announced it will become the wholesale energy supplier for the Pueblo of Acoma. With this agreement, the Pueblo of Acoma will be purchasing approximately 17,520 MWh per year and will benefit from cost savings and gain local control over their energy.

"Partnering with the Pueblo of Acoma to ensure they have a reliable, cost-effective power source is representative of the types of community driven customer partnerships that Guzman Energy was designed to serve,” said Jeffrey M. Heit, Principal, Managing Director at Guzman Energy. “The fact that we’re finding a better way to meet the Pueblo’s energy needs, while also creating jobs and other positive economic impacts, makes this a particularly meaningful partnership for our company.”

The fixed-price, 15-year power purchase agreement between Guzman Energy and the Pueblo of Acoma begins June 9, 2021, and will bring additional economic benefits to the community, including:

  • Four planned high-paying, skilled jobs for the tribal community: superintendent, journeyman lineman, and two electrical technicians
  • Future forecast of additional jobs will be created including a billing technician, meter reader and administrative assistant
  • One job is sustained as executive director with oversight of the electric utility

“Our goals for this important transition to a new wholesale power provider are to lower wholesale power rates and to have greater control over stabilizing those rates with reliable, fixed pricing,” said Pueblo of Acoma Governor Brian Vallo. “We are also pleased to have found a partner like Guzman Energy, which understands the additional positive impacts our community seeks with immediate jobs and future economic benefits. Establishment of the tribal electric utility will provide the Pueblo with other opportunities for clean, reliable, and affordable energy development, a true exercise of tribal sovereignty and self-determination,” added Vallo.

About Guzman Energy
Guzman Energy is a wholesale power provider dedicated to communities in search of affordable and reliable energy. We partner with cooperatives, municipalities, companies and Indian tribes across North America to customize energy portfolios that make economic and environmental sense for today and tomorrow. Together, we are lighting the way forward. To learn more, visit

About Pueblo of Acoma
The Pueblo of Acoma is a federally recognized Indian tribe located 55 miles west of Albuquerque, New Mexico. Acoma is one of nineteen Pueblo tribes in the state of New Mexico who continue to live within their traditional values known to them since time immemorial. As a Pueblo community, the Acoma people are proud of their history, heritage, and cultural values that have ensured their survival since its settlement in 1100 A.D. Exercising its sovereign authority, the Pueblo of Acoma will be the third Indian tribe in New Mexico to operate and maintain their electric utility. To learn more, visit


Megan Schaefer
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Pueblo of Acoma Utility Authority
(505) 552 -5131

CHICAGO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--#AmericanMade--The COVID-19 pandemic propelled interest in outdoor recreation activities like boating last year, which provided a welcome escape and reinvigorated one of America’s greatest pastimes. According to the National Marine Manufacturers Association (NMMA), this trend is here to stay – the boating industry is booming with demand at an all-time high as Americans plan for a summer on the water.

New boat sales, which reached a 13-year high in 2020, remain at elevated levels – with sales through March 2021 up 30% compared to the 2020 average – and dealers are selling new boats as fast as they receive them at the start of peak boating season.

“As the country returns to a new normal, people are reassessing how they spend their quality time with loved ones, and many are continuing to choose boating as the preferred choice in recreation,” said Frank Hugelmeyer, NMMA president. “All signs point to boating demand and boat sales remaining strong as more people discover the mental health benefits, joys and freedoms of being outside and on the water.”

Part of what is driving growth for the recreational boating industry is the uptick in first-time boat buyers of new and pre-owned boats, attracting a wider net of Americans. New data from the NMMA show 415,000 first-time boat buyers entered the market in 2020. These buyers are averaging younger, and are 1.5 times more likely to be women than other buyer groups.

Additionally, Discover Boating – the industry’s resource hub for those interested in getting started in boating – reports traffic to the site is up 56% year-over-year through May. What’s more, there has been 90% growth to the site year over year through May in the 18-24 years old segment, signaling a growing interest among Gen Z; Millennials make up the largest user segment to the site; and visits by women to are up 41% through May year-over-year.

“Boating has seen an increase in more diverse first-time boat buyers who are helping drive sales of versatile, smaller boats that provide a variety of boating experiences, from fishing to watersports,” noted Hugelmeyer.

U.S. Recreational Boating by the Numbers (Source: National Marine Manufacturers Association)

Additional statistics on the industry’s size, makeup and demographics include:

  • Retail unit sales of new powerboats in the U.S. reached a 13-year high in 2020 with nearly 320,000 units sold, up 13% compared to 2019 – levels the recreational boating industry has not seen since before the Great Recession in 2008.
  • Annual U.S. sales of boats, marine products and services totaled $49.3 billion in 2020, up 14% from 2019.
  • The following new powerboat categories are driving record retail unit sales:
    • Sales of personal watercraft (PWC), including Jet Ski, Sea Doo and WaveRunner, were up 8% to 82,500 units in 2020; with accessible entry-level price points, personal watercraft are often considered a gateway to the boating lifestyle.
    • Sales of wake sport boats—popular for wakesurfing, wakeboarding and skiing, attractive to new and active boaters—were up 22% to 13,600 units in 2020.
    • Sales of freshwater fishing boats and pontoons boats, often sought for their versatility and entry-level price points and accounting for 45% of new powerboats sold in 2020, were up 13% to 144,700 units.
  • With the retail price of a new aluminum boat package (includes trailer, engine & other accessories) averaging $35,200 and new personal watercraft averaging $12,700, boating is attracting more participants as people of all ages and walks of life seek quality time on the water.
    • An estimated 100 million Americans go boating each year.
    • 61% of boat owners have an annual household income of $100,000 or less.
    • 95% of boats on the water in the U.S. are less than 26 feet—boats that can be trailered by a vehicle to local waterways.
  • 95% of boats sold in the U.S. are American made.
  • The recreational boating industry supports 691,149 American jobs (511,117 direct jobs and 180,032 indirect jobs) and 35,277 American businesses.
  • Boating and fishing are the largest outdoor recreation activities in the U.S., totaling $23.6 billion in current-dollar value added. Source – U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)

About NMMA: The National Marine Manufacturers Association (NMMA) is the leading trade organization for the North American recreational boating industry. NMMA member companies produce more than 80 percent of the boats, engines, trailers, marine accessories and gear used by millions of boaters in North America. The association serves its members and their sales and service networks by improving the business environment for recreational boating including providing domestic and international sales and marketing opportunities, reducing unnecessary government regulation, decreasing the cost of doing business, and helping grow boating participation. As the largest producer of boat and sport shows in the U.S., NMMA connects the recreational boating industry with the boating consumer year-round. Learn more at and get engaged with us on Twitter and LinkedIn.


