Maritime News

MacArtney Supplies Another Four Winch Systems for Naval MCM USV Program

MacArtney Underwater Technology draws on in-house expert knowledge and long, close cooperation with Textron Systems to supply custom-built winches withstanding shock and vibration from exploding mines for the Common Unmanned Surface Vehicle (CUSV®) used on the US Navy’s Mine Countermeasures Unmanned Surface Vehicle (MCM USV).

Textron Systems placed its first order in 2015 for winches designed to comply with MIL standard 901D for shock and vibration. They recently ordered four more after a one-year ’Winch Improvement Program’, during which MacArtney improved design and performance in line with Textron Systems moving the CUSV system from prototype status to low-rate production.

Designed for mine countermeasures efforts

The CUSV system is a multi-mission unmanned surface vehicle with a large, configurable payload capacity. The system can be configured for sweeping, localisation and neutralising mines and other explosive devices without human interaction.

CommanUnmannedCommon Unmanned Surface Vehicle, CUSV

Ruggedized program

The MacArtney winches on board Textron Systems’ CUSV have to endure the shock of powerful explosions and violent vibrations. The winches have undergone a 'ruggedized program' to enhance their performance and survivability, including the use of aluminium and special alloys to make them lightweight and corrosion resistant, increasing pull force/winch weight ratio and adding fuel capacity for the boats.

Fascinating project

Kim Schultz, Project Manager for the program at MacArtney since its start in 2015, says: "MacArtney works in support of Textron Systems in the development of unique autonomous defence technology. This is a fascinating project involving our own in-house design and production teams, and I've had biweekly conference calls with Textron Systems throughout the process. It differs from 'off-the-shelf' projects as the customer expects more reporting, and very high standards of innovation, development, specifications and - in particular - timing."

Other uses and markets

In addition to mine countermeasures, the CUSV can be used for a wide range of other defense and commercial applications due to its unique technology.

Empowering underwater technology since 1978, MacArtney Underwater Technology is a trusted and experienced provider of instrumentation platforms, underwater telemetry systems deployment and recovery systems to the ocean science, naval and defence industries.

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