Sarah Salvatori,  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., 847-636-9790


CHARLOTTE, N.C.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--$HYP #criticalminerals--Hyperion Metals Limited (ASX: HYM) (“Hyperion” or “the Company”) is pleased to announce that it has entered into an agreement with Blacksand Technology, LLC (“Blacksand”) to investigate the commercial development of spherical titanium metal powders using the GSD technology and an option to enter into an exclusive license agreement for the patents associated with the technology (“the Agreements”).

This follows from the previous agreement with Blacksand for the HAMR technology (refer ASX announcement dated 15 February 2021) which when combined with GSD and Hyperion’s Titan Project, has the potential to provide a sustainable, zero carbon, low-cost and fully integrated titanium spherical metal powder supply chain in the USA.

  • Hyperion has secured the exclusive rights to the patented Granulation-Sintering-Deoxygenation (“GSD”) technology developed by Dr. Z. Zak Fang for producing zero carbon, low-cost spherical titanium powders.
  • GSD offers major advantages in the production of spherical titanium for use in 3D printing, including:
    • Production of titanium and titanium alloy powders with low oxygen, controllable particle size and excellent flowability
    • Higher manufacturing yields than current processes, leading to significantly lower costs
    • Energy efficient process leading to a zero carbon process when coupled with renewable power
    • Ability to utilize lower cost and sustainable feedstocks including recycled titanium metal powders/scrap or HAMR titanium powders
  • The combination of producing titanium metal via the HAMR process followed by the production of titanium spherical powders via the GSD process has the potential to substantially reduce the total cost of titanium powders for 3D printing, opening up many potential new markets.
  • The combination of these technologies has the potential to disrupt not just the high value titanium metals and powders market, but also the far larger aluminum and stainless-steel markets.
  • Dr. Fang is a Professor of Metallurgy at the University of Utah. The HAMR and GSD technologies were developed, in part, with the financial support provided by the Advanced Research Project Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) of the US Department of Energy from 2014-2019:
    • Dr. Fang is a leader in global advanced materials and manufacturing technologies for energy production, storage, and efficiency applications and is the sole or co-inventor on more than 50 U.S. patents
    • ARPA-E has provided over US$2.6 billion in R&D funding for more than 1,000 potentially transformational energy technology projects
    • ARPA-E analyzes and catalogues some of the Agency’s most successful projects through its “Impact Sheets,” which explore a range of individual projects and their achievements
    • The Impact Sheet for the HAMR and GSD technologies is available here:
    • Further development and optimization of titanium products from the HAMR and GSD technologies has occurred subsequent to the ARPA-E funded activities
  • The Company is making significant progress with Dr. Fang and his team in Utah on both the HAMR and GSD technologies and expects to make key updates, including:
    • HAMR powder production using the company’s titanium minerals from the Titan project
    • Commencement of GSD powder production from HAMR titanium powders and/or titanium recycled scrap
    • Techno-economic assessment for the scale up of production of titanium metal and powders

Commenting on the agreement, Mr. Anastasios Arima, CEO and MD of Hyperion Metals, said:

“Titanium metal is the superior metal for a wide range of advanced applications, from aerospace to defense, and it should also be the logical choice for industrial and civilian applications. Titanium’s widespread adoption has been held back in sectors such as consumer goods and electric vehicles due to its high cost.

The combination of the patented HAMR and GSD technologies together with advances in 3D printing offers a pathway to dramatically reduce the cost and carbon emissions of titanium metal components. Furthermore, recent studies by the Fraunhofer Institute have shown that the fabrication of titanium parts using laser powder-bed additive (a 3D printing technique), emits approximately 70% less CO2 than equivalent production by traditional milling processes.

Hyperion’s vision is to utilize these sustainable technologies and accelerate the rapid penetration of titanium in current and widespread applications in next generation mobility. The light weighting of trucks, trains, drones and electric vehicles will lead to a quantum leap in the energy efficiency of these vehicles and will be large, high growth new markets for titanium.

We aim to scale and commercialize these breakthrough technologies, make the US the global leader in titanium production and deliver technological leadership for in titanium applications for aerospace, space and defense.”

Commenting on the agreement, Dr. Z. Zak Fang said:

“We look forward to commercializing the HAMR and GSD technologies with Hyperion Metals. These technologies have produced titanium metal and powders that consistently met the purity requirements defined by industry standards and they have the potential to significantly lower the costs and carbon emissions of producing titanium metal and powders.

These technologies have the capacity to drastically alter the titanium, stainless steel and aluminum markets and increase the range of applications for high performance, lightweight and low-cost titanium parts.”

Titanium powders for 3D printing / additive manufacturing

Titanium has exceptional material properties including high strength, light weight, superior corrosion resistance and leading biocompatibility versus other metals.

Producing high quality spherical powders from titanium and titanium alloys is one of the critical building blocks for the rapidly growing, industrial scale, 3D printing / additive manufacturing sectors.

Additive manufacturing with titanium can provide many benefits to the medical, aerospace, EV, space and defense sectors, including;

  • Enhanced performance and sustainability by producing strong, lightweight parts that have high levels of corrosion resistance and are 100% recyclable
  • Reduced production lead times through iterative, software led design and rapid printing
  • Reduced waste and cost of producing a part - with scrap rates of less than 10% compared to over 90% for complex milled parts
  • In medical applications, titanium powders allow the rapid production of made-to-measure medical implants that are strong, lightweight, and critically, biocompatible.

To realize the benefits of utilizing titanium powders, they need to meet very high chemical and physical standards. This not only relates to high titanium or titanium alloy purities with low oxygen and other deleterious elements but physical properties of high sphericity, specific particle size distribution and flowability. Hence, these powders are typically produced via complex, post processing techniques following on from the production of high purity titanium metal ingot or wire production.

Spherical titanium powder production challenges

The high cost of titanium spherical powders has curtailed its use in additive manufacturing for products that require its superior properties of strength-to-weight ratio, corrosion resistance and biocompatibility.

The price of titanium metal is approximately $8,500 per ton1, with the price of titanium spherical powder suitable for 3D printing potentially over $300,000 per ton1.

The current commercial processes for producing titanium spherical powders include gas atomization, plasma atomization and the plasma rotating electrode process.

Fine spherical powders can be produced with gas atomization and plasma atomization methods but, after size classification, the product yield is low. The plasma rotating electrode process produces titanium powder with good purity and excellent spherical shape, but the particle size is larger than required for many applications.

The limiting factor in all three processes is low product yield for fine powder, which is one of the main technical reasons for the very high cost of titanium powder used in additive manufacturing.

GSD – Breakthrough spherical powder technology

Granulation-sintering-deoxygenation (GSD) is a thermochemical process for producing spherical titanium powders used in 3D printing and additive manufacturing and was invented by Dr. Z. Zak Fang and his team at the University of Utah.

The GSD technology significantly improves the yield, by up to 50%, and produces a spherical powder with low oxygen, controllable particle size and excellent flowability.

The GSD manufacturing process steps are:

  1. Titanium metal or alloy is hydrogenated to make friable hydride and is then milled into fine particles
  2. The fine hydride particles are granulated into spherical granules in the desired size range using spray-drying
  3. The spherical granules are sintered to produce densified spherical titanium powder
  4. The densified spherical titanium powder is deoxygenated with magnesium to reduce the oxygen content to product specifications

The GSD technology can also introduce desirable alloying ingredients with the titanium hydride powder made in Step 1 to make titanium alloys. For example, titanium hydride powder can be blended with aluminum and vanadium powders to create the widely used alloy Ti-6Al-4V. Other alloying elements for titanium include Fe, Nb, Zr and Mo.

Importantly, the source material can also be recycled titanium scrap material. The manufacturing of titanium components and structures can generate a large amount of titanium machining chips (this ‘scrap’ can be over 90% for complex traditionally milled parts). This scrap titanium can be sorted, cleaned, and prepared for processing as the source material in Step 1 above. This recycling pathway for the GSD technology can reduce costs and significantly improve the sustainability of titanium metal manufacturing.






  • Controllable particle size
  • Low energy consumption
  • Very high powder yield / very low waste
  • A wide range of titanium alloys can easily be made
  • Excellent metallurgical quality
  • Excellent flowability
  • Recently invented and patented
  • Pilot scale – requires commercial scale up

Gas Atomisation

  • Excellent metallurgical quality
  • High powder flow rates
  • New and modified alloys can easily be made
  • Scalable technology: very high volumes available and can easily support AM growth
  • Large supply base
  • Variability in powder properties between suppliers
  • Large number of suppliers and atomising technologies can be confusing
  • Reactive and high melting point alloys not available
  • Few companies currently atomising titanium
  • Low product yield
  • High cost

Plasma Atomisation

  • Excellent metallurgical quality
  • Very high flow rates — near perfect spheres
  • Reactive and high melting point alloys can be made
  • Titanium alloys available
  • Limited supply base
  • Only alloys available as wire can be made
  • Low product yield
  • High cost

Plasma Rotating

Electrode Process

  • Excellent metallurgical quality
  • Very high flow rates — perfect spheres
  • Reactive and high melting point alloys can be made
  • Titanium alloys available
  • Limited supply base but growing
  • High quality bar needed as starting material
  • Low product yield
  • High cost

Table 1: Summary of powder characteristics by manufacturing process2,3

HAMR technology

Hyperion already holds an exclusive license for the patented HAMR technology that is a proven method for the production of titanium metal with significantly less energy than the current Kroll process. This technology was also developed by Professor Zak Fang and his team at the University of Utah with funding from the US Department of Energy.

The HAMR technology has successfully produced titanium metal at pilot plant scale at product qualities that exceed current industry standards. Detailed economic-energy analysis and process simulations indicate that the HAMR process uses ~50% less energy than the Kroll process, and offers a path to dropping the cost of titanium by approximately 50%. Using renewable electricity, it can produce zero carbon titanium metal.

The opportunity

The combination of the two patented technologies - GSD and HAMR - plus the advent of wide scale industrial 3D printing capabilities offers a compelling market opportunity.

The successful scale up of these technologies could potentially produce zero-carbon spherical titanium powders at a fraction of the cost, with economic modelling indicating a reduction in costs per ton of over 75%. Oak Ridge National Laboratories reports that 3D printing can cut down manufacturers’ use of raw materials by up to 90%. This quantum of efficiency and cost reduction would not just disrupt the titanium market, but also the far larger aluminum and stainless steel markets.

Titanium competes with metals such as aluminum and stainless steel for strength, and corrosion resistance, and while there are several other metals with excellent properties in these applications, none have the same combined superior properties of strength, weight and corrosive resistance as titanium.

The size of the global titanium primary metal market is ~US$4.2bn pa4. The size of the manufactured titanium part market, which would be the relevant comparator for additive manufacturing with titanium powders, is a multiple of US$4.2bn pa. The global primary stainless steel market is ~US$115bn pa5 and the aluminum market ~US$150bn pa6,7.

Titanium is a superior metal for a wide range of high-performance applications in the aerospace, medical, space and defense sectors. It is only cost that has held it back from being used for its superior properties in larger consumer markets such as the global transportation industry.

The patented HAMR and GSD technologies have the potential to provide a step change in the titanium supply chain process through eliminating process stages, reducing energy consumption, reducing carbon emissions and significantly cutting costs. Hyperion believes these breakthrough technologies offer a pathway to create the lowest cost, lowest carbon titanium components globally.

Next steps

  • Q3 2021: Produce titanium powders at the Blacksand Technology’s production facility in Salt Lake City, Utah, for customer and partner testing
  • Q3 2021: Commence techno-economic studies for the scale up of the HAMR and GSD titanium metals and powders production facility
  • Q4 2021: Bulk sample from Titan project converted into titanium metal and powders using HAMR and GSD technologies
  • H1 2022: Completion of techno-economic studies and FID for production scale HAMR and GSD plant

Dr. Z. Zak Fang Biography

Dr. Zak Fang currently serves as a Program Director at the Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E). His focus at ARPA-E is on advanced materials and manufacturing technologies for energy production, storage, and efficiency applications.

Prior to joining ARPA-E, Fang served as a Professor in Metallurgical Engineering at the University of Utah. There, he led a number of innovative research projects and was recognized with an R&D 100 Award for his efforts. He is also a serial inventor and entrepreneur. He has founded two small technology businesses and is the sole or co-inventor on more than 50 U.S. patents. Prior to joining the faculty at the University of Utah, he held various technical and management positions in a number of industrial corporations, including Smith International.

Dr. Fang earned a B.S. and M.S. in Materials Science and Engineering from the University of Science and Technology Beijing and a PhD in Materials Science and Engineering from the University of Alabama at Birmingham. He is also a Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors, ASM International, and APMI International.

Further information for Dr. Fang can be found at the University of Utah’s website: (

Dr. Fang is the founder and Chief Technology Officer of Blacksand Technologies, LLC.


Key Patents and References

  • Z. Zak Fang et al., Powder metallurgy methods for the production of fine and ultrafine grain Ti and Ti alloys, US patent 9,816,157 B2
  • Z. Zak Fang et al., Methods of producing a titanium product, US Patent App. 14/935,245
  • Ying Zhang et al., Methods of deoxygenating metals having oxygen dissolved therein in a solid solution, US Patent 9,669,464
  • Z. Zak Fang et al., Production of Substantially Spherical Metal Powders, US Patent 9,421,612
  • Ying Zhang et al., Methods of deoxygenating metals having oxygen dissolved therein in a solid solution, US Patent 9,669,464
  • Pei Sun et al., A Novel Method for Production of Spherical Ti-6Al-4V for Additive Manufacturing, Powder Technology, 301(2016):331-335.
  • Ying Zhang et al., Thermodynamic destabilization of Ti-O solid solution by H2 and de-oxygenation of Ti using Mg, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 138(2016):6916-6919.

About Blacksand

Blacksand Technology LLC is located in Salt Lake City, Utah, and is a materials innovation company founded in 2013 by Dr. Z. Zak Fang, Professor of Materials Science and Engineering of the University of Utah.

Blacksand is the worldwide exclusive licensee from the University of Utah for proprietary & patented technologies to produce low-cost powders for use in additive manufacturing and near net shape manufacturing of metal parts.

Blacksand’s patented technologies produce spherical and non-spherical titanium and its alloys, stainless-steel powders, and refractory metal alloy powders. Core competencies of Blacksand Technology include expertise on metallic materials manufacturing processes, metal powders synthesis, characterization, processing, sintering, and mechanical properties. Blacksand Technology’s expertise covers titanium, refractory metals, hard materials, and other specialty alloys.

Blacksand’s manufacturing and testing facilities in Salt Lake City can produce spherical titanium and titanium metal alloy powders. Testing capabilities include particle size and shape distribution characterization, chemical compositions, microstructure characterization using optical microscope and scanning electron microscopy, and the mechanical and erosion testing of metal parts.

About Hyperion Metals

Hyperion’s mission is to be the leading developer of zero carbon, sustainable, critical material supply chains for advanced American industries including space, aerospace, electric vehicles and 3D printing.

The Company holds a 100% interest in the Titan Project, covering nearly 6,000 acres of titanium, rare earth minerals, high grade silica sand and zircon rich mineral sands properties in Tennessee, USA. The Titan Project is strategically located in the southeast of the USA, with low-cost road, rail and water logistics connecting it to world class manufacturing industries.

Hyperion has secured options for the exclusive license to produce low carbon titanium metal and spherical powers using the breakthrough HAMR & GSD technologies. The HAMR & GSD technologies were invented by Dr. Z. Zak Fang and his team at the University of Utah with government funding from ARPA-E.

The HAMR technology has demonstrated the potential to produce titanium powders with low-to-zero carbon intensity, significantly lower energy consumption, significantly lower cost and at product qualities which exceed current industry standards. The GSD technology is a thermochemical process combining low cost feedstock material with high yield production, and can produce spherical titanium and titanium alloy powders at a fraction of the cost of comparable commercial powders.

Hyperion also has signed an MOU to establish a partnership with Energy Fuels (NYSE:UUUU) that aims to build an integrated, all-American rare earths supply chain. The MOU will evaluate the potential supply of rare earth minerals from Hyperion’s Titan Project to Energy Fuels for value added processing at Energy Fuels’ White Mesa Mill. Rare earths are highly valued as critical materials for magnet production essential for wind turbines, EVs, consumer electronics and military applications.

1 Roskill - Titanium Metal Outlook to 2030
2 Metal AM, An introduction to metal powders for AM: Manufacturing processes and properties,
3 Iver E. Anderson, Emma M.H. White, Ryan Dehoff, Feedstock powder processing research needs for additive manufacturing development, Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science, Volume 22, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 8-15
4 Roskill Titanium Metal 10 Edition Update 1 – November 2020
5 Alcoa Corporation Investor Presentation, May 2021
6 Outokumpu,


Anastasios (Taso) Arima, CEO & Managing Director
+1 347 899 1522
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Dominic Allen, Corporate Development
+61 468 544 888
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  • Adds to previous recoverable resource estimate of approximately 9 billion barrels of oil equivalent
  • Mako-2 appraisal well results, together with the previously announced Uaru-2 discovery, give line of sight to a potential fifth FPSO on the Stabroek Block

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Hess Corporation (NYSE: HES) today announced a discovery offshore Guyana at the Longtail-3 well on the Stabroek Block. Drilling at Longtail-3 encountered 230 feet (70 meters) of net pay, including newly identified, high quality hydrocarbon bearing reservoirs below the original Longtail-1 discovery intervals. The well is located approximately two miles (3.5 kilometers) south of the Longtail-1 well. It was drilled in more than 6,100 feet (1,860 meters) of water by the Stena DrillMAX. The Longtail-1 discovery on the Stabroek Block was drilled in 2018, encountering approximately 256 feet (78 meters) of high-quality, oil-bearing sandstone reservoir.

In other drilling activity, the Mako-2 appraisal well on the Stabroek Block confirmed the quality, thickness and areal extent of the reservoir. When integrated with the previously announced discovery at Uaru-2, the data supports a potential fifth floating production storage and offloading vessel (FPSO) in the area east of the Liza complex. The Koebi-1 exploration well on the Stabroek Block has shown evidence of non-commercial hydrocarbons.

CEO John Hess said: “The Longtail-3 discovery together with the previously announced discovery at Uaru-2 will add to the gross discovered recoverable resource estimate of approximately 9 billion barrels of oil equivalent and underpin future development opportunities for the Stabroek Block.”

The Stabroek Block is 6.6 million acres. ExxonMobil affiliate Esso Exploration and Production Guyana Limited is operator and holds 45 percent interest in the Stabroek Block. Hess Guyana Exploration Ltd. holds 30 percent interest and CNOOC Petroleum Guyana Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of CNOOC Limited, holds 25 percent interest.

Hess Corporation is a leading global independent energy company engaged in the exploration and production of crude oil and natural gas. More information on Hess Corporation is available at

Cautionary Statements

This news release contains “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Words such as “anticipate,” “estimate,” “expect,” “forecast,” “guidance,” “could,” “may,” “should,” “would,” “believe,” “intend,” “project,” “plan,” “predict,” “will,” “target” and similar expressions identify forward-looking statements, which are not historical in nature. Our forward-looking statements may include, without limitation, the expected number, timing and completion of our development projects and estimates of capital and operating costs for these projects; estimates of our crude oil and natural gas resources and levels of production; and our future financial and operational results. Forward-looking statements are based on our current understanding, assessments, estimates and projections of relevant factors and reasonable assumptions about the future. Forward-looking statements are subject to certain known and unknown risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from our historical experience and our current projections or expectations of future results expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements. The following important factors could cause actual results to differ materially from those in our forward-looking statements: fluctuations in market prices or demand for crude oil, NGLs and natural gas, including due to the global COVID-19 pandemic or the outbreak of any other public health threat, or due to the impact of competing or alternative energy products and political conditions and events; potential failures or delays in increasing oil and gas reserves and in achieving expected production levels, including as a result of unsuccessful exploration activity, drilling risks and unforeseen reservoir conditions; inherent uncertainties in estimating quantities of proved reserves and resources; changes in laws, regulations and governmental actions applicable to our business, including legislative and regulatory initiatives regarding environmental concerns, such as measures to limit greenhouse gas emissions and flaring; the ability of our contractual counterparties to satisfy their obligations to us, including the operation of joint ventures which we may not control; unexpected changes in technical requirements for constructing, modifying or operating exploration and production facilities and/or the inability to timely obtain or maintain necessary permits; potential disruption or interruption of our operations due to catastrophic events, including the global COVID-19 pandemic; and other factors described in Item 1A—Risk Factors in our Annual Report on Form 10-K and any additional risks described in our other filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. As and when made, we believe that our forward-looking statements are reasonable. However, given these risks and uncertainties, caution should be taken not to place undue reliance on any such forward-looking statements since such statements speak only as of the date when made and there can be no assurance that such forward-looking statements will occur and actual results may differ materially from those contained in any forward-looking statement we make. Except as required by law, we undertake no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether because of new information, future events or otherwise.

We use certain terms in this release relating to resources other than proved reserves, such as unproved reserves or resources. Investors are urged to consider closely the oil and gas disclosures in Hess Corporation’s Form 10-K, File No. 1-1204, available from Hess Corporation, 1185 Avenue of the Americas, New York, New York 10036 c/o Corporate Secretary and on our website at You can also obtain this form from the SEC on the EDGAR system.


Investor Contact:
Jay Wilson
(212) 536-8940
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Media Contact:
Lorrie Hecker
(212) 536-8250
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HOUSTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Genesis Energy, L.P. (NYSE: GEL) announced today that it will participate in the BofA Securities 2021 Energy Credit Conference. The conference is being held virtually on Wednesday, June 9th, 2021 and Thursday, June 10th, 2021.

The Partnership’s latest presentation materials are available and may be downloaded by visiting the Partnership’s website at under “Presentations” under the Investors tab.

Genesis Energy, L.P. is a diversified midstream energy master limited partnership headquartered in Houston, Texas. Genesis’ operations include offshore pipeline transportation, sodium minerals and sulfur services, onshore facilities and transportation and marine transportation. Genesis’ operations are primarily located in the Gulf Coast region of the United States, Wyoming and the Gulf of Mexico.


Genesis Energy, L.P.
Ryan Sims
SVP – Finance and Corporate Development
(713) 860-2521

Oakland Maritime Support Services (OMSS) leveraging the Geoverse Private LTE cellular network to enhance and automate container yard operations, safety protocols, and security measures

BELLEVUE, Washington--(BUSINESS WIRE)--#ConnectedPorts--Geoverse, a national operator of private cellular networks for the enterprise, today announced it has entered into an agreement to provide a private cellular solution for Oakland Maritime Support Services (OMSS) at the Port of Oakland. The private LTE network will leverage Citizens Broadband Radio Service (CBRS) to enable multiple intermodal container yard management applications in the first phase and new smart port use cases and applications in follow-on phases. The private LTE deployment will be one of the first smart port solutions rolled out with CBRS in the U.S.

OMSS is deploying the Geoverse GeoCore Evolved Packet Core (EPC) as the critical control element to manage the CBRS network infrastructure and the connected end points across the port. A number of mobile devices and end points will be populated with a Geoverse SIM card, enabling them to securely connect to the private network and utilize capabilities such as outbound roaming should they need to transit off-site.

OMSS plans to accelerate its digital transformation by using the Geoverse service platform to enable sitewide wireless coverage, Industrial IoT, and advanced analytics to make its container yard operation more productive and efficient. With Geoverse, OMSS is leveraging the cellular network to better manage its increasing container traffic, the tightening demands on the supply chain, and the growing dynamic handling volumes.

“We seek to gain new efficiencies by using wireless, IoT and the available analytics to enable multiple smart port applications by leveraging this reliable high-speed mobile data and communications platform,” said Bill Aboudi, president of OMSS. “By partnering with Geoverse, the OMSS will be able to enhance its existing infrastructure to support the emerging demands through the use of intelligent intermodal applications such as container yard workflow analytics, environmental monitoring, smart gate management, and drone surveillance.”

In working with Geoverse, OMSS is seeking to:

  • Maximize benefits of its container yard management assets
  • Better utilize automated cargo handling equipment
  • Improve safety and security
  • Reduce operational costs
  • Increase drayage efficiency
  • Support communication services and generally operate in a more sustainable way

“Once we became more familiar with all the capabilities of LTE and CBRS, it became increasingly clear that Geoverse was the right partner to lead and manage the delivery of this technology for our private network,” Aboudi said.

“This deployment is proving to be a first for the support of new use cases with CBRS, demonstrating how these networks are really a good fit for these maritime environments,” said Rod Nelson, Geoverse CEO. “We’re pleased to partner with Oakland Maritime Support Services at the Port of Oakland on such a critical effort to improve the way containerized goods are moved as part of the U.S. supply chain. We expect that this is a model other ports and intermodal facilities will be watching.”

About Geoverse

Geoverse is a licensed mobile operator that provides turnkey connectivity solutions for enterprises, property owners, and communities. The company’s private 5G/LTE cellular network offering—based on citizens band radio network (CBRS) and licensed spectrum—interconnects with major mobile operators, delivering a secure, flexible solution enabling value-added applications and high-performance coverage for users and devices. Geoverse, the largest Neutral Host operator in the US, is a subsidiary of ATN International (NASDAQ: ATNI), a company with more than 30 years of experience building and operating cellular solutions for enterprises, carriers, and consumers.

About OMSS

Oakland Maritime Support Services (OMSS) is a truck and container parking and services facility for the 8,000+ drayage trucks moving containerized freight to and from the Port of Oakland daily. OMSS is currently modernizing, expanding, and relocating their existing facility to a 15-acre parcel at the former Oakland Army Base, further reducing the impact of truck activity in the West Oakland community. The new OMSS Center will be a one-stop service destination for trucks at the Port of Oakland, providing auto and truck fueling stations, parking, container storage, truck scales, trans-load facility, a convenience market, restaurant food court, office space, and other services. The OMSS Center will be a “green” state-of-the-art trucking services facility showcasing clean energy alternatives including a biodiesel fueling station.


Calysto for Geoverse
Justine Schneider
404-266-2060 x507
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CALGARY, Alberta--(BUSINESS WIRE)--#H2--Last weekend Proton Technologies began loading a trailer with compressed hydrogen from its oilfield.

“As we scale up, costs below 25 cents per kg of H2 seem probable,” says Chair and CEO, Grant Strem.

The process involves injecting oxygen and CO2 into old oilfields like the one Proton purchased out of bankruptcy. Large old oilfields usually still have most of their oil when they are abandoned. Like in a car engine, oxidizing hydrocarbons releases energy.

This liberates hydrogen within the oil field. Injecting ion-rich waste streams turns CO2 into carbonate, producing additional hydrogen while leaving the carbon locked solidly underground. “Our hydrogen should ultimately have a carbon intensity far below zero since we can inject huge volumes of CO2 with oxygen,” added Mr. Strem.

“Big old oilfields are generally co-located with big infrastructure such as wells, powerlines, roads, towns, and pipelines, so we can avoid new environmental disturbances and costs compared to many alternatives,” says COO Setayesh Afshordi.

Proton Canada’s goal is to supply 10% of humanity’s total energy by 2040 – requiring almost 10% of Canada’s oil resource, assuming a 50 year production timeline, although some of this is expected to come out of the North Sea. Proton Technologies has sold licences in over 20 countries.

“We plan to scale-up and proliferate quickly as possible because air pollution is a crisis that Proton Technologies expects to help eradicate while crushing the price of energy and making great returns. I don’t believe anyone will cure cancer for example, while air pollution reigns. Although decarbonization carrots and sticks all align with Proton, compared to how we utilize oilfields for energy today it is simply much more efficient to oxidize hydrocarbons in the pressure vessels nature put them in” added Mr. Strem.


Ted Flitton
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RENFREW, Scotland--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Howden Group, a leading global provider of mission critical air and gas handling products, technologies and services, has reached an agreement to acquire Fancraft (Pty) Ltd.

Established in 1989 by Andries Gouws and based in Sasolburg, South Africa, Fancraft is an independent aftermarket services company focused on the maintenance, repair and installation of air & gas handling equipment and turbomachinery.

The combination of Fancraft with Howden’s South African business allows Howden to expand its aftermarket service capabilities, while providing Fancraft customers with access to Howden’s network of technologies and global experts. The acquisition will also accelerate the growth of Howden’s compressors and turbines aftermarket services business and broaden its footprint in Southern Africa. The strong fit between the companies is underscored by the fact that Fancraft has operated as a qualified service agent for Thomassen compressors and Peter Brotherhood steam turbines, which are both product brands owned by Howden.

Ross Shuster, CEO of Howden, comments: “We are pleased to welcome the Fancraft team to Howden. This acquisition is well aligned with Howden’s strategy to aggressively expand the aftermarket services we provide to our customers globally. Fancraft already has strong experience with a variety of Howden technologies, including Thomassen compressors, and also steam turbines from Peter Brotherhood, a company which Howden recently acquired, demonstrating the natural fit of Fancraft within the Howden family.”

Andries Gouws, founder of Fancraft said: “This deal represents great news for our customers, giving them direct access to the skills and technology of Howden, and the wider global access to services and spares that comes through this network. Fancraft has an established track record of working with Howden, and we are excited by the opportunities this combination brings to our team and our customers across the Southern Africa region.”

Howden is focused on helping customers increase the efficiency and effectiveness of their air and gas handling processes enabling them to make sustainable improvements in their environmental impact. Howden Africa designs, manufactures and supplies products, solutions and services for a diverse range of industries including mining and a variety of industrial services in the region.

The Fancraft acquisition agreement follows three other acquisitions made by Howden in 2021: Balcke-Dürr Rothemühle GmBH in Germany; Peter Brotherhood in the U.K.; and Maintenance Partners NV in Belgium.


Devan LaBrash
Pagoda PR
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+44 (0) 7741 614 756

LEHIGH VALLEY, Pa. & HOUSTON & LONDON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Air Products (NYSE:APD), a global leader in industrial gases and megaproject development, and Baker Hughes (NYSE: BKR), a world leader in advanced hydrogen compression and gas turbine technology, have announced a strategic global collaboration to develop next generation hydrogen compression to lower the cost of production and accelerate the adoption of hydrogen as a zero-carbon fuel.

As part of the collaboration, Baker Hughes will provide Air Products with advanced hydrogen compression and gas turbine technology for global projects, including NovaLT16 turbines for Air Products’ net-zero hydrogen energy complex in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada and advanced compression technology for the NEOM carbon-free hydrogen project in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

“Air Products chose Baker Hughes for its leading-edge compression and gas turbine offerings and robust hydrogen experience,” said Dr. Samir J. Serhan, chief operation officer, Air Products. “This advanced technology is another key step toward achieving economically viable blue and green hydrogen and net-zero targets.”

“Our transformative hydrogen compression and gas turbine technology lowers the overall production cost for new energy frontiers such as hydrogen and is a strategic enabler for key projects,” said Rod Christie, executive vice president of Turbomachinery & Process Solutions at Baker Hughes. “Our proven technology is helping to accelerate the hydrogen economy, and our collaboration with Air Products will be critical for a net-zero future.”

Baker Hughes developed its first hydrogen compressor in 1962 and today has more than 2,000 units operating around the globe. Baker Hughes’ hydrogen portfolio also includes gas turbines that can burn methane gas and hydrogen blends from as little as 5% to as much as 100% hydrogen.

As the world’s largest hydrogen producer, Air Products’ extensive experience in project execution, plant operations and strength in the hydrogen supply chain, combined with Baker Hughes’ seminal technology and experience, will be key to unlocking and accelerating the energy transition.

About Air Products

Air Products (NYSE:APD) is a world-leading industrial gases company in operation for over 80 years. Focused on serving energy, environment and emerging markets, the Company provides essential industrial gases, related equipment and applications expertise to customers in dozens of industries, including refining, chemical, metals, electronics, manufacturing, and food and beverage. Air Products is also the global leader in the supply of liquefied natural gas process technology and equipment. The Company develops, engineers, builds, owns and operates some of the world's largest industrial gas projects including: gasification projects that sustainably convert abundant natural resources into syngas for the production of high-value power, fuels and chemicals; carbon capture projects; and world-scale carbon-free hydrogen projects supporting global transportation and the energy transition.

The Company had fiscal 2020 sales of $8.9 billion from operations in 50 countries and has a current market capitalization of about $65 billion. More than 19,000 passionate, talented and committed employees from diverse backgrounds are driven by Air Products’ higher purpose to create innovative solutions that benefit the environment, enhance sustainability and address the challenges facing customers, communities, and the world. For more information, visit or follow us on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook or Instagram.

Air Products’ Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements

This release contains “forward-looking statements” within the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements are based on management’s expectations and assumptions as of the date of this release and are not guarantees of future performance. While forward-looking statements are made in good faith and based on assumptions, expectations and projections that management believes are reasonable based on currently available information, actual performance and financial results may differ materially from projections and estimates expressed in the forward-looking statements because of many factors, including risk factors described in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2020. Except as required by law, we disclaim any obligation or undertaking to update or revise any forward-looking statements contained herein to reflect any change in the assumptions, beliefs or expectations or any change in events, conditions or circumstances upon which any such forward-looking statements are based.

About Baker Hughes

Baker Hughes (NYSE: BKR) is an energy technology company that provides solutions to energy and industrial customers worldwide. Built on a century of experience and with operations in over 120 countries, our innovative technologies and services are taking energy forward – making it safer, cleaner and more efficient for people and the planet. Visit us at


For Baker Hughes:

Media Relations
Thomas Millas
+1 713-879-2862
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Investor Relations
Jud Bailey
+1 281-809-9088
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For Air Products:

Media Relations
Art George
+1 610-481-1340
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Investor Relations
Simon Moore
+1 610-481-7461
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BOSTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Advent Technologies Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ: ADN) (“Advent“), an innovation-driven company in the fuel cell and hydrogen technology space, today announced it is set to join the U.S. broad-market Russell 3000® Index at the conclusion of this year’s Russell indexes annual reconstitution. The preliminary list of additions was released earlier this month on June 4, 2021, and the final additions will become effective after the U.S. market opens on June 28, 2021.

Annual Russell indexes reconstitution captures the 4,000 largest U.S. stocks as of May 7, 2021, ranking them by total market capitalization. Membership in the US all-cap Russell 3000® Index, which remains in place for one year. This means Advent Technologies will also be included in the Russell 2000® Index as well as the appropriate growth and value style indexes. FTSE Russell determines membership for its Russell indexes primarily by objective, market-capitalization rankings and style attributes.

Dr. Vasilis Gregoriou, Advent Technologies Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, said, “Advent’s addition to the Russell 3000® Index demonstrates our increasing expansion across markets as a technology of choice in the global energy transition to hydrogen. We look forward to continuing along our fast growth trajectory in providing industries with our patented high-temperature fuel cells that allow the flexibility to decarbonize faster and more efficiently though Advent’s “Any Fuel. Anywhere.” option.”

Russell indexes are widely used by investment managers and institutional investors for index funds and as benchmarks for active investment strategies. Approximately $10.6 trillion in assets are benchmarked against Russell’s U.S. indexes. Russell indexes are part of FTSE Russell, a leading global index provider.

For more information on the Russell 3000® Index and the Russell indexes reconstitution, go to the “Russell Reconstitution” section on the FTSE Russell website.

About Advent Technologies Holdings, Inc.

Advent Technologies Holdings, Inc. is a U.S. corporation that develops, manufactures, and assembles critical components for fuel cells and advanced energy systems in the renewable energy sector. Advent is headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts, with offices in the San Francisco Bay Area and Europe. With 120-plus patents issued (or pending) for its fuel cell technology, Advent holds the IP for next-generation high-temperature proton exchange membranes (HT-PEM) that enable various fuels to function at high temperatures under extreme conditions – offering a flexible “Any Fuel. Anywhere.” option for the automotive, maritime, aviation, and power generation sectors. For more information, visit

Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements

This press release includes forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements generally can be identified by the use of words such as “anticipate,” “expect,” “plan,” “could,” “may,” “will,” “believe,” “estimate,” “forecast,” “goal,” “project,” and other words of similar meaning. Each forward-looking statement contained in this press release is subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such statement. Applicable risks and uncertainties include, among others, the Company’s ability to realize the benefits from the business combination; the Company’s ability to maintain the listing of the Company’s common stock on Nasdaq; future financial performance; public securities’ potential liquidity and trading; impact from the outcome of any known and unknown litigation; ability to forecast and maintain an adequate rate of revenue growth and appropriately plan its expenses; expectations regarding future expenditures; future mix of revenue and effect on gross margins; attraction and retention of qualified directors, officers, employees and key personnel; ability to compete effectively in a competitive industry; ability to protect and enhance our corporate reputation and brand; expectations concerning our relationships and actions with our technology partners and other third parties; impact from future regulatory, judicial and legislative changes to the industry; ability to locate and acquire complementary technologies or services and integrate those into the Company’s business; future arrangements with, or investments in, other entities or associations; and intense competition and competitive pressure from other companies worldwide in the industries in which the Company will operate; and the risks identified under the heading “Risk Factors” in our Annual Report on Form 10-K/A filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on May 20, 2021, as well as the other information we file with the SEC. We caution investors not to place considerable reliance on the forward-looking statements contained in this press release. You are encouraged to read our filings with the SEC, available at, for a discussion of these and other risks and uncertainties. The forward-looking statements in this press release speak only as of the date of this document, and we undertake no obligation to update or revise any of these statements. Our business is subject to substantial risks and uncertainties, including those referenced above. Investors, potential investors, and others should give careful consideration to these risks and uncertainties.


Advent Technologies Holdings, Inc.
Elisabeth Maragoula
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Sloane & Company
James Goldfarb / Emily Mohr
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ChargeLab, Inc. to Develop Suite of Charging Management Tools and Services for TurnOnGreen’s Portfolio of Residential and Commercial Chargers

LAS VEGAS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--$AGH #AP--Ault Global Holdings, Inc. (NYSE American: DPW) a diversified holding company (the “Company”), announced today that the Company’s subsidiary, Coolisys Technologies Corp®., a leading-edge technology company (“Coolisys”), has executed a partnership agreement with ChargeLab, Inc. (“ChargeLab”) to design, build and publish cross-platform mobile experiences for residential and commercial end-users of TurnOnGreen™ EV chargers. TurnOnGreen, Inc., a recently established subsidiary of Coolisys, is dedicated to commercializing and launching its full service of electric vehicle supply equipment (“EVSE”) and services.

Under this agreement, ChargeLab will support Coolisys in the pre-production stage of the TurnOnGreen EV charging product by performing testing sessions to ensure and validate solid firmware compliance with the Open Charge Point Protocol (“OCPP”).

Mr. Kohn, President and CEO of Coolisys and TurnOnGreen, stated, “ChargeLab has proven experience in the development of custom member-facing applications and providing pre-launch manufacturing support to ensure compatibility with existing platforms at launch for top tier EVSE manufacturers. We are excited to engage in this partnership and feel confident ChargeLab’s support will allow us to launch a cross-platform mobile experience compliant with industry standards for our residential and commercial customers.” Mr. Kohn continued, “The main objectives of the agreement with ChargeLab are:

  • to develop a branded app providing a cross-platform mobile and web experience that allows residential and commercial end-users to interact with TurnOnGreen EV chargers; and
  • to test and validate the onboard firmware uses in TurnOnGreen’s commercial EVSE to assure full compliance with the Open Charge Point Protocol (OCPP) standard before ramping-up to mass production.”

Zak Lefevre, Chief Executive Officer of ChargeLab stated, “Our experience supporting leading manufacturers with their go-to-market efforts allows them to rapidly enter the market with a high-quality, full-service offering. We share in TurnOnGreen’s passion to commercialize an innovative portfolio of EVSE products in the rapidly growing EV marketplace.”

For more information on Ault Global Holdings and its subsidiaries, the Company recommends that stockholders, investors, and any other interested parties read the Company’s public filings with the SEC and press releases available under the Investor Relations section at or available at

About Ault Global Holdings, Inc.

Ault Global Holdings, Inc. is a diversified holding company pursuing growth by acquiring undervalued businesses and disruptive technologies with a global impact. Through its wholly and majority-owned subsidiaries and strategic investments, the Company provides mission-critical products that support a diverse range of industries, including defense/aerospace, industrial, automotive, telecommunications, medical/biopharma, and textiles. In addition, the Company extends credit to select entrepreneurial businesses through a licensed lending subsidiary. Ault Global Holdings’ headquarters are located at 11411 Southern Highlands Parkway, Suite 240, Las Vegas, NV 89141;

About Coolisys Technologies Corp.

Coolisys Technologies Corp. designs and manufactures innovative, feature-rich, and top-quality power products for mission-critical and life-sustaining applications spanning multiple sectors in the harshest environments. The diverse markets we serve include automotive, defense, aerospace, medical and healthcare, industrial, and telecommunications. Coolisys brings decades of experience to every project, working with our clients to develop leading-edge products to meet a wide range of needs. Coolisys is headquartered in Milpitas, CA;, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 1-877-634-0982

About TurnOnGreen, Inc.

TurnOnGreen, Inc. provides flexible and scalable electric vehicle (EV) charging solutions with a portfolio of residential, commercial, and ultra-fast charging station products, charging management software, and network services. We believe that we are the only green-energy technology company in the EV charging market that develops a broad range of robust products with smart service management support and cultivates strong partnerships with the passion and purpose that powers positive change. TurnOnGreen is headquartered in Milpitas, CA;, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 1-877-634-0982

About Charge Lab, Inc.

ChargeLab Inc. develops and provides for their customers the operating system for electric vehicle chargers. Their software makes EV chargers smarter by enabling billing, user management, power management, and integrations with third-party systems. ChargeLab partners with leading EV charger manufacturers, utilities, property owners, and governments to deliver seamless experiences for EV drivers across North America. ChargeLab has offices in San Francisco, CA and Toronto, Canada., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 1 (800) 636-0986

Forward-Looking Statements

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DUBLIN--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The "South Africa Diesel Genset Market (2021-2027): Market Forecast by KVA Ratings, by Applications, by Regions, and Competitive Landscape" report has been added to's offering.

South Africa Diesel Genset Market size is projected to grow at a CAGR of 2.2% during 2021-2027F.

South Africa's diesel genset market is anticipated to witness modest growth during the forecast period. Increasing construction activities, the establishment of business hubs & industries and infrastructure development have resulted in the development of power infrastructure, which has amplified the demand for diesel gensets in South Africa.

In 2020, the outburst of coronavirus adversely affected the country's diesel genset market, as the national lockdown enforced by the government led to the suspension of all construction activities and interrupted the production and supply chain of majority of the products. However, the market is expected to revive post-pandemic on account of the lifting of lockdown restrictions and restart of commercial and construction and manufacturing activities in the country.

Further, South Africa's National Development Plans, economic diversification, and expansion of power infrastructure would surge the demand for diesel gensets in the coming years.

The country's focus on 4th / Digital Industrial Revolution has led to a growing need for stable and constant power solutions, which is projected to drive the diesel generator industry in the coming years. In addition, a range of government projects such as Vision 2025, National Transport Master Plan 2050, National Development Plan 2030, aimed at improving and enhancing the sectors such as manufacturing, commercial, retail, would create a huge market for power backup equipment and thus would contribute to a rise in demand for diesel generators in South Africa.

75.1- 365 kVA diesel gensets captured the majority of the volume share in the overall market and is expected to register the highest volume growth during the forecast period due to growing power demand in residential and construction sectors.

Upcoming mega projects such as Multi-Modal Infrastructure Project, Modderfontein New City, Johannesburg Airport Expansion, Masingita City Mall, The Radisson Safari Hotel Hoedspruit, Engen Refinery Expansion, Durban Iconic Tower, Radisson Blu, Durban etc., would also drive the diesel genset market of the country. Key players in the diesel genset market of South Africa include Caterpillar Inc., Cummins Inc, MTU, Aksa, KOEL.

South Africa diesel genset market report comprehensively covers the diesel genset market by kVA ratings, applications and regions. The report provides an unbiased and detailed analysis of the diesel genset market on-going trends, opportunities, high growth areas, market drivers, and market share by companies which would help the stakeholders to devise and align their market strategies to the current and future market dynamics.

Companies Mentioned

  • Aggreko PLC.
  • Aksa Power Generation
  • Atlas Copco AB
  • Caterpillar Inc.
  • Cummins Inc.
  • Kirloskar Oil Engines Limited
  • Kohler Co.
  • Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd.
  • MTU Onsite Energy Corporation
  • Yanmar Holdings Co. Ltd.

Key Highlights of the Report:

  • South Africa Diesel Genset Market Overview.
  • South Africa Diesel Genset Market Outlook.
  • South Africa Diesel Genset Market Forecast.
  • Historical data and forecast of South Africa Diesel Genset Market Revenues and Volume, for the Period, 2017-2027F.
  • Historical data and Forecast of Revenues and Volume, By kVA Ratings, for the Period, 2017-2027F.
  • Historical data and Forecast of Revenues and Volume, By Applications, for the Period, 2017-2027F.
  • Historical data and Forecast of Revenues and Volume, By Regions, for the Period, 2017-2027F.
  • Market Drivers and Restraints
  • South Africa Diesel Genset Market Trends
  • Industry Life Cycle
  • Porter's Five Forces Analysis
  • Market Opportunity Assessment
  • South Africa Diesel Genset Market Share, By Companies
  • Competitive Benchmarking
  • Company Profiles
  • Key Strategic Recommendations

Markets Covered

The report provides a detailed analysis of the following market segments:

By kVA Ratings

  • Up to 75 kVA
  • 1 - 375 kVA
  • 1 - 750 kVA
  • 1 - 1000 kVA
  • Above 1000 kVA

By Applications

  • Commercial (Hospitality, BFSI, IT & ITES, Construction, Offices)
  • Industrial
  • Residential
  • Transportation & Infrastructure

By Regions

  • Eastern Region
  • Western Region

For more information about this report visit

Laura Wood, Senior Press Manager
